college education - your take?

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New member
Nov 12, 2006
do all of you here have college degrees?

I dropped out of college and doing IM full time. I love it. I haven't made that much at all, but I'm working everyday and I WILL make it.

Eventually I plan to re-invest money from my IM pursuits into assets/stocks and maybe eventually open a holdings company, that will buy businesses and oversee them.

College on the other hand is a debt trap for me. Graduate with 50-70k debt and slave away for a man to just make ends meet? No thanks.

Your tenacity is commendable but until you 'make it' how do you intent to pay for living expenses?
i did a college degree and finished about 2 years ago. before going to college .. i was into IM. and now after college i'm still doing IM. this is also what i love to do.. but i think having a college degree is good to fall back on with all the uncertainties of the internet.
Go to college to become an educated person. Not to learn to make money.
IMO college is extremely important. You just got to be smart about the debt portion. Before I went in my mom gave me the best advice in the world(she has a phd..oops.. in education and two masters), know the system better than they do. I took it to heart and was a complete con artist the whole time i was in. I had nothing but loans and a tiny bit of financial aid. I got out(4 year degree) with less than 9k in debt with extremely low interest rates and 100% deferments and had it paid off in 15 months thanks to IM and an extremely good credit rating. Meanwhile all my graduating class is still in over 50k debt for the next 30 years. All in all though it was totally worth it. However a lot is to be said about the experience of owning your own business. That in itself has a good fall back value.
I'll have my Master degree soon... I wanna experience working in some companies before starting my own and my degree will help me with that..
I'm planning on Naval ROTC so I can become an officer in the Marine Corps. They will pay for my college and pay me a monthly allowance. This is my debt free solution.
Always go to have. I learned A LOT from college but anyone who has gone can tell you theres nothing like doing (whatever you specialize) in the real world. If IM is what you love to do then take night courses at the college if you need to like unix, php, whatever. Its much cheaper then a piece of paper and you don't have to pay for a ton of extra courses you don't need (like english, electives), and have no benefit to the program your taking. It also really depends on what your taking if it has anything to do with IT then reading online can easily take care of that. If its unrelated college may be beneficial.

The BIGGEST problem in college especially if your taking anything I.T related is in a year or two whatever you learned is outdated and your stuck in this catch up game taking certifications to move up in the company. I was stuck in that rut working for an ISP up here and believe me it fuckin sucks. You spend all day at work and then come home to study. Then you need to get hammered on the weekends because your stress levels are through the roof. My advice get a high paying part time job which you can work 20hrs a week just to cover expenses every month and you have the rest of the week to work on the PC. I did it two years ago and the best part is I go to work not giving a rats ass what happens there as long as they pay me every two weeks. Hope that helps.
I'm actually making enough to pay bills, but not enough to really expand.

I've read a few books by millionares (rich dad, poor dad comes to mind), and almost all of them say this: education is important, but not college education.
I'm actually making enough to pay bills, but not enough to really expand.

I've read a few books by millionares (rich dad, poor dad comes to mind), and almost all of them say this: education is important, but not college education.

keep believing that and ill see you giving me my fries at mcdonalds next year.
As was mentioned, college is not about graduating and becoming insta-rich because you have a degree. It's about becoming educated. There's very few other places that you can go and surround yourself with intelligent people as easily as you can in college.

Going to college and making 100k a month are not mutually exclusive.
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