Confusion while studying Bible.... can anyone Explain me ? -1

> I Kept Bible in my Prayer Room. I wont believe it.. But i should give the
> respect for the million people who believe it strongly.. because Islam
> taught me.. Dont make fun of others belief

I'd like to know any other areas of your life where stupid ideas are to be respected rather than ridiculed? For instance, if your work colleague believed that production would increase if you all wore pointy hats every Friday, you'd just sit there in the meeting and 'respect' that belief? With no reasoning or evidence to back up his suggestion, the idea would simply be dismissed as nonsense and he might even be fired.

By the same token, when some religious moron tells us that cows are sacred, or that we have to turn toward Mecca several times a day and mumble, or that we can't eat pork, or that we must chop the skin of our dicks off, or that we must swear to a supernatural being that we're committed to a relationship, or that we shouldn't work on a Saturday, or that we should wipe out a culture because they don't share the same stupid belief that we have, etc, etc, etc, then these ideas should also be dismissed and ridiculed.

All organised religions indoctrinate children to respect others' religious beliefs under the guise of creating 'peace between cultures', but their ulterior motive is to stop their own stupid ideas from ever being attacked.

Every single idea humans have, whether religious or not, should be able to stand up to unprotected, rigorous scrutiny. No religious beliefs can survive this, so they have all built a wall of false respect around themselves.

You can be courteous to a religious person if you like, but their ideas should be vehemently destroyed and ridiculed, as should any unfounded, stupid idea. Personally my patience and courtesy expired a decade ago, so I like to verbally abuse the person as well, for good measure. But hey, that's just me.

> I Kept Bible in my Prayer Room. I wont believe it.. But i should give the
> respect for the million people who believe it strongly.. because Islam
> taught me.. Dont make fun of others belief

I'd like to know any other areas of your life where stupid ideas are to be respected rather than ridiculed? For instance, if your work colleague believed that production would increase if you all wore pointy hats every Friday, you'd just sit there in the meeting and 'respect' that belief? With no reasoning or evidence to back up his suggestion, the idea would simply be dismissed as nonsense and he might even be fired.

By the same token, when some religious moron tells us that cows are sacred, or that we have to turn toward Mecca several times a day and mumble, or that we can't eat pork, or that we must chop the skin of our dicks off, or that we must swear to a supernatural being that we're committed to a relationship, or that we shouldn't work on a Saturday, or that we should wipe out a culture because they don't share the same stupid belief that we have, etc, etc, etc, then these ideas should also be dismissed and ridiculed.

All organised religions indoctrinate children to respect others' religious beliefs under the guise of creating 'peace between cultures', but their ulterior motive is to stop their own stupid ideas from ever being attacked.

Every single idea humans have, whether religious or not, should be able to stand up to unprotected, rigorous scrutiny. No religious beliefs can survive this, so they have all built a wall of false respect around themselves.

You can be courteous to a religious person if you like, but their ideas should be vehemently destroyed and ridiculed, as should any unfounded, stupid idea. Personally my patience and courtesy expired a decade ago, so I like to verbally abuse the person as well, for good measure. But hey, that's just me.
> You are stuck in thought patterns based on the "I" that you think you are, when in
> reality that "I" of yours doesn't exist. Your whole world revolves around the "I".
> Because you are clasped onto the "I" you cannot perceive WHAT IS.

If anything should drive us toward solipsism, it is WickedFire. Do you really think imaginary threads like these can exist anywhere else except inside the warped imaginings of The Imaginer?

"...and ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway" (The Central Scrutinizer)

i had seen generally all Walls of Church had written that "Jesus came to preach peace"

If so what is the following Bible Lines says :

“I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

LUKE 12:49 to 53

will a Holy Book make Contradiction ?

Jesus taught that we should love one another and he proclaimed a message of "peace".

The "snippet" you are showing here basically is talking about the inevitable division that occurs when individuals began choosing to lead their life based on faith. Non-believers become intolerant of the requests of believers. Believers become upset by intolerance by non believers. This thread is an excellent example of how ones beliefs can lead to strife...
Jesus taught that we should love one another and he proclaimed a message of "peace".

The "snippet" you are showing here basically is talking about the inevitable division that occurs when individuals began choosing to lead their life based on faith. Non-believers become intolerant of the requests of believers. Believers become upset by intolerance by non believers. This thread is an excellent example of how ones beliefs can lead to strife...

I agree with you to an extent. But as one of my mentors mentions in a blog post, religious fanatics spin the scriptures however it suits them just to be a pain in everyones behind.
Jesus taught that we should love one another and he proclaimed a message of "peace".

Jesus taught yet Christians do and believe in the exact opposite and never care to explain the disconnect.

Non-believers become intolerant of the requests of believers.


Believers become upset by intolerance by non believers.

Interesting how you coyly switched up the wording here when the more appropriate statement would have just been Believers are intolerant of non believers (hence the constant mission to convert and, if that fails, Demonize)
Religionists need to understand that mental images of a Superior Being is not congruent with the actual Supreme Being, if there is One. It's called idolatry and is still practiced by most "believers", albeit now privately, in their mental space. Whatever grace or beauty or hope they see in that mental image, they wish to share with others, hence the converting and all that fanaticism.

Atheists need to understand that they too hold mental images, but the negation of the religionist's. The mental conviction that there is no Supreme Being does not make that Being cease , if it in fact exists.

So drop the mental images. All of them. Then look within.
Atheists need to understand that they too hold mental images, but the negation of the religionist's. The mental conviction that there is no Supreme Being does not negate that Being, if it in fact exists.
You're going to have to explain that one to us slow atheists... I hold no images at all, perhaps mental images of the size of the universe and depth of evolution exist in my head, but I certainly don't give them any kind of idol status in my mind... They are just facts and theories like gravity and Taxes are...

An atheist holds on to the thought form that, "There is no God."

This thought form is not congruent with actual reality. Because the atheist does not know what the actual reality is, all he has is belief.

To illustrate further, your mental images of the size of the Universe gets nowhere close to fathoming the actual size of the Universe. The size of the Universe exists outside of your thoughtform in it's own right.

As far as idolatry, I am saying that most believers perform idolatry by creating an anthropomorphic version of God in their thought space, and worshiping / clinging to it.