Case Study: Quality between Adwords/Yahoo/Adcenter

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man you got lucky most of the niches i work in it would take 6 months to spend 1K on msn ... while 3 days is about right for Google lol

hmmm i wonder what my dad would search for ..(scurries off..)

Nice case study.

But how competitive was the niche within each network? If there was little competition or poorly constructed campaigns on MSN of course you'll have a higher return.

Well Adwords had the highest competition, then came Yahoo Search Marketing, and last came MSN Adcenter. But that order pretty much followed for all keywords I researched.

I think there's a problem with MSN's tracking. They don't filter out refreshes or something. Multiple times I've had like 3 clicks and 6 conversions (sales).

Were the 243 Adcenter leads shown by them or your secondary tracking?

Secondary Tracking.

From which affiliate network were you running the offer. Was it from your own network.

No, not from my network. My network hasn't launched yet. I used an offer from HydraNetwork.
it depends on the niche. i've noticed the opposite on several occasions. remember a hypothesis needs to be tested 3 times before a conclusion can be made. :)
Hey, nice work! Just a query though, how did you interact with the content network on each? I'm assuming it was off with Adwords, but what about YSM and especially AdCenter?
it depends on the niche. i've noticed the opposite on several occasions. remember a hypothesis needs to be tested 3 times before a conclusion can be made. :)

I'll make sure to run another test in a week with another niche and post the results.

Hey, nice work! Just a query though, how did you interact with the content network on each? I'm assuming it was off with Adwords, but what about YSM and especially AdCenter?

For Adwords, I made sure to turn off all clicks from content network and search partners. For Yahoo Search Marketing and MSN Adcenter, I received clicks from the content network and search partners. I believe that my conversions would have been greater on Yahoo Search Marketing if I were to disable traffic from search partners and content network.
I've never seen that much traffic from MSN, although it does convert well. Like jenzkc said, it depends on the niche. I think you found a goldmine there! It would be cool to see another 2 case studies, for a total of three, so we could get an average and see what the whole picture is.
did you read my three part investigation on why yahoo traffic sucks, and adjust accordingly. could have pushed those ysm numbers farther maybe.

if your getting those numbers off ysm default traffic then that is fucking solid.

i wanna read it you got a link?
I ran traffic to a startup site to get signups (free to join) and noticed similar results for adCenter. The traffic converted, but there just wasn't enough of it. I'd love to see Live grab more of the search market.

Yahoo drove me nuts because they kept putting my ads on stupid sqatter pages with no really good way out. It didn't convert as well.

AdWords sent me a steady flow of traffic that converted pretty well.

When I started ppc again, I signed up with adcenter first because I liked it so much. Now I'm moving into google and maybe never yahoo.
First good post you've made here. Is the next thing we are going to find out about this study that you were stealing credit card numbers or something on these landing pages?
Hi Guys, I am new to affiliate marketing, could anyone tell me what is the difference between CPV & CPA traffic sources? What could be the conversion ration between them?
There is one big problem with your case study.....

You're bids were not the same for each search engine, Just your position, so obviously your google ads will be worse b/c you're paying 3x as much per click. Try the same case study bidding $0.35 on each network. You will get much diff results.

You can get the same amount of traffic on Google for 35 cents as you can with MSN because even though your ad may be #5-6 on google and #1-2 on MSN, Google gets so much more traffic that even at #5-6 you may be able to get close to the same amount of clicks over a 7 day period as #1-2 on MSN.

Also, were you doing exact match on all? or broad match. Keep in mind that all three have slightly diff match types and the algorithms are diff, especially Yahoo, so you would need to make sure that the stats reflect the same keywords being clicked...
First good post you've made here. Is the next thing we are going to find out about this study that you were stealing credit card numbers or something on these landing pages?

Why must you bitch on everyone of my threads? Did I fuck your girlfriend?

There is one big problem with your case study.....

You're bids were not the same for each search engine, Just your position, so obviously your google ads will be worse b/c you're paying 3x as much per click. Try the same case study bidding $0.35 on each network. You will get much diff results.

You can get the same amount of traffic on Google for 35 cents as you can with MSN because even though your ad may be #5-6 on google and #1-2 on MSN, Google gets so much more traffic that even at #5-6 you may be able to get close to the same amount of clicks over a 7 day period as #1-2 on MSN.

Also, were you doing exact match on all? or broad match. Keep in mind that all three have slightly diff match types and the algorithms are diff, especially Yahoo, so you would need to make sure that the stats reflect the same keywords being clicked...

Exact match was only used. You do have a point, but I was comparing proportionally. I could have paid ten cents a click for third position on Adcenter. Either way, all of us are always aim for the first position. Also, typically you recieve better quality traffic in the first positions.
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