Copeac selling their email list?

Thank your for the additional information. Sending has been disabled while we question their collection methods. If you have any other questions or concern pertaining to this case please let us know.

Leah Branch
ISP Relations
Email Marketing - iContact

5221 Paramount Pkwy
Morrisville, NC 27560

No idea, that's what they sent me. If Mike wants to take action and contact them to find out he can.

oh ha. The way you quoted that I thought you were like some undercover icontact abuse person here that just came out of the anti closet.
We dont want no drama

fuck that, TNT style:

Im curious to know that too. I got emailed a bunch by him a while back, fucking anoying as fuck.

We have never given anyone our list, it was definately taken from DT while we were on their service.

If you have been in this industry for a long time you know who pace is, having been doing this for 12 years Pace was one of the first voices in the space, just like you guys know Jon, Shoemoney, etc... The first affiliate show used to be on a boat, and only 80 people attended. Small industry when youre that far back

Theres no love lost between Pace and I, go look at some of the threads on WF that he and i got in to it over his comments.