CRM and lead management


Jul 29, 2009
So I have been trying to figure out a simple way to do a simple lead management, basically email lead comes in (it gets into the system), and if it closes i want the sales dude to say so in there. and put in a few farts of information.... I tried to do it with wordpress but cant seem to get things flowing right... sugar seems way to damn complex.. i am looking for something simple as a rednecks scratching his ass.

any ideas, and preferably cheap or better yet free.

For your help I will reward you with a prize!

basically anyone use some simple free shit that gets the job done

sugar is way to fucking complicated for what i am doing... it is like giving Paris Hilton a book, she looks smart with it but it actually makes her dumber

-> I will get your SUGAR work better with customised options. As we did the smae in our

->Sugar has got the best of the CRM.

-> Please, let me know.

I use HD-CRM and it's worked perfectly.

  • Customer support & service functions, including a customer self-service portal
  • Marketing automation (lead generation, campaign support, knowledge bases)
  • Analysis and reporting

Hey asshole you:

-> I will get your SUGAR work better with customised options. As we did the smae in our

->Sugar has got the best of the CRM.

-> Please, let me know.


fuck you don't hear me... I am looking for something as simple as a car-board box full of rocks ... it is like taking a ugly girl to a nice restaurant.. some times you just need something quick and dirty.... do you know what the hell i am saying
No tard, my client is to stupid to learn. so i gatta have something simpler.. anyways spent four hours lastnight and coded a wordpress lead management tool, works very well and best of all I dont have to spend moneys on it monthly... actually i used sugar but it has too many damn features and takes longer (for me) to customize to get it to do what i want it to do the way i want it to do it... then they try to upsell.. actually the wordpress tool i made is awesome, if i let you use it you might get a hardon... unfortunately you are just a puppy
Why the fuck would I give you a review copy I aint trying to push this shit yet, but if you paypal me $500 I will create a duplicate and let you fuck with it.... or pm me and we can talk about a custom deployment

for the rest of yall here is the little preview

Look dude I just told you, I am not trying to push it as it... it is tailor made for a specific client, that needs to have some project management and colab functions with leads management,

the nature of the product and business is that they need absolute simplicity so some tard salesman can sit down and work (make money selling shit {that is what salesmen do} ), rather than fucking around most of the day with some overcomplicated and over-featured thing and, yes at the end of the day they have a nice and pretty chart or two, maybe some bars and lines and a bunch of very indepth lead data but no sales...

so basically due to the simplicity (front end) so a salesman picks a few leads to work on, pops them into play... what he sells shows up sold and what he don't ... dont have time to go into it but compare the screen shot of my shit to:

Dont get me wrong... sugar is the absolute king daddy, if you have a bunch of permanent employees and admins and all of them have high computer iq's ... yeah it is the shit... but if you are like some of my clients, they have about 10 sales people who rotate every six months to a year, some secretary who thinks the computer is inside the monitor.... (but has a nice ass = job) and on an on. basically the end result is to get leads sell the motherfuckers and call it a day.