ClickDealer - Join The Leaders Of Performance Marketing!

The offer we have for you today breaks the long streak of e-commerce and insurance in our bi-weekly highlights with an interesting and profitable twist. KWork is an up-and-coming freelance platform that streamlines solicitation of services worldwide:

(115496) [WEB+MOB] KWork Freelance Marketplace /International CPS

Here is where it gets interesting: your payout is determined by the category of the service your lead pays for. KWork has freelancers specializing in a wide array of industries, so you can choose a type of service to promote and get the according payouts:

Default $12.80
Audio/Video Shoot $28.00
Business and life $12.80
Design $17.60
Programming & IT $32.00
SEO and traffic $28.00
Social networks/ads $16.00
Writing & Translation $18.40

As an additional piece of intel, the split between desktop and mobile traffic is 41% to 59%, so both types are viable to build a campaign on. And finally, the average CR is 3%, so take that as a benchmark and start putting together creatives. This won’t be a clone job, but taking the time to set everything up will result in a long-term profitable campaign.

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Insurance is back on the menu in our offer highlights, this time with a UK-based offer promoting life insurance quotes targeted at anyone ages 30 to 60. This is not a niche offer that requires pinpoint targeting, so you can cast a wider net and scale much faster once your campaign gets going. And it will get going fast, because with this landing page and payout it simply can’t go any other way:

(116628) [WEB+MOB] Get Life Cover - Life Insurance [CPL] /UK $24

Native, email, social, and search traffic will be your best bets to promote this one. If that sounds like something you can do, run a test and you won’t feel the need to stop once you see your ROI taking off.

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Finance doesn’t get featured in our offer highlights often, but when it does, there is a good reason for it. Lemon Loans is an offer for the UK with an 80% revshare from the finder’s fee. You have to approve creatives with the advertiser, but that is more than warranted for the commissions you will get running this one:

(116636) [WEB+MOB] Lemon Loans /UK Source Approval required 80% RevShare

Lemon Loans will take a bit of fine tuning to get going, but it can turn into a major earner with the right handling. If you feel ready to build something big on search or native traffic – apply today!

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ClickDealer has become the #1 European & Asian CPA Network in mThink’s 2022 Blue Book Top 20!

Big thanks to everyone who took time to show their support and got us all the way to the top, once again proving that our community coming together is a force to be reckoned with.

Now all that is left is to conquer the global rating, and we won’t stop until we achieve that goal!

Still not cooperating with us? Register here

Our last highlight was a finance offer for the UK, and we are continuing the streak today with another UK-exclusive offer. Rohan is a renowned British outdoor clothing brand with a decades-long history spanning all the way from 1972. The brand recognition groundwork has been laid down for you decades in advance, so all you have to do is put product in front of people and cash in:

(117205) [WEB+MOB] Rohan /UK - Revshare 2.8%

2.8% revshare with an AOV over £100 makes for a nice payout each time a pixel fires, so set up a test campaign and see how far you can take it.

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We gave you a great finance offer for the UK last Thursday, so it’s about time we deliver a US counterpart. 123CashFunds doesn’t require as much creative preapproval as our last finance highlight, while still paying out 70% of the lead cost. Once you get over the initial 20 lead daily cap, it can be scaled as far as you can:

(117212) [WEB+MOB] 123CashFunds - Payday Loan /US RevShare

Loan amount and credit score influence the cost of the leads and the amount of your payout accordingly, so bring out the big guns and walk away with even bigger stacks.

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We are less than a week away from Valentine’s Day, and we wouldn’t be ClickDealer if we didn’t give you something relevant to run for the holiday. CHARLES & KEITH is a worldwide fashion retailer specializing in women’s shoes, bags, and accessories. Their Valentine’s Day collection is available until February 14th, and you can find all of the links and banners for it in the “Creatives” section of the offer:

(117085) [WEB+MOB] CHARLES & KEITH /International (29 geo) - Revshare 4%

Taking advantage of shopping holidays is one of the most exciting things about running e-commerce. Get equipped and prepare for the big payday!

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ClickDealer is going to The European Summit in Sitges! The three-day event is running from February 23rd to 26th, bringing together 4000 participants, 200 exhibitors, and over 125 speakers for another industry-defining conference.

You can spot us at Platinum Business Lounge P7 and Meet Market Table A17, so come by to talk shop.
Book a meeting with the ClickDealer team, and see you at TES 2022!

The offer in today’s highlight is another option to cash in on Valentine’s Day, but if our previous highlight was an e-commerce offer just running a promo for February 14th – this one is centered entirely around the holiday. The Million Roses takes traffic from almost any source you can think of, accepts leads from every state in the US, and lets their customers present their Valentine with a luxurious bouquet of roses:

(118004) [WEB+MOB] The Million roses /US [*Main campaign*] APPROVAL REQUIRED $48
(117668) [WEB+MOB] The Million roses /US [*Social media traffic only*] APPROVAL REQUIRED $48
(118120) [WEB+MOB] The Million roses /US [*For Pop traffic only*] APPROVAL REQUIRED $48

Valentine’s Day is next Monday, so make sure you get approved for the offer right away to set up a quick campaign in time to rack up a nice payout!

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ZippyLoan is the textbook definition of a long-term finance offer with 1-year cookie lifetime and a CPQL flow. This New York-based company is looking for leads from all states in the US, excluding NY, CT, VT, WV, AR and GA. Casting a wide net with this offer will keep leads rolling in months and months after the campaign finishes, resulting in the closest thing to passive income you can find in affiliate marketing:

(118256) [WEB+MOB] Zippy Loan /US - CPS APPROVAL REQUIRED $40

It can take a bit of time to pre-approve your creatives for ZippyLoan, but you will keep getting paid for a lot longer. Start making your long-term play today and apply for the offer!

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Today’s offer highlight is stacked with various e-commerce offers that have three things in common. Firstly, they are all for the US. Secondly, every single one of these offers is supplemented with creatives provided by advertisers. Lastly, they all grant 2x points in ClickDealer Loyalty Program:

(114873) [WEB+MOB] IZAX PRO Drone /US/UK/ {CPS} $65.00

(109388) [WEB+MOB] Eye Spa 4D /US[CPS] $70.00

(116091) [WEB+MOB] WaxOut /US {CPS} $32.00

(118430) [WEB+MOB] Picam PRO /US/UK/AU [CPS] $28.00

(109615) [WEB+MOB] Neck Spa PRO /US [CPS] [Direct to Checkout] $47.00

With payouts like these, it’s easy to rack up Loyalty Program points rather quickly. Pick up any of the displayed offers for a high-yield campaign and get a shortcut to your next reward in the program on top of it!

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Affiliate World Global, this year’s largest gathering of affiliate marketers, is starting in 10 days, and ClickDealer is offering free tickets to go to Dubai and network with the most influential people in the industry. All you have to do is spread the word about our network. There are 3 tickets up for grabs, and here is how to qualify for one of them:

1. Leave a review for ClickDealer on any website where we are listed (Affpaying, Partnerkin, Trustpilot,, BusinessofApps, ProTraffic etc.)
2. Send a screenshot of your post to

Our team will choose the most well-written and expansive reviews, and send the authors tickets to Affiliate World Global no later than February, 22. Leave your reviews and start packing up for Dubai, we will see you there!

We have a very specific life insurance offer for you today. This one goes out to all you email marketers out there who can write good copy in Italian or have access to a quality local mailing list. The offer is SOI with a 3-page form, has great HTML creatives ready to go, and offers a competitive payout:

(101782) [WEB+MOB] ASSICURATI ORA /IT SOI [APPROVAL REQUIRED] [for email traffic only] €5.6

With a niche offer like this, anyone who finds a key to it can pretty much take it all. Ready to give it a shot? Apply today!

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? The competition for free AWG passes is over!

? With so many great reviews it was hard to single out the best ones, but we have managed to determine three winners who presented the most extensive and eloquent descriptions of their experience with ClickDealer (the winners will get all the details via email).

? Thank you all for jumping in on the action, and we can’t wait to see you in Dubai! Don’t forget: Booth C14.

We have more big name e-commerce coming your way this week. Marks & Spencer is one of UK's biggest retailers, founded in 1884 and offering a huge range of products from apparel to home furniture. 4% revshare coupled with such a massive brand name ensures a great margin and amazing CR:

(118493) [WEB+MOB] Marks and Spencer (M&S) /UK - Revshare up to 4%

Offers like this initially take a bit of effort to set up properly and then practically run themselves. Jump in and enjoy your new source of passive income.

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We have a wonderful option for a high-volume e-commerce campaign for you today - Ubuy. The global retailer offers a wide array of products from electronics to perfumes at great discounts, and gives a 4% revshare for leads from all around the world:

(117508) [WEB+MOB] Ubuy /International - Revshare 4%

Promoting accessible consumer goods is a profitable move in many geos. Put them all together and you have a massive campaign.

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Today's highlight is basically affiliate marketing squared, being an offer that promotes a course teaching people how to create blogs and online stores. Leads are approved by a call center, and judging from a 5.2% CR average, it approves a lot of them:

(119113) [WEB+MOB] Learn to create your blog or your online store for free /FR SOI €8

Promoting an offer like this is essentially investing into the industry twice, so get your profits and sow some seeds.

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We have featured quite a few big brand name e-commerce offers with wide ranges of goods in our highlights over the past few weeks, so this time, we are going to give you something a bit more specialized. Ecoheat S is a portable heater for any room of the house, and the offer pays out $40 per sale in 152 countries:

(118701) [WEB+MOB] EcoHeat S /International [SS] FB pixel $40.00

Running a single-product offer is a different kind of campaign from promoting a store, but with such global coverage it is just as scalable. Start testing today and get that worldwide volume.

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Fuel prices are going up around the world, and people are starting to look for ways to save on fuel. Introducing, Eco Fuel Saver. This offer promotes a plugin that improves fuel efficiency with an ingenious landing page and shows a 6% CR on search traffic, based on our stats. Everything else you need to know is right here:

(109298) [WEB+MOB] Eco Fuel Saver /US/CA/AU CPS] [Direct to Checkout] $35.00

Gasoline and diesel aren’t getting any cheaper by the looks of it, and prices are going up fast, so you should move fast on this one before the offers are burnt out. Set up and start scaling.

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