critic my landing page


New member
Jun 21, 2009
hey everyone i just made my first landing page promoting resveratrol products and would be very thankful if you guys could critic it -> Untitled Document
p.s. i know there isn't a title, and the buttons are unaligned weebly kinda f-ed up my page when i put in the html

ya i was building it in aptana and viewed it thru firefox and it was all aligned fine, once i put it into weeblys website editored it rearranged it some so i had to change the code
the gradient should be crisper it looks as a low quality image - again im not a desigrr

ya your right! i was wondering what looked wrong with my website and this is it, do you know how i do this? i used gimp to make my photos, should i put them back into gimp and sharpen them? or is there any other way to make it look nicer?
should i change them to a stronger color to make them stick out?

Take the gradient out of them - just fill them. And add a black border around them.

Also your first place product "is by far the best product" but 2nd "came in a close second." that stuck out for me and I wasn't even trying to read it.

the bullets are kind of the same thing among the products. Maybe make a section above the reviews just for benefits of resveratrol and the bullets under the product can be for that specific product within the niche. Stress risk free trial or 15-day supply instead of 15-day trial.

Great layout and direction with the landing page though. Nice job.
Take the gradient out of them - just fill them. And add a black border around them.

Also your first place product "is by far the best product" but 2nd "came in a close second." that stuck out for me and I wasn't even trying to read it.

the bullets are kind of the same thing among the products. Maybe make a section above the reviews just for benefits of resveratrol and the bullets under the product can be for that specific product within the niche. Stress risk free trial or 15-day supply instead of 15-day trial.

Great layout and direction with the landing page though. Nice job.
thanks for the feedback! you're definately right with the 1st 2nd description i didn't even think about it. i've already started changing the pictures. And also i noticed that too and i used the bullet points, i tried to switch up the wording but i didn't know what exactly to write since they all are resveratrol..
I would go with a different background color/outline to your product boxes. The bright purple just doesn't look very professional.

You should have a "try now"/"click here to buy for only.."/whatever link to one of the product pages above the fold so visitors don't have to scroll down. I'd keep the other products as you have them now, or even better try to get all three above the fold somehow. That'd take a bit of a redesign though.

About | Privacy | Contact on the footer especially if you're using Adwords.
one good investment for your online business would be to get a paid webhosting hosting'll most likely won't be able to set up tracking on webly (or whatever it's spelled)..also, the footer link is downright ugly and ruins the whole "scenery" :D

you can try hostgator..i've got a shared hosting account with them for 10 coconuts /mo ...their support is great, you can host as many domains as you want, etc, etc..just check it out for yourself.

also, ditto to what the other have said about the graphics..they look so's the web2.0 age, gradients and shit..stay current :)
one good investment for your online business would be to get a paid webhosting hosting'll most likely won't be able to set up tracking on webly (or whatever it's spelled)..also, the footer link is downright ugly and ruins the whole "scenery" :D

you can try hostgator..i've got a shared hosting account with them for 10 coconuts /mo ...their support is great, you can host as many domains as you want, etc, etc..just check it out for yourself.

also, ditto to what the other have said about the graphics..they look so's the web2.0 age, gradients and shit..stay current :)

ya i was planning on getting my own domain once i finish the site, i'm not actually going to use weebly. also ya i wanted to make it more visually appealing but i wasn't exactly sure how my html skills are pretty limited right now so i did what i could
Here is what I suggest.
It would appear that if you're building pages like that you have a little HTML knowledge. That is good.
Now, go find a very simple single column wordpress them. Install it to your domain using Fantastico or somthing (someone mentioned hostgator, they offer fantastico {fantastico = 1 click installation of popular CMS/Boards/etc}

Install your "simple" theme, and start playing around with the theme editor. Strip out all the excess stuff you don't need. ex: date and time stamp for posts / posted by-line

Each product you put up, you'll be able to work with in a single post. Everything will line up nice, and you should be able to get it looking at least circa 08' within a few hours.
I took a look at it with four browsers: FF 3.5, IE 8, Safari and Chrome. In everyone of those the text in the product boxes go outside the right border. Fix it. It looks fucked!
I took a look at it with four browsers: FF 3.5, IE 8, Safari and Chrome. In everyone of those the text in the product boxes go outside the right border. Fix it. It looks fucked!
thanks man, thats weird it looks fine in FF for me but yeah i know IE/Safari it was messed up