critic my landing page

dang, i guess i picked the wrong niche for my first campaign, i didn't realize rebills are so hard. anyways thanks everyone for the reviews i'll go ahead and implement what you guys all said

No, I meant copy. Like view source, copy and paste, upload. Change the links, see how it does. Then start tweaking it to see if you can get it doing better.
I'm in Firefox 2. The checkmark bullet points overlap the elements above them in the review boxes by 15 pixels or so. A few other page elements also overlap similarly (-15 pixels on the "y" axis.)

I agree with other posters who suggest putting the body content into a free Wordpress theme for a nearly instant professional look. The body copy itself is looking pretty good. The purple background needs to go.

The "Featured On" logos at the top of the page aren't too useful/convincing, without reference to articles about your niche Resveratrol on those networks. I understand you're trying to direct people through the converting product links, but you might want to consider adding some type of article title/publication information to those network images to add weight. For example (obviously refer to an existing article for credibility) just a short '12/08 "Resveratrol - Cardio Miracle"' label under the CBS network logo, in the same image file perhaps. Just a thought.
The first thing that comes to mind when I arrive on your lp is an Ice-T song...

"Colors, Colors, Colors, Colors"

Its real loud. That might be a good thing or a bad thing in terms of just overall appeal.
Its too bright and you need to make focus some how because you cannot tell right away what the site is about. I think you have too much going on at once.
- the header isnt good (its just a grassland without text??)
- the green color is too bright
- at the bottom of the page you can scroll from left to right - remove that
- at some places the text gets out of the box
Review sites need to look professional. I would seriously suggest mimicking a resveratrol review site you find rather than doing your own. Seemingly random things like color, image placement, video placement, and phrasing can affect your click-through rate tremendously.
Im no super affialite, but man that first paragraph is fucking big...haha I really tried to read it all...but got bored...I like bullet points and shit, I know its a review site...but still
sigh .. ok haha i thought i would be able to do it myself, maybe i'll have someone create the site for me or try to learn to use photoshop