Case Study: Quality between Adwords/Yahoo/Adcenter

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No, you fucked my brother. That pisses me off.

You are now officially my bitch...

Not sure why your brother felt like your wife.

But seriously, that steal the landing page shit is getting old. It's so fucking obvious that it's a joke. Let's just chill and pass a beer around. I'll even show some boobies.
Exact match was only used. You do have a point, but I was comparing proportionally. I could have paid ten cents a click for third position on Adcenter. Either way, all of us are always aim for the first position. Also, typically you recieve better quality traffic in the first positions.

I aim for whatever position is most profitable, many times that's not first....

And i would argue that first position clicks convert WORSE in many niches b/c those are the "quick clickers". But people who click lower ads have already seen other ads and for some reason those didn't resonate with them, but yours did....
I aim for whatever position is most profitable, many times that's not first....

And i would argue that first position clicks convert WORSE in many niches b/c those are the "quick clickers". But people who click lower ads have already seen other ads and for some reason those didn't resonate with them, but yours did....

I have had different experiences. Those who click on AD's towards the bottom or on the next pages are those who like to compare. Typically they click on 5-7 AD's before making any decision. I've never had better conversions at lower positions compared to top position.
I have had different experiences. Those who click on AD's towards the bottom or on the next pages are those who like to compare. Typically they click on 5-7 AD's before making any decision. I've never had better conversions at lower positions compared to top position.

I agree.I promote good ol' Amazon's products through adwords and make some good bank on it.After lots of experimentation I am convinced that people who click on first 3 ads are of better quality and traffic to your landing page is much higher in comparision to other ad positions.The role of landing page is also important , I just rewrite whatever merchant write about the product as review and the buyers like it.

Anyway what I am talking is CPS and your case study is on CPL.I am doing simillar experimentation on a christmas gift item [CPS] and interestingly Yahoo is the winner so far and Adwords traffic is breaking even.MSN has sent me very few clicks.
Children! Don't make me get out Hugz Tiem Kitteh!

Narsticle: The dude fucked up... now he's trying to make up for it with something that's actually pretty solid. Why can't you let it go, and just pay out on him when he fucks up again?
This particular post is actually pretty good and, IMO, isn't really deserving of a shit storm in a tea cup.

ROIShare: This is actually pretty good info.
Are you going to try it again with the same CPC in each SE, or let that ride for someone else?
Either way, what are your thoughts on MSNs search volume, as it's integrated directly into Vista and IE8 (and will DEFINITELY be there again for Windows7)?
Children! Don't make me get out Hugz Tiem Kitteh!

Narsticle: The dude fucked up... now he's trying to make up for it with something that's actually pretty solid. Why can't you let it go, and just pay out on him when he fucks up again?
This particular post is actually pretty good and, IMO, isn't really deserving of a shit storm in a tea cup.

ROIShare: This is actually pretty good info.
Are you going to try it again with the same CPC in each SE, or let that ride for someone else?
Either way, what are your thoughts on MSNs search volume, as it's integrated directly into Vista and IE8 (and will DEFINITELY be there again for Windows7)?

Thank you for the post.

Yes, I will be trying this one more time. This time with a different niche. But all the same rules will follow. I'm starting the campaign tonight. I will post the results once my budget for each platform is reached.

What I have seen with MSN traffic, is that generic keywords convert well unlike with Google and Yahoo. 90% of MSN surfers have a much different mind set than those of Google and Yahoo. In my campaigns, targeting a generic keyword in MSN; is just as good as targetting a long tail with Google.
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