Cancer Is Serious Business

Fucking brilliant. There's the long answer for anyone who was asking in the other natural/alternative medicine thread why there aren't any clinical trials or why all these other natural and alternative medicines aren't more widely used.


$300 million for stage 3 trials. Who gon give you dat if your cure grows on trees?? (I know it doesn't in this case but you know what I'm saying)

Yes. What I especially liked about the documentary is how it detailed the way FDA tried to impose protocols in order to sabotage the success of the treatment in clinical trials. I am sure they have done this to other treatments in the past.

I also wanted to add that it sucks that people like Bill Gates dont donate money to something like this. There is very strong evidence Dr. Burzynski's treatments work why not give him $100MM instead of these animals in Africa.

End rant.

Here's why:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bill Gates EXPOSED! Wants Depopulation Through Vaccines‬‏[/ame]

Bill Gates says:
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

[ame=]YouTube - ‪EPIC FAIL - Bill Gates Announces "Decade Of Vaccines" For Agenda 21‬‏[/ame]
I just watched video and it makes me mad... I would slit throat to that motherfuckers with dull spoon...
Bill Gates says:
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

He's not plotting to use vaccines to poison people. The idea is that in places with higher child death rates, they have extra kids to compensate.

In places like the USA, if most people want 2 kids, that is what they will have. In other places they might have 5 to try to guarantee that they will have 2; but then if 3, 4 or 5 end up living, it causes a higher population growth compared to healthier places.
So where is my affiliate link you douche? BTW you have not even been able to own up to not being able to do some simple research in the other thread.

I never said you were selling it. I said you were stupid enough to believe in it.

This video makes scene. The other thread of the 'magic product' doesn't. You aren't evil for promoting the other thread, rather extremely stupid. Very, very, extremely idiotic.

You found a good video on this thread, doesn't mean the other one is right. Hell, even blind squirrels find a nut every now and then.
Great video - It is now available until June 20th.

If you haven't watched it, you should.
The other thread = buy my bizzop and get magic monies.

One has a point, the other is a scam.

and then

I never said you were selling it. I said you were stupid enough to believe in it.

At least have the sense to hold your ground over 2 posts. Look, you seem like you have something to prove either from insecurities, a superiority complex or whatever. Its a waste of my time conversing with someone like you. I see no need to reply you anymore.
Yes. What I especially liked about the documentary is how it detailed the way FDA tried to impose protocols in order to sabotage the success of the treatment in clinical trials. I am sure they have done this to other treatments in the past.

Video was interesting. But not sure whether you'd wanna call it FDA sabotage lol
Seems that antineoplastons and it's mechanism is't anything "new" or "revolutionary". Active compounds are phenylacetic acid, phenylacetylglutamine, and sodium phenylbutyrate used for urea cycle disorders. Links from Burzynski's own site explaining how antineoplastons work, other links explaining it more, etc"
Antineoplaston - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sodium phenylbutyrate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Antineoplaston Therapy and Sodium Phenylbutyrate
Antineoplastons (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute
Induction of apoptosis in human hepatocellular car... [Anticancer Res. 2007 Jul-Aug] - PubMed result
Treatment Options | Cancer Specialist, Cancer Drug Clinical Trials | Houston, Texas

Basically plenty of scientific data about antineoplastons but not enough evidence that its some sort of powerful cancer cure. So basically more trials need to be done and it seems the FDA are allowing more trials to happen. Doesn't seem to be any conspiracies to block the research into antineoplastons. lol

FWIW, reading that ARTICLE (which I thought was pretty balanced), it seems Burzynski admits to his own ignorance about how things worked in the U.S, (i.e. the FDA procedures, etc). Pretty much admitted how he screwed things up in the beginning. Even afterwards - and even today - you get this sense that he could have gotten much better support from everyone involved - the FDA, medical establisnhment,etc - to carry out his trials had he not been so darn stubborn and/or ignorant about learning how to "play the game". And games usually have rules, like it or not :p For all we know he probably got shitty advise and/or bad counsel and just didn't play the game right. That's the gist I get.
It does to SeoReborn, ask him if we landed on the moon, or about vaccines if you want a real laugh.

FFFFFFUUUUU Vaccine idiots really make me rage.

It's fine ranting on about the moon or JFK, because you're not really hurting anyone, but all this bullshit about vaccines has gotten into the press, and as a result children have started dying of preventable diseases like measles that were almost eradicated 20 years ago.

I wonder if any of these people have actually met a doctor to talk to outside of being a patient. I know loads of them, and all of them are obsessed with getting the best outcome possible for their patients. Sure, they are overworked and make mistakes, and they can be overconfident. But they're not prioritising profit above their patients.

I have no idea if it's different in the US because of all the money sloshing around in the healthcare system, but that's the way it is over here.

Pharma companies are fucking evil though. But that's because they're run by the same psychopathic MBA types who thrive in the upper tier of most large public corporations.
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I think you are talking about "Cut Poison Burn" but I can't find it full length. Here is the trailer:[ame=]YouTube - ‪NEHST Cut Poison Burn Trailer‬‏[/ame]