Case Study: Spending 25,000.00 on an offline biz using WickedFire BST services.

Looks like this offline biz will be needing a new website by October.

Why do you say that? Too many backlinks? I am aiming for a very high TF with a solid 1.0+ TR rating, tons of content and social media. I respect your opinion so if you don't mind, please post a reply.


Edit to ask:

with a solid 1.0+ TR rating

Are you referring to Moz TrustRank here? Not my preferred metric but quality links start a lot higher than 1.

I don't have a dog in this fight but it feels to me like you're trying to create chef quality cuisine by throwing every ingredient in the kitchen into your pan when you'd be better served to have a recipe...and maybe a background in culinary arts. And possibly some different ingredients.

Shit goes haywire so quick with SEO when the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. And you're up in here like:


Good luck bro, I'm sure you'll learn a lot.
Great list Tim. I've used a number of the above folks too, and mostly all good experiences. Hat tip to you sir for taking the time to put this together for us.

As for our business dealings, let me break it down:

Yes, we did work together, you spending a total of $2400.

No, things didn't work out, as some times they don't in SEO.

No, we didn't have a guarantee that protected against poor results, check out our old site in Way Back Machine and you can read our guarantee.

No, you weren't a good fit, so I referred you out to someone who might meet your expectations.

I recall, you created this thread: I left this thread alone then because your claims of a guarantee, and a sure thing were unfounded. 5 years later, they are just as unfounded.

Tim, as you and everyone else read in that thread, I am a fair and honest provider. I do right by people any chance I get, and always do my best work. I've been doing business on this forum for 5 years now, and I can tell you, if I was the person you claim I am...I wouldn't have lasted. Certainly, the folks that spoke up for me in the thread of yours would have joined you in my public flogging.

I work very hard to make sure my current and past clients are happy. My whole team does. We value tremendously the folks here on WF that have supported us all these years.

This was heart wrenching to read again, because I pour every bit of myself into my businesses. I hope you can find a way to understand, and bury the hatchet, once and for all.


Edit to ask:

Are you referring to Moz TrustRank here? Not my preferred metric but quality links start a lot higher than 1.

I don't have a dog in this fight but it feels to me like you're trying to create chef quality cuisine by throwing every ingredient in the kitchen into your pan when you'd be better served to have a recipe...and maybe a background in culinary arts. And possibly some different ingredients.

Shit goes haywire so quick with SEO when the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. And you're up in here like:


Good luck bro, I'm sure you'll learn a lot.

Just need to shop at Whole Foods.
Great list Tim. I've used a number of the above folks too, and mostly all good experiences. Hat tip to you sir for taking the time to put this together for us.

As for our business dealings, let me break it down:

Yes, we did work together, you spending a total of $2400.

No, things didn't work out, as some times they don't in SEO.

No, we didn't have a guarantee that protected against poor results, check out our old site in Way Back Machine and you can read our guarantee.

No, you weren't a good fit, so I referred you out to someone who might meet your expectations.

I recall, you created this thread: I left this thread alone then because your claims of a guarantee, and a sure thing were unfounded. 5 years later, they are just as unfounded.

Tim, as you and everyone else read in that thread, I am a fair and honest provider. I do right by people any chance I get, and always do my best work. I've been doing business on this forum for 5 years now, and I can tell you, if I was the person you claim I am...I wouldn't have lasted. Certainly, the folks that spoke up for me in the thread of yours would have joined you in my public flogging.

I work very hard to make sure my current and past clients are happy. My whole team does. We value tremendously the folks here on WF that have supported us all these years.

This was heart wrenching to read again, because I pour every bit of myself into my businesses. I hope you can find a way to understand, and bury the hatchet, once and for all.


I completely disagree, I feel that when someone pays someone the amount I paid you (2400.00) and you literally don't deliver any results at all, I feel that is a scam. Especially when the person you referred me to was the person you subcontracted out to do the work in the first place (but you didn't seem to have an issue taking credit for his work).

Anyways, back on topic. I see a lot of people here seem to have a negative view on using these service providers, but I am pretty confident in my game plan and who I have decided to use and for what. So we will see where the results take us.

I've definitely made a topic that is outside the norm of most wickedfire posts here churn and burn bs, or spending 100.00 on fiverr gig case studies , or a bunch of gurus who still live at home with mom or are still in a college dorm and are posting in threads that have to do with starting their first offline business or marketing agency. Or even worse, get ripped threads... I realize I don't have 3k posts, but I actually use these forums to find and hire people, not just throw my facebook memes around other people posts.

I'm really doing this for the providers that I have hired as a favor and a way to track the progress over time. So we will see :)
I don't know if I will be around to catch the webinar, you will have it available afterwards right?

I built the site in WordPress and used GoDaddy's new WordPress hosting service, not many people seem to know about it, but it has unlimited everything and it is extremely fast. Pretty expensive though.

I bought an extended SSL, registered the .com,.net,.org,.co,.info until 2025, same with hosting.

It is a SILO site

I hired a coder to help me get the page speed way down and to fix a few PHP errors that I just couldn't seem to get.

I made sure the site is w3c verified and I entered in schema where I could.

I use Jivochat for the live chat/proactive chat. They have an app that shoots a text directly to my phone to help close out biz. You'd be surprised how many people will contact me from work and can't talk on the phone at that moment.

I use CallFire for the toll-free and then 8 local numbers.

The website currently has around 100-120 pages of content, all done by the provider I listed above. I will also be adding another 100-200 blog posts related to long tail keys over the next 3 months.

Content costs 0.025 a word. But it is done with the proper research, has relevant OBL's, and has gotten me on Wikipedia as a reference in my niche.

There was a website before me, but it wasn't on the current domain. It was, I purchased from an old lady in Canada, she actually gave it to me for free. The only links the site has currently are the old 301'd links from the original site, but all of it's content and the site itself are gone. It's link profile wasn't worth anything.

Wait... You are spending 25 000$ on marketing and using Godaddy WP Hosting?
Anyways, back on topic. I see a lot of people here seem to have a negative view on using these service providers, but I am pretty confident in my game plan and who I have decided to use and for what. So we will see where the results take us.

Naw, you misunderstand. I think most of those providers probably do top notch work. Hell, even the much aligned Jest was (is?) one of the best SEOs to haunt these halls, he spawned so many copycat services off the angles he took.

The issue I was trying to point out is that you have too much shit going to properly manipulate the necessary variables.

How are you going to dial in your anchor % into the that tight zone that allows for consistent movement but not too much to get you bounced?

Or even more important, how are you controlling your anchor velocity when using (by my count) 7 different providers? What about LIA? Any plans there or just going to let it happen as it happens?

Ultimately, I fear that if you have to ask, your game plan probably lacks some components for success.

But it's your money and I commend you for putting it out there. Like I said before, you'll learn a lot.

Since you never answered my TR question the first time, are you referring to trusted seed sets and military grade seo?

I've definitely made a topic that is outside the norm of most wickedfire posts here churn and burn bs, or spending 100.00 on fiverr gig case studies , or a bunch of gurus who still live at home with mom or are still in a college dorm and are posting in threads that have to do with starting their first offline business or marketing agency. Or even worse, get ripped threads... I realize I don't have 3k posts, but I actually use these forums to find and hire people, not just throw my facebook memes around other people posts.

Kudos for that, probably the only thread on WF I'll remember to come check back on.

Just need to shop at Whole Foods.

I see you....
Naw, you misunderstand. I think most of those providers probably do top notch work. Hell, even the much aligned Jest was (is?) one of the best SEOs to haunt these halls, he spawned so many copycat services off the angles he took.

The issue I was trying to point out is that you have too much shit going to properly manipulate the necessary variables.

How are you going to dial in your anchor % into the that tight zone that allows for consistent movement but not too much to get you bounced?

Or even more important, how are you controlling your anchor velocity when using (by my count) 7 different providers? What about LIA? Any plans there or just going to let it happen as it happens?

Ultimately, I fear that if you have to ask, your game plan probably lacks some components for success.

But it's your money and I commend you for putting it out there. Like I said before, you'll learn a lot.

Since you never answered my TR question the first time, are you referring to trusted seed sets and military grade seo?

Kudos for that, probably the only thread on WF I'll remember to come check back on.

I see you....

For TR I simply mean Trust Ratio. Or TF-CF Ratio, I'd like to get my Topical Trust over 50 with a solid 1.0 TR Ratio or better.

I'm keeping a close eye on Anchors and their %'s with these providers, also keep in mind I am not running the providers simultaneously. Right now Nanexo is in his second week and I'll post the results as soon as I get them.

Only around 10% of the anchor text will target exact keywords. The majority of which will come from the editorials and deadpool domains.


I've found that one of biggest issues is second guessing myself, especially when reading topics on forums or posting them. So I am just going to trust that I have read up on enough material and that the success I've already had with other sites will carry me through this. Not to mention I'm going to heavily lean on the providers opinions and work very closely with them.

Ultimately my passion is building offline businesses and not doing internet marketing. I have no interest in building links myself or really doing any of the work myself, except for the web design simply because I can't find anyone that can do it as well. The point is I like to leave a lot of the direction this thing goes up to these providers while I just sort of sit back and monitor it, don't get me wrong I feel I know a pretty great deal about SEO and I study it quite a bit, I would just rather not do it myself and leave it up to people who I know are a lot better at it than I am.

This is why I have always followed say CCarters branding thread, or others pretty closely. I have had a lot of success with it and I don't have to change a whole lot from that path. So just keep in mind that these people I have hired have a huge input on where this project is going and what the outcome will be.
Wait... You are spending 25 000$ on marketing and using Godaddy WP Hosting?

Their hosting is actually very very fast. It is on an SSD and it offers several proprietary Wordpress features which are pretty sweet. I got a lot of things through Godaddy, domains, SSL's, hosting. Don't sleep on them.
An Update: After listening to everyones opinions on hosting with GoDaddy and running a speedtest (6.72ms) lol... I have invested in a Fully Managed VPS and purchased the Pro plan from Cloudflare.

Everything is being migrated and installed now so I will let you know what the new speed will be.
I don't know how your experience was with Adam (Blue Steele), but I've used him on and off with clients for years and have always had a good experience.

Anyways, best of luck on your adventure and good move away from GD.
Sounds pretty good. Some additional things I would do:

Build yourself a pbn using high quality domains. Don't go for Moz metrics (they are shit) and don't care much about PR (it hasn't been updated in a long time) Go for majestic stats and manual spam filtering for your domains

If you are spending 25k, then about 2k spent on a pbn would be a good investment. You can get about 40 high quality pbn sites for that with a bit of ongoing hosting costs. Remember that your own pbn provides laser targeted links if you set it that way.

Additionally, get someone to analyse the hell out of your competitors work and dig up opportunities, then acquire them.

A recent client I did got most of the results he wanted just from his pbn, and the remaining part was taken care of with some additional link buys, local directories and mixed links. I'd be happy to help, but maybe you can just look in the marketplace here.
Ok guys here is an update for everyone.

So far link building has been ULTRA slow, haven't really started yet.

Nanexo has been doing great work so far and I am letting his links drip in naturally. Expecting a major report from him tonight.

Still haven't started the daily social media updates. Andrew says we should be starting any day now.

1 Major link did go through. The Wikipedia link I purchased was approved, they even removed my competitors links in the process because they were "spam". Not only that but they took an entire 2 paragraphs from my website and posted at the top of the page.

This Wikipedia link is for an exact keyword (one of my main ones) and the anchor on the page is also for the exact keyword.

Some might be skeptical as this is a no-follow link but check this out.

"Exact Match Keyword" Before ranked no where. Exactly 24 hours later...


So what have I been up to? Well I am now over 100 pages of content, with each page having 500-3000 words and I have changed hosts entirely.

Removed everything to do with Godaddy except the domain, went with, cloudflare business plan w/ railgun, and did some WP tweaks. Check this shit out, before it was loading anywhere between 6.5s - 9s


Anyways, every half day I check out my rankings and they keep going up, so I have been holding off a bit on building links. I will probably begin early next month...

Current rankings.


Will have some major updates soon!
Tim - you are great to work with! Finally - someone who appreciates a great no-follow link :)

Will be watching your thread closely

Ok guys here is an update for everyone.

So far link building has been ULTRA slow, haven't really started yet.

Nanexo has been doing great work so far and I am letting his links drip in naturally. Expecting a major report from him tonight.

Still haven't started the daily social media updates. Andrew says we should be starting any day now.

1 Major link did go through. The Wikipedia link I purchased was approved, they even removed my competitors links in the process because they were "spam". Not only that but they took an entire 2 paragraphs from my website and posted at the top of the page.

This Wikipedia link is for an exact keyword (one of my main ones) and the anchor on the page is also for the exact keyword.

Some might be skeptical as this is a no-follow link but check this out.

"Exact Match Keyword" Before ranked no where. Exactly 24 hours later...


So what have I been up to? Well I am now over 100 pages of content, with each page having 500-3000 words and I have changed hosts entirely.

Removed everything to do with Godaddy except the domain, went with, cloudflare business plan w/ railgun, and did some WP tweaks. Check this shit out, before it was loading anywhere between 6.5s - 9s


Anyways, every half day I check out my rankings and they keep going up, so I have been holding off a bit on building links. I will probably begin early next month...

Current rankings.


Will have some major updates soon!
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So you get a lead (email, phone, etc?) and then do you qualify it/actually sign them up for whatever the service is? How far do you qualify them/warm them up?

Or have you done a deal with the end service provider and they pay you $xxx per lead? How did you find that person, how did you setup the deal with them?
So you get a lead (email, phone, etc?) and then do you qualify it/actually sign them up for whatever the service is? How far do you qualify them/warm them up?

Or have you done a deal with the end service provider and they pay you $xxx per lead? How did you find that person, how did you setup the deal with them?

I will actually go to the persons house and watch "Game of Thrones" so that we form a "trusting bond". Then of course I take them for everything they have.