ChristopherT scammer


New member
Apr 11, 2011

Has anyone else had bad experiences with this member? He has taken $375 from me, and also $250 for links.

The $375 package, it has been almost 1 month, and no delivery. When his TAT says 3-6 days.

The $250 package, the links were removed.

There was another scam accusation from him, here:

I have also made a post in the scammer section. The skype logs are worth a read. This guy is ridiculous, threatening my sites, also saying I won't get a refund or get my links.

Here is my post in the scammer section about him:

I just want my money back.... He keeps saying he will refund, but he never does. And when you ask him for it, he says no.
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Is it too much to ask for posts in 3-6 day TAT time stated?

According to his thread, if I pay on the 3rd, I should get posts on 12/6 - 12/9. He was 3 weeks late at that point, and even promised refund several times but does not want to provide it.

Every week he just says he is working on it, but then you can tell he is lying. I am a patient person but when someone leads me on for 3 weeks, it is upsetting.

Moreso, when you are promised refunds, and 1 week later you still have to bug about refund.

Still to this day, I have not gotten posts or refund.
I will second this. I bought 5 editorial links from him for $900. He stated a 3-5 day TAT.

It's been 25 days since the payment cleared. So far, he's delivered 2 out of 5 links (the 2 cheapest and easiest out of the 5). It took him about 3 days to deliver the 1st link, and another 15 to deliver the 2nd link. He gives the same 2 standard excuses every time I talk to him. Either my links are still waiting for approval, or he's been busy traveling and hasn't had been in "the office".

I've suspected he was a scammer ever since that first thread appeared, but I continued to give him the benefit of the doubt since he was still responding to me on Skype. However, he acts very unprofessional and I'm tired of his excuses. I asked him on Friday to refund me for the 3 links he didn't deliver, and it looks like he finally blocked me.

I've filed a dispute on Paypal. I don't give a shit if I get my money back, I just don't want him selling on WF anymore.
I will second this. I bought 5 editorial links from him for $900. He stated a 3-5 day TAT.

It's been 25 days since the payment cleared. So far, he's delivered 2 out of 5 links (the 2 cheapest and easiest out of the 5). It took him about 3 days to deliver the 1st link, and another 15 to deliver the 2nd link. He gives the same 2 standard excuses every time I talk to him. Either my links are still waiting for approval, or he's been busy traveling and hasn't had been in "the office".

I've suspected he was a scammer ever since that first thread appeared, but I continued to give him the benefit of the doubt since he was still responding to me on Skype. However, he acts very unprofessional and I'm tired of his excuses. I asked him on Friday to refund me for the 3 links he didn't deliver, and it looks like he finally blocked me.

I've filed a dispute on Paypal. I don't give a shit if I get my money back, I just don't want him selling on WF anymore.

What paypal email did he have you use? Was it ? I have purposely put xxx's for his privacy.
Isn't it kind of obvious that he wasn't trying to scam but his arbitrage opportunity has dried up and now he's dug a hole cause shit doesn't get approved and he can't refund money he's already invested.
I hope to never deal with either of you, from the gist of the skype logs.

Why would you say that about the OP man?

I've read the Skype logs and I don't see anything but a guy asking for delivery of the services he paid for, or a refund. Chris T has chosen to take his money, not deliver what was paid for, and, when a neg iTrader was left 3 weeks after nondelivery, to threaten and blackmail the client instead.

He's made it clear that unless you're spending $X,XXX+ with him he's not going to take you seriously, which is bullshit.

Did Rasta_Cook ever get his refund? Emp laid down the ultimatum that unless he was taken care of, Chris T would be banned.
Same here.

Ordered $400 worth of business over 30 days ago. No update. No answer on Skype.

I won't call him a scammer yet though. Perhaps he's just been overly busy/understaffed with the holiday season.

He has high itrader score so he's clearly been a good service provider on this forum... let's give him a chance to explain...

I must admit that it bothers me when providers don't communicate. I'm a very understanding buyer. I will literally accept any excuse... as long as there are regular status updates to show me that you care about my business.
Those Skype messages and the other responses in this thread show pretty clearly that this is ChristopherT's fault.

I'm not sure if ChristopherT is having money issues or what but not issuing a refund when you are 16 days past your promised TAT is ridiculous. I feel like this should be common sense, but when you promise something by a certain time and can't deliver and the customer asks for a refund give them their refund!

Also you have to be pretty stupid to try to blackmail your customers. Responding to a negative iTrader with threats and a negative iTrader of your own is just immature and petty.
Service providers actually do business like this? I've been on the providing end of missed timelines before, but how does someone think that this is how you manage that situation?

ChrisT, you probably don't deserve the common sense brick to the face and are muchless able to comprehend the lesson learned, but if you're running behind on timelines and aren't in a situation to refund the amount immediately, do the following:

  1. Communicate the issue honestly to the client as soon as you think there is going to be a problem.
  2. Again: Communicate the issue honestly to the client as soon as you think there is going to be a problem.
  3. Offer multiple solutions to resolve the issue. Try to make it right and save the business.
  4. If you can't save the business for the initial amount, try to save the business by issuing perks or minor discounts.
  5. If all else fails, take the financial hit.

Don't be an asshat. I hope you get coned for this douchebaggery.

[12:25:48 AM] Chris T: i will get you the links in 3-4 days and whichever links not delievered by that time the refund will be done
[12:25:52 AM] ME: no
[12:25:56 AM] ME: I want refund for full amount
[12:26:00 AM] ME: tat 3-6 days my ass
[12:26:00 AM] Chris T: no
[12:26:10 AM] ME: You said you would refund me 3 days ago
[12:26:15 AM] ME: why are you backtracking?
[12:26:23 AM] Chris T: because all articles are on process.
[12:26:28 AM] ME: No thats bullshit
[12:26:38 AM] Chris T: its not - speak soon - Thanks !
[12:26:38 AM] ME: articles should have been delivered like 3 weeks ago
[12:26:56 AM] ME: Your a scammer man
[12:27:12 AM] Chris T: that case why should i deliver links or refund in 3 days ?
[12:27:19 AM] ME: You said that shit 3 days ago
[12:27:21 AM] ME: and still no refund
[12:27:25 AM] ME: your a liar
[12:27:30 AM] Chris T: and i am saying it now.
[12:27:34 AM] ME: yeah and its a lie
[12:27:40 AM] ME: so send my money back
[12:27:46 AM] Chris T: if you want to take it that way , yes you can.i said what i want to.
[12:27:56 AM] Chris T: talking the same point again and again does nothing useful for both of us
[12:27:59 AM] Chris T: exceptwasting our time
[12:28:05 AM] ME: You're wasting my time
[12:28:23 AM] ME: by lying about TAT, blowing me off, and not sending money for work that hasn't been delivered
[12:29:06 AM] Chris T: only once it was said 3 days and you make it like i have been telling regularly
[12:29:20 AM] Chris T: please lets not waste our time , i said the reality.
[12:29:31 AM] Chris T: i will refund plus links in 3-4 days
[12:37:38 AM] Chris T: dont you want the links or refund ?
[12:38:17 AM] ME: I want a refund. I have said it a million times now. You're tat time is stated 3-6 days, we are on day 23 and you havn't delivered anything. So give me my money back.
[12:38:31 AM] Chris T: not after the joke you just did
[12:38:37 AM] Chris T: not even the links
[12:38:40 AM] Chris T: not even partial refund
[12:38:46 AM] Chris T: i will take it to next level now.
[12:38:46 AM] ME: Fucking scammer.
[12:38:53 AM] Chris T: i tried to be polite and solve this
[12:38:58 AM] ME: You didn't solve anything.
[12:39:03 AM] ME: You've been blowing me off for 1 week
[12:39:12 AM] ME: How many times did I try to contact you asking ofr links?
[12:39:13 AM] Chris T: 3 days
[12:39:16 AM] ME: After a while, a man loses it.
[12:39:27 AM] ME: No way, I have been asking you like once every 2-3 days for links
[12:39:29 AM] ME: Don't lie
[12:39:31 AM] Chris T: edit the itrader you left for me..
[12:39:36 AM] Chris T: in 10 minutes
[12:39:36 AM] ME: Read the fucking messages on skype
[12:39:46 AM] Chris T: it doesnt matter to me with 60+ itraders
[12:39:57 AM] Chris T: but if i send you 1 , it will be -1 for you and thats all you got
[12:39:59 AM] ME: No, fuck you
[12:40:15 AM] ME: Trying to threaten me, take my money, not deliver, not refund
[12:40:19 AM] ME: Your the asshole, not me
[12:40:21 AM] Chris T: i never try to threaten you
[12:40:28 AM] ME: I just want my money back for links you didn't deliver in 23 DAYS!
[12:40:29 AM] Chris T: i never try to take your money
[12:40:37 AM] Chris T: stop crying
[12:40:46 AM] Chris T: edit the itrader and i will consider the refund
[12:40:48 AM] Chris T: thanks
[12:41:33 AM] Chris T: i think you will have 10-15 mins after posting to edit it...
[12:41:46 AM] Chris T: so dont cross that...if not..i wont be refunding youa fter you already labelled me as scammer
[12:41:49 AM] ME: Lol, I will only edit after I get my money back
[12:42:06 AM] Chris T: that time the option wont be there to edit you fucking newbie
[12:42:15 AM] Chris T: its available only for 10-15 mins to edit
[12:42:16 AM] ME: Well refund it now
[12:42:20 AM] ME: and I'll do it.
[12:42:21 AM] Chris T: i cant now.
[12:42:23 AM] ME: too bad
[12:42:29 AM] Chris T: i will do it in 2-3 days
[12:42:34 AM] Chris T: i am waiting for some funds
[12:43:02 AM] Chris T: your time is crossing..i wont even consider to can do whatever you want and i will fihght back but you will never get your refund if you label me as scammre already
[12:43:05 AM] ME: No, you treat your customer (me) like shit
[12:43:08 AM] ME: after I have been polite
[12:43:16 AM] ME: and bugging you for 3 weeks about my links
[12:43:18 AM] Chris T: i nevert said a negative word to you until you did jokes
[12:43:19 AM] ME: and you just say tomorrow
[12:43:20 AM] ME: tomorrow
[12:43:21 AM] ME: tomorrow
[12:43:23 AM] ME: well fuck you
[12:43:24 AM] ME: tomorrow is ogne
[12:43:27 AM] ME: and I want my money
[12:43:40 AM] Chris T: jesus christ , you understand english ?
[12:43:44 AM] ME: Yes bitch do you?
[12:43:48 AM] Chris T: i said tomorow i will "update " you
[12:43:50 AM] Chris T: not refund you
[12:43:51 AM] Chris T: just see the log
[12:44:03 AM] ME: Whatever, itrader stays
[12:44:09 AM] ME: It's my honest feedback for your service
[12:44:37 AM] Chris T: well then..i can not refund , you can take it where you want and i will fight back..i will also leave an itrader for you in abit. think it cant be solved now.
It was obvious from the first thread that this guy was an utter toolbag scammer, merely by his crap spelling and agressive tone. I am guessing his name is not really Chris, but something more exotic.

Some of you did seem to take his side for some reason then though?
Well , I'm really giving up on you guys now .Although i'm not a scammer and have said to this newbie guy that i WILL refund and send the links as well , these dudes have started a trend against me - Small mistake ? a little delay in delivery ?Post a thread in STS- Spoil his name and we are done .

I do accept the delay in delivery and i've said you about the refund and also said you i will deliver the links ..but i'm not going to worship your ass because you are my customer .

It's funny that even "Scammers" are posted on Zingo's thread and their name is safe and whenever you want my name dragged for delay (not disappearing) you guys start here and i don't know the reason for this especially even after i said i will refund..i still don't understand why you want to start like this .. and if you think i own top magazines like huffpo then you know you are a retard . Delays DO happen with editorial links due to many reasons - weekly slots , queue etc .I tried explaining .

Some of you did seem to take his side for some reason then though?

That's because i've always been good to them and WILL always be good to them .
Lol all the fuckos in the previous thread that were worried about ChristopherT's name being tarnished...

You're always talking about refunds ChristopherT, but there's never any refund. It takes 3 seconds in Paypal, refund the people that you have wronged/not delivered to, and you will gain respect and be able to continue as a decent human being.
Some of you did seem to take his side for some reason then though?
I don't think someone really took his side back then. What some people, including myself, objected was the way to call him a scammer in the public thread before discussing it in a special Zingo thread.

So fuck you Chris, we put our names under fire for you and you turned out being a real scammer. Fuck you hard.

He is from the Philippines based on IP addresses associated with him.

Just open up claims on PayPal and you are very likely to get your money back.

Not being a racist or anything, but PayPal related scams are frequent from the poor nations of the world (India, Philippines, etc). PayPal is well aware of this and although your purchase of a service is normally not covered by buyer protection, if there are several cases of scam reports via PayPal claim from an Indian or Filipino PayPal, they will limit the shit out of it and give you your money back.
I don't think someone really took his side back then. What some people, including myself, objected was the way to call him a scammer in the public thread before discussing it in a special Zingo thread.

If I saw a thread titled "ChristopherT is scammer?", I would actually read it and not automatically assume he is a scammer based on the title. If the conclusion of the thread is positive then I would be more likely to buy from the guy after he showed his true colours. All CT did was argue and stall, then the thread was closed, permanently sealing himself into a scamophagus where the only true colours are yellow, brown and black. He had the opportunity to prove himself a lad of virtue true, and he chose not to.

I appreciate the fact that some were concerned for ChristopherT's link-selling career, but Wickedfire is hardly a place of due process. As I said in the previous thread, if you really believe this then grunin's thread is unfair too. His case is not over, you can't label him a fraudster even though he obviously is.