Cancer Is Serious Business

Why doesn't he just release this information to the public if really wanted to change the world. Sounds like another med bizopp.
It would be very optimistic if all this was true, but I gotta question reactions from the PR or lawyer of his research centre, that Marc guy and language used. I probably can understand, after all these years of fighting back, that he's over providing the information to everyone and anyone, but the way he lashed out at bloggers (LOL) is just ridiculous.

Now certain questions come to mind here.

Why didn't he go outta USA and tried setting up shop anywhere else? I'm sure some other country would help him more with legit research and funding, then fighting the FDA for years!

Why some big, rich, celebrity names dying of cancer, didn't consider his treatment as its publicized as a non toxic one, nothing to lose (Jobs??) (opposite of chemotherapy and radiation)?

What you guys think?
holy bumper! that was interesting to watch.. Don't think I've ever seen so many supporting documents in any documentary ever.. Should kill the dramatic music during interviews though, esp. when it's just some scientist talking about chemicals