critic my landing page

ok i found my problem, i wasn't using FF 3.5 but i after i upgraded i was able to change the code so it works with ff, safari, & chrome. thanks for pointing that out guys, i just need to figure out why the text isn't aligning in the product boxes correctly with IE then i think i should be good.

FF is still really bad, at the end of the page too. How about aligning the bullet points? The text at the beginning of the page gives a very choppy impression the way it is now.
Heres my two cents; the main thing that i really noticed was that you have way too much blank space, or unused space at the top of the page, way too barren, i mean dont load it up with adsense, or random shit, but i would get rid of that top banner you have with the tree and shit. and move the main content up. Cause that read more below will not work with most consumers. Also try and have someting that the consumers can click on to move them to the offer above the fold. That will help you out more then you can imagine.

The colors are sort of ok, but most of the resveratrol offers have to do with darker purples and reds. i would have done a color scheme that would have used those two colors in it or one or the other so it looks like those product belong on your site. I would also have all of the pictures and headings on each offer link to the product that they are advertising.

P.S. Back to the banner thing, and moving your site up, getting rid of the extra blank space, i would grab that tree banner, pull it into ms paint and just add Resveratrol Exposed in that banner and lose the banner with the read below, as seen on:. oh what the hell im really bored, do something like this or use this if you like. Its rough but it only took me about a minute to throw it together.

Other then that make sure you put up some articals on a subdomain, so if they want, they can read more about the product. Just my opinion. Do what you want with it.
The lime green is almost floresent & hurts my eyes. I would suggest redesigning your second banner & perhaps putting your "featured on" logos on top of the green color with your text above it. Also, I would take off the "Read Below for More Info"--that's kind of understood.

For the top banner, I would get your company name/logo put into the top banner. I's a cool picture though and very striking, so don't mess it up. Also, if you want people to call you, you definitely want your phone number in the top banner pic.

Do you want people to be able to navigate to other parts of the website? If so, I'd add a simple, easy to use nav bar on the right or the top--isn't that what you've got going now?

What about a "Contact Us" page? You'll want your site to look professional, informative & easy to buy/contact you so your visitors will stay instead of closing it.
Great job! Keep it up.
Heres my two cents; the main thing that i really noticed was that you have way too much blank space, or unused space at the top of the page, way too barren, i mean dont load it up with adsense, or random shit, but i would get rid of that top banner you have with the tree and shit. and move the main content up. Cause that read more below will not work with most consumers. Also try and have someting that the consumers can click on to move them to the offer above the fold. That will help you out more then you can imagine.

The colors are sort of ok, but most of the resveratrol offers have to do with darker purples and reds. i would have done a color scheme that would have used those two colors in it or one or the other so it looks like those product belong on your site. I would also have all of the pictures and headings on each offer link to the product that they are advertising.

P.S. Back to the banner thing, and moving your site up, getting rid of the extra blank space, i would grab that tree banner, pull it into ms paint and just add Resveratrol Exposed in that banner and lose the banner with the read below, as seen on:. oh what the hell im really bored, do something like this or use this if you like. Its rough but it only took me about a minute to throw it together.

Other then that make sure you put up some articals on a subdomain, so if they want, they can read more about the product. Just my opinion. Do what you want with it.

hey thanks for that banner man i really like it, did you make it in photoshop?
hey everyone i actually ended up reformatting my site, thanks again for the reviews here it is Honest Resveratrol Reviews - All you resveratrol information located here! if you could check it out and tell me what you think that would be really helpful because as of now my ctr is terrible: (

Much nicer looking. Only tips. Can you center your "Featured On" logos. Also, the text you have in your Green product headers would be easier to read if they were white or orange. Maybe switch those up a bit. Other than that it looks a lot better. Make those changes and put it into action.
The header at the top could be more crisp like a few others had mentioned. Also the intro headers like "this one came in first", etc. are buried into the green banner because the text is dark. Maybe look into white or light gray and see what makes the text pop. Great start. I'll be putting together my page in a few days.
header font = bad

you need padding around your images.

review headers and buttons are close, but not perfect. make them match, or not match. kind close looks like fail.

review headers. text drop shadow is to much.

find a way to remake the review images all the same size. #2 and #3 greatly differ on white space between images and text, because of the single bottle.

I would make the whole page wider by about 20-30%

Header doesn't stick out. It's green, but is lacking any professional finish/touch

css, #center add width: 650px; then get rid of your manual line spacing (Never use manual line formatting... sentence <br> sentence <br>....what you have gets all fucked on different browsers and different fonts.)

use padding-left: 10px; and padding-right: 10px; (or whatever px you want) to add space around images.

wrap another css tag around your youtube video, so you can float: right; padding-left: 10px
header font = bad

you need padding around your images.

review headers and buttons are close, but not perfect. make them match, or not match. kind close looks like fail.

review headers. text drop shadow is to much.

find a way to remake the review images all the same size. #2 and #3 greatly differ on white space between images and text, because of the single bottle.

I would make the whole page wider by about 20-30%

Header doesn't stick out. It's green, but is lacking any professional finish/touch

css, #center add width: 650px; then get rid of your manual line spacing (Never use manual line formatting... sentence <br> sentence <br>....what you have gets all fucked on different browsers and different fonts.)

use padding-left: 10px; and padding-right: 10px; (or whatever px you want) to add space around images.

wrap another css tag around your youtube video, so you can float: right; padding-left: 10px

thanks for your feedback this definitely helps, i'm sure you can see my html/css skills are really elementary. I've been trying to make a better header but i'm not good with any image editors so i'm having a hard time but i'll read some more tutorials so i can hopefully learn how to make it better.
Definitely overusing purple. The problem is it doesn't look professional. Unlike flogs, people expect review sites to look professional.

If you are just starting out PPC in the rebill niche, I highly suggest you start by copying a landing page you see working. Otherwise be prepared to lose lotsa dough.
copy as in copying the whole format, pictures, and then just changing it around a little bit?
copy as in copying the whole format, pictures, and then just changing it around a little bit?

1.) File --> Save Page As.
2.) ???
3.) Profit!

But seriously I think he meant just replicate something you see. :)
thats what i tried to do, most of the resveratrol LP's are news articles, reviews, or fake studies and i tried copying the review pages but my image editing skills are shitty so do you all think i should just purchase a header/logo or webpage? or just read online tutorials to learn about photoshop (what i have now) so i can make my own images?
black on dark green is a total failure - it's barely readable, change the color combination to something else.. search for color schemes on the internet to get an idea about what colors you should use in your pages.

also, that pink-to-light purple gradient is ... wrong..looks like you're supporting gay rights or something - but that's only my opinion...I have a burning hatred for PINK, so I'm probably biased.