Today, we announce one of the most requested features in the history of our platform: multi-user access toolkit.
This update lets you:
- Coordinate a team’s marketing activities under a single affiliate account
- Create separate login credentials and customize access levels
- Get tracking links and set up reporting individually for different team members
- Manage all of the team’s campaigns
- …and much more!
Now get your team in a huddle and prepare to attack the market with the new tools you just got. Log in and try them out! For any questions you can contact your personal manager, but if you still don't have one - sign up here.
We started this month with e-commerce offer highlights, and that’s how we are going to finish it. is a well-known online retail portal offering a wide range of merchandise from beauty products to supplements. The company is widely renowned in UK, so all you have to do is put products in front of users and collect your payout:
(121736) [WEB+MOB] /UK - RevShare up to 4%
With an average CR of 4.2% and 14-day cookie lifetime, it’s easy to get this one into the green. Set up a quick campaign and cash in!
Most people's first association upon hearing "work injury lawsuit" is the United States, and the fact that the UK also has a sprawling market for that kind of legal claims is often forgotten. Today we give you an opportunity to use that to your advantage by running this niche in the UK and getting paid like it's the US:
Native and email traffic both show 10-12% CR on this offer, so take those venues if you want to get the most out of it. Set up a test and see if you can take it a couple percent higher!
A lot of you were understandably confused by last week's offer highlight that had nothing to do with footwear, so how about we feature an actual footwear retailer this time. FitVille sells shoes, sneakers, and boots to customers worldwide. Pick up any of their offers and get a nice 8% revshare per sale:
Make sure you use the discount promocodes that you can find in the Creatives section. 10-15% off on any purchase can go a long way with potential customers.
The US might be the biggest market for solar panels, but it’s definitely not the only one, or even the most profitable. Running something less saturated might lead to less volume, but the ROI gains are often disproportionately larger. This solar offer for France is one of the best ways to see for yourself how profitable leadgen can be in the EU:
The daily lead cap is 100, so you can run a decent-sized campaign right away, and naturally, the conditions are negotiable with good enough traffic. Check it out and let us know what it did for your overall ROI.
When it comes to Australia, the most common association is undoubtedly a kangaroo. But for anyone who runs traffic on our Smartlink it is the highest eCPM.
So join them and see your profit go sky-high!
There are some events in affiliate marketing that you just never miss if you are in any way serious about the business. Affiliate Summit East 2022 is one of those events.
This year’s edition of the original affiliate marketing conference is going down May 24-25 in New York, and it features over 60 sessions with performance marketing experts, 3000+ industry figures attending, and 5 networking events for you to meet them at. It’s an opportunity like no other to move your business forward, and, of course, our team will be there to discuss how exactly we can help you achieve that.
Grab your tickets, book a meeting, and we will see you there!
Running offers from e-commerce eyewear retailers is never a bad idea, but running them in May, when a lot of people are shopping for sunglasses, is the real 200 IQ move. SmartBuyGlasses offers over 80,000 products from more than 180 designer brands including Ray-Ban, Gucci, and Persol, with customer benefits like a 24-month warranty, a 100-day return policy, and free international shipping. With a cookie lifetime of 45 days and a reported 3-month EPC of $17.02, it’s going to be hard to find a competitive option to this:
(122736) [WEB+MOB] SmartBuyGlasses /US/CA - Revshare up to 12%
There are a lot of landing pages and promocodes in the Creatives section for this offer, so start testing them out right away and be the first to find the winning formula.
Promoting offers from massive global brands is its own type of game in e-commerce. When the brand name does most of the talking for you, targeting and traffic quality are what’s going to make or break a campaign. If you’ve got those two, you are going to benefit twice as well:
120523 [WEB+MOB] Under Armour /US Revshare 4%
116906 [WEB+MOB] Forever21 /US Revshare 3.2%
113833 [WEB+MOB] Walmart /US Revshare up to 3.6%
93690 [WEB+MOB] BestBuy /US 0.4% Revshare
In addition you get 2x loyalty points in ClickDealer Loyalty Program! These offers can handle a lot of volume, so a single campaign on any one of these can take you all the way to a Rolex. Enter the big leagues and get big league prizes!
The offers we have for you today are from a niche that hasn’t been featured once in our highlights before now. This is leadgen aimed at users looking for foreclosed properties to rent on a rent-to-own basis. The offers come in two flavors: SOI and CC submit, and both of them can make you a fortune as long as you drive the right traffic into the right funnel:
There are quite a few cooler offers on our platform, but today’s highlight is shaping up to be the coolest. Gogo Aircooler is an e-commerce offer promoting portable ACs, and users are able to pay for them using PayPal! Double the payment methods, double the leads. A lot of our e-commerce affiliates have requested an offer like this, and if you are one of them, today is your lucky day. Even if you’re not, it’s still pretty lucky:
A few stats to benchmark your campaign by: average search EPC is $14-16, and for native it’s $7-9,5. Direct to checkout links are also available in the Creatives section, so set up a prelander, or don’t, and blast off towards profits!
It’s time to make bank on Norton again! Honoring a decades-old tradition feels so much better when the tradition involves getting a lot of money. Norton is running a sale on its security and identity protection software in 5 European geos, and we are here to ensure you get in on it from the beginning. These are just some of the offers taking part in the promo:
Each geo has its own timetable in this promotion, so here’s a quick breakdown to make sure you don’t miss anything:
UK until June 21st
DE until July 7th
FR until June 22nd
IT until June 21st
ES until June 16th
As long as people keep buying new PCs and smartphones, they will also keep buying Norton software. The question is: do you want to get paid for these purchases or let someone else have the money?
This feature deals with one of the most popular types of offers in our highlights - clothing retail. Stradivarius is a Spanish fashion retailer specializing in apparel for women aged 20-35 and taking over Europe with each passing day. With a 4% rate for existing customers and 4.9% for new ones, it's a competitive option in our e-commerce portfolio, and knowing how fresh the brand is, it is fair to say that you will be getting most of your leads at 4.9%:
(123659) [WEB+MOB] Stradivarius /UK - Revshare up to 4.9%
Here's a bit of useful intel: the desktop/mobile split is 28.59%/71.41%, so it looks like the mobile version of their website is doing the heavy lifting here. Keep that in mind when you set up.
How do you make an insurance offer competitive in the most saturated insurance market in the world? One way is to make the signup form on the landing page as short and simple as possible. Quote Nanny does exactly that, reducing the friction between the user seeing the landing page and registering a lead to an absolute minimum:
This offer takes only display and native traffic, with appropriate creatives to maximize conversion potential for these traffic types, so if you have some brilliant ideas for insurance banners - this is the best opportunity you will get to test them out.
How long does it take to build a webview app that can both make it onto app stores without a hitch and be the user magnet capable of driving your campaign's ROI into outer space in any vertical? Usually, it takes a few days to hire a developer, agree on the price, and make sure the app is built to your specifications. With ClickDealer, it takes about 5 minutes in 3 easy steps. Our webview app builder is live on the platform and ready to print winner funnels. Here are some of its defining features:
- Unique tested scripts preventing store bans
- Push notifications setup for own apps
- Quality-improving user retention measures
- Paid localized reviews for any geo
Contact your manager right away for access to the app builder and be amongst the first 100 affiliates who get exclusive perks!
We have featured many credit quote offers in our highlights over the past few years, but none quite as intricate as what we are about to show you. Borrowell is a Canadian offer promoting a service that provides a package deal of credit score and report monitoring, automated credit coaching tools, and AI-driven financial product recommendations. The pixel fires after a 2-minute registration is completed and doesn't fire if the user's credit score cannot be checked, but the 30-day cookie lifetime on this offer more than makes up for it:
(123046) [WEB+MOB] Borrowell /CA SOI 6.4 CAD
Here is a bit of intel to help you make your campaign hit the ground running: the top provinces for this offer are ON, AC, AB, and QB. Run a test there and odds are you will keep the traffic going long after.