Confusion while studying Bible.... can anyone Explain me ? -1

I know you don't give a fuck.

And yet, here you are writing about how much you don't give a fuck / how stupid it is but still wasting your time.

So, you're a loser. At least the others can say they are spending their time on something they derive meaning from. But no, you, on the other hand, are here to state how it means nothing to you when you could have done that by not being here.



LOL islam LOL

"It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his male member between her thighs, and to kiss her." - Ayatu Allah Al Khumaini's, "Tahrir Al wasila," p. 241, issue number 12

Praise be to Allah and peace be upon the one after whom there is no [further] prophet. After the permanent committee for the scientific research and fatwahs (religious decrees) reviewed the question presented to the grand Mufti Abu Abdullah Muhammad Al-Shemary, the question forwarded to the committee by the grand scholar of the committee with reference number 1809 issued on 3/8/1421 (Islamic calendar). The inquirer asked the following: It has become wide spread these days, and especially during weddings, the habit of mufa’khathat of the children (mufa’khathat literally translated means "placing between the thighs" which means placing the male member between the thighs of a child). What is the opinion of scholars knowing full well that the prophet, the peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, also practiced the "thighing" of Aisha - the mother of believers - may Allah be please with her.

After the committee studied the issue, they gave the following reply:
As for the prophet, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, thighing his fiancée Aisha. She was six years of age and he could not have intercourse with her due to her small age. That is why [the prophet] peace and prayer of Allah be upon him placed his [male] member between her thighs and massaged it softly, as the apostle of Allah had control of his [male] member not like other believers



The skills of literacy and learning, is now considered to be apart of loserdom. Oh, America.

You've got to be something less than a loser for commenting.

"learning" about a religion is a waste of time, I can't think of a bigger waste of time than reading about islam of all things. I'd rather suck my own dick than learn about that cancer of a religion.

Holly fucking hell are all Muslim women that fucking hot? Where does one go to pick up a Muslim bitch to take home and fuck? Is the mosque the best place to go trolling? Is it a myth Muslim women dont shave? Any of you guys ever snag one? What kind of alpha tactics are needed to convince a Muslim woman to have a 1 nighter? Are they "clingy"? Do you need to talk about the evil of the white man to turn her on? Maybe a bag full of T-N-T will get her juices flowing? Or just keep a pocket version of the Koran with you? This is definitely on my multi-ethnic fuck bucket list. So other than maybe the OP whos got one checked off their list?
"learning" about a religion is a waste of time, I can't think of a bigger waste of time than reading about islam of all things. I'd rather suck my own dick than learn about that cancer of a religion.

Learning about a religion is certainly a waste of time when the only faculty of perception you have is feeble ratiocinative thought.
What does that matter?

The matter is I find it pretty fucking ridiculous that you're going to talk to me about lacking critical thinking and reasoning when you yourself believes in the adult version of fucking santa clause. You are in no fucking position to talk to ANYONE about critical thinking until you stop believing in imaginary people in the sky.
Fool, I'm saying your critical thinking and reasoning is what is getting in the way of you perceiving the greater reality. (Because it is not the truth).

You are stuck in thought patterns based on the "I" that you think you are, when in reality that "I" of yours doesn't exist. Your whole world revolves around the "I". Because you are clasped onto the "I" you cannot perceive WHAT IS.

And why is critical thinking and reasoning getting in the way? Because all your thinking is based on pattern that you picked up in your life, and deals with you seeing if new information corresponds with your life experience already. (How do you know you haven't been picking up shit ? )

When you drop everything you think you know, then you will see what IS.


And little mr. critical thinker here, is projecting onto me what he thinks I believe. I didn't say shit about believing in anything.
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> I Kept Bible in my Prayer Room. I wont believe it.. But i should give the
> respect for the million people who believe it strongly.. because Islam
> taught me.. Dont make fun of others belief

I'd like to know any other areas of your life where stupid ideas are to be respected rather than ridiculed? For instance, if your work colleague believed that production would increase if you all wore pointy hats every Friday, you'd just sit there in the meeting and 'respect' that belief? With no reasoning or evidence to back up his suggestion, the idea would simply be dismissed as nonsense and he might even be fired.

By the same token, when some religious moron tells us that cows are sacred, or that we have to turn toward Mecca several times a day and mumble, or that we can't eat pork, or that we must chop the skin of our dicks off, or that we must swear to a supernatural being that we're committed to a relationship, or that we shouldn't work on a Saturday, or that we should wipe out a culture because they don't share the same stupid belief that we have, etc, etc, etc, then these ideas should also be dismissed and ridiculed.

All organised religions indoctrinate children to respect others' religious beliefs under the guise of creating 'peace between cultures', but their ulterior motive is to stop their own stupid ideas from ever being attacked.

Every single idea humans have, whether religious or not, should be able to stand up to unprotected, rigorous scrutiny. No religious beliefs can survive this, so they have all built a wall of false respect around themselves.

You can be courteous to a religious person if you like, but their ideas should be vehemently destroyed and ridiculed, as should any unfounded, stupid idea. Personally my patience and courtesy expired a decade ago, so I like to verbally abuse the person as well, for good measure. But hey, that's just me.
> I Kept Bible in my Prayer Room. I wont believe it.. But i should give the
> respect for the million people who believe it strongly.. because Islam
> taught me.. Dont make fun of others belief

I'd like to know any other areas of your life where stupid ideas are to be respected rather than ridiculed? For instance, if your work colleague believed that production would increase if you all wore pointy hats every Friday, you'd just sit there in the meeting and 'respect' that belief? With no reasoning or evidence to back up his suggestion, the idea would simply be dismissed as nonsense and he might even be fired.

By the same token, when some religious moron tells us that cows are sacred, or that we have to turn toward Mecca several times a day and mumble, or that we can't eat pork, or that we must chop the skin of our dicks off, or that we must swear to a supernatural being that we're committed to a relationship, or that we shouldn't work on a Saturday, or that we should wipe out a culture because they don't share the same stupid belief that we have, etc, etc, etc, then these ideas should also be dismissed and ridiculed.

All organised religions indoctrinate children to respect others' religious beliefs under the guise of creating 'peace between cultures', but their ulterior motive is to stop their own stupid ideas from ever being attacked.

Every single idea humans have, whether religious or not, should be able to stand up to unprotected, rigorous scrutiny. No religious beliefs can survive this, so they have all built a wall of false respect around themselves.

You can be courteous to a religious person if you like, but their ideas should be vehemently destroyed and ridiculed, as should any unfounded, stupid idea. Personally my patience and courtesy expired a decade ago, so I like to verbally abuse the person as well, for good measure. But hey, that's just me.

I had to sign in just to shake your hand on this one. I read this entire bullshit thread and didn't find a single reply that made me go 'Finally, a proper answer.' until yours.

Au Revoir