ChristopherT scammer


Not to sound like lukep or anything, but what about a bitcoin escrow service for these types of transactions? A 2 of 3 multisig service would work perfectly.

A buyer simply gets redirected to a payment page, logs in / registers, and a new multisig address is generated for the transaction. Buyer funds it, and the funds are locked. If transaction goes smoothly, and both buyer and seller agree, funds are released to seller instantly.

Small fee of say 1.5%, which is less than PayPal. Plus say an optional extra 3% if you want the BTC hedged against the USD price, so you always get the USD price of your orders regardless of volatility.

There must be some good escrow services out there already, and if not, I can have a quality one developed in a few days. Then just need to find an arbitrator for when disputes arise.

Or if anyone is looking for an idea for an online service, there you go. Extra beer money for ya.
Not to sound like lukep or anything, but what about a bitcoin escrow service for these types of transactions? A 2 of 3 multisig service would work perfectly.

A buyer simply gets redirected to a payment page, logs in / registers, and a new multisig address is generated for the transaction. Buyer funds it, and the funds are locked. If transaction goes smoothly, and both buyer and seller agree, funds are released to seller instantly.

Small fee of say 1.5%, which is less than PayPal. Plus say an optional extra 3% if you want the BTC hedged against the USD price, so you always get the USD price of your orders regardless of volatility.

There must be some good escrow services out there already, and if not, I can have a quality one developed in a few days. Then just need to find an arbitrator for when disputes arise.

Or if anyone is looking for an idea for an online service, there you go. Extra beer money for ya.

And then when buddy gets his money the editorial link gets removed within minutes
Holy Crap ! You all guys are not happy with a complete refund that was sent to you in promised TAT and still accuse me ? just because there is 2 other guys accusing me ?

I ordered on November 26 and received the money back after filing a dispute on December 20. The TAT was meant to be 3 days. I never said anything about scamming, just what happened. People can draw their own conclusions but you've got my name up as a testimonial so I think I can let people know what happened with my second order: i.e. not much.
Not to sound like lukep or anything, but what about a bitcoin escrow service for these types of transactions? A 2 of 3 multisig service would work perfectly.

That's fair enough, but seriously; how long do these service providers expect to last when they just don't deliver? So many after a quick buck when a long term opportunity stares them in the space if they just slow down and do it properly.
How have you guys not Gary Thiem'd this fucktard yet?

Too many people were defending his honour in fear that his long-term career in glorified spam might be negatively impacted by the original thread title calling into question his integrity.

How have you guys not Gary Thiem'd this fucktard yet?

Because WF has been overrun by service providers.

Few people on WF make money doing anything other than selling on WF. Almost everyone who jumped to his defense sells services here and wouldn't want to have THEIR name dragged through the mud. That is why you see the reactions you see. The rest is the bandwagon effect.

Before, service providers were a small force on the forum compared to now. So if there was a roasting, it was buyers who were more than happy to see a questionable provider get fucked.
Not to sound like lukep or anything, but what about a bitcoin escrow service for these types of transactions? A 2 of 3 multisig service would work perfectly.

A buyer simply gets redirected to a payment page, logs in / registers, and a new multisig address is generated for the transaction. Buyer funds it, and the funds are locked. If transaction goes smoothly, and both buyer and seller agree, funds are released to seller instantly.

Small fee of say 1.5%, which is less than PayPal. Plus say an optional extra 3% if you want the BTC hedged against the USD price, so you always get the USD price of your orders regardless of volatility.

There must be some good escrow services out there already, and if not, I can have a quality one developed in a few days. Then just need to find an arbitrator for when disputes arise. I don't moan about it because it is normal and expected from most.

Or if anyone is looking for an idea for an online service, there you go. Extra beer money for ya.

If only that could be done. I have two orders at the moment, both providers are just ignoring me, they don't say sorry when a month late, they don't update when late. The standards of service are so low.
This is really getting out of hand and throwing a bad light on all of us link providers.. So to show people that there are still some good providers here I am offering a 25% discount to anyone that got scammed by Sani Marketing, Christopher and I don't know which other names they go by.

Payment on delivery for all reputable members (if you can get a review copy, then you can get payment on delivery). My offers isn't valid for 2 sites from our inventory (Huff and Exam) which leaves you with about 16 other sites to choose from.

If you want to take me up on my offer, PM me.
I learned my lesson with Sani and a couple other fucktards selling guest post/editorial links. If they can't front the cost, they aren't worth doing business with. Never pay up front with this shit. Period.

Very dangerous to ask a service provider to front the cost in this case since it's blogs that they do not have control of. If the customer disappears or doesn't pay, the provider can't just ask Wired or the epoch times to remove the post/link.

I've been buying these types of services for years and I still think nothing beats the good ol' 50/50 payment terms. Paying half upfront mitigates the risk on both ends.
This is really getting out of hand and throwing a bad light on all of us link providers.. So to show people that there are still some good providers here I am offering a 25% discount to anyone that got scammed by Sani Marketing, Christopher and I don't know which other names they go by.

Payment on delivery for all reputable members (if you can get a review copy, then you can get payment on delivery). My offers isn't valid for 2 sites from our inventory (Huff and Exam) which leaves you with about 16 other sites to choose from.

If you want to take me up on my offer, PM me.

Getting writers to write and editors to post is a pain in the ass during the holidays. Escalating claims so quickly when you have a couple of months to do so freezes funds and makes the chances of a speedy refund go down.

and to all these fucktards that are here bashing the seller even after you got your link/refund are insane.One thing with editorials and actual real sites you have to understand is the removal of link after a post is delivered is not in the hands of the seller/editors. It's in the hands of the seniors of the magazine or the actual magazine owners if they find the OBL as shitty one page affiliate site. So my better advice is don't go for editorial links if you have a shitty 1 page affiliate site or prepared to know that it won't be permanent. I don't have any connection with the seller but you guys gotta understand.

The best way to deal with this is create your links around a resource rather than just pointing to money page after money page. Make the link actually add value to the article for Christ sake.
Service providers actually do business like this? I've been on the providing end of missed timelines before, but how does someone think that this is how you manage that situation?

ChrisT, you probably don't deserve the common sense brick to the face and are muchless able to comprehend the lesson learned, but if you're running behind on timelines and aren't in a situation to refund the amount immediately, do the following:

  1. Communicate the issue honestly to the client as soon as you think there is going to be a problem.
  2. Again: Communicate the issue honestly to the client as soon as you think there is going to be a problem.
  3. Offer multiple solutions to resolve the issue. Try to make it right and save the business.
  4. If you can't save the business for the initial amount, try to save the business by issuing perks or minor discounts.
  5. If all else fails, take the financial hit.

Don't be an asshat. I hope you get coned for this douchebaggery.

Now THAT is fucking rich coming from you.
Now THAT is fucking rich coming from you.

Nathan, we moved forward into a joint venture together and had a financial falling out where you think I owe you money, and I think you owe me money. This is hardly the same scenario. We've already agreed to handle this legally and I wasn't aware there were bitter feelings. At any rate, my point stands.

When dealing with clients and missed expectations, communication is key.
I ordered 12 days ago and nothing. He wouldn't even respond to my skype messages anymore. Only option now is to do a chargeback with Paypal
I ordered 12 days ago and nothing. He wouldn't even respond to my skype messages anymore. Only option now is to do a chargeback with Paypal

You bought 12 days ago... this thread started 16 days ago... perhaps a little better research before buying is in order in the future?