Chuck Norris

"Hmm. The attention whoring is strong in this one."

Ok, wannabe forum police. Try not to be a dick to someone that has been here a couple years.

This IS called Shooting the Shit and you CAN preview the thread by hovering your cursor over the title. If you don't like it, simply refrain from pressing your chubby little finger on the mouse button.

Plz thx
Very well said Chriss, thanks mate.

You're not off the hook either, fucker.

WTF are you smoking by starting a Chuck Norris fact thread and not posting at least one of them to start? :D

(P.S I hear that Chuck Norris uses live rattlesnakes as condoms)
You're not off the hook either, fucker.

WTF are you smoking by starting a Chuck Norris fact thread and not posting at least one of them to start? :D

(P.S I hear that Chuck Norris uses live rattlesnakes as condoms)

LOL. Actually, I have a lot in my mind but for the sake of posting something, my most favorite is:

"God said, let there be light. Chuck Norris replied, "say please."
Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.
Haha those threads are pretty fucking gay, gotta admit.

(But don't you fucking dare say anything bad about LOLcats)