Clickbooth Acquiring MarketLeverage.

Give it some time. It's definitely happening. I chatted with my contact again today about it. No new news. I was told that the PR department knows of it and is presumably working on how they want to handle their rollout.

Give it some time. It's definitely happening. I chatted with my contact again today about it. No new news. I was told that the PR department knows of it and is presumably working on how they want to handle their rollout.

I bet they loved you dropping their 0day info. Lawyers in 1, 2, ...
On them man to plug their leaks. I've never signed a ND agreement with them. I've never even ran offers for them.
I m assuming CB is just buying them for there pub base and will transition most of it over to CB over time.

That and ML always had a few exclusive advertisers that performed well (the digital tv program, fling for email, bizopps).
I would literally LOL if CB "transitioned" their pub base over to their own platform. Hands down dumbest thing i have ever heard of.
ive gotten 3 calls from them in the past 2 months about an application i filled out 2 FUCKING YEARS AGO. Each time i told them that i wasnt interested and to not contact me about said application. regardless, I still got the same fucking call a total of 3 times. At least i havent gotten a call in the last 3 weeks or so... i think third time was the charm. go fuck yourself market leverage
I've got some good contacts at CB. Not as good as I used to -- they have some obscene attrition rates -- but good enough.

The word is that both are Florida companies, that Lemp had a good rapport w/ the ML founder, both are DirectTrack. No word yet on how it would go down as far as actual consolidation of operations goes.

Also, and I think this is unrelated, but CB is opening an office somewhere in Cali. My inference is that it's just a sales office, not technology or ops.

MarketLeverage Headquarters
701 International Parkway, Ste 200
Lake Mary, FL 32746

5901 N. Honore Avenue
Suite 210
Sarasota, Florida 34243-2632

Looks like ClickBooth is hiring:

Find Jobs - CSR / Online Marketing Representative Jobs in Sarasota, Florida -, LLC

Start sending your Spys/Applicants down south!!
