golan, Douglife, evgenktulu, badgolfer, seriously..........
The service that we are selling is #3:
What exactly are we offering?
We search for 1 - 100 active forums in your specific niche and create natural accounts. For example, if you have a site in the wedding niche, we would create an account for you on boards.weddingbee.com. With the right approach, you can then drive
high-converting traffic from these niche forums to your site. We wrote a little guide on the most effective ways to do this. You will receive that as well. You only pay $2/niche forum account.
golan, Douglife, evgenktulu, badgolfer, seriously ; you guys get 10 niche forum accounts for free. I look forward to your reviews. You will receive a PM from me shortly.
If anyone is interested in one of the
other services listed in the thread, contact me and I'll let you know how we can help
Edit: Oh almost forgot. I have to give credit where it's due. Read this post (especially the part about 'niche forums') from CCarter:
http://www.wickedfire.com/enlightened-members/177893-traffic-leaks-final-level.html#post2143940. This will give you a better understanding of how this works!