Can Beta become Alpha?


New member
Oct 16, 2010
is it possible? maybe this transformation happened to you or you know stories it happened to other dudes behaviors?
or if one is beta it is for life?

Of course you can change if you really wanted to, you first have to 'believe' then you need to do whatever it takes to get there... look at some of the so-called pickup artists you see these days, they all used to be 'beta' male.

Another example :


It's great that you're aware that you have a problem and willing to take the initiative to change.. i know lots of guys who just bitch about their life all the time and not fucking do anything about it.. whether it's women, financial or health.
if a Beta male turned into an Alpha male, he was never a Beta male - only the conditioning made him believe that he was.

So the question is - are you really Beta? you'll never know, until you try to become Alpha.
Doesn't it happen all the time during crisis situations? A guy can be an alpha during the usual normal circumstances, but falls apart when there's pressure. Sometimes, that's exactly where the usually nervous / spazzy beta will thrive.

A lot of people seem to be frazzled during normal conditions, but as soon as things get crazy, they get hyper focused and clear headed, then they take care of business while everyone else is freaking out.
true story:
I had a roommate in college who was a really nice but very shy guy. He was a virgin and never had a girlfriend. One night right as we're going to bed he asks me "how does it work?" It took me a bit to get the full question out of him but basically he admitted he didn't know how to have sex or how to convince a girl to have sex with you. I was pretty shocked but decided to be cool about it because he's one of those ultra nice guys that you really have to watch what you say around him. If you even joke about something it could hurt his feelings and he'd stress it for days until you convinced him beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were just kidding. It was an all night conversation. I drew diagrams, humped my pillow in pretty much every position. We went through every little detail from meeting the girl and saying hi all the way through proper bailing after the deed.

The very next night he's gone. I'm starting to worry and checking the usual sesh places. He shows up around 4am with a shit eatin grin on his face.

After that, total player.
Working behind a computer for too many years aggravates the "betaness" of men... I'd say try to spend as much time OUTSIDE as possible. Hit the gym or bike or run or play a team sport, go to bars and meet people, get involved into some kind of activity. That's how you promote Testosterone production and in turns it helps your Alpha side.
will ensure that you don't even need to ask this question.

Go get a hormone panel done to find out your free and total testosterone levels. If you're low (and you can afford it), look into hormone therapy. Many (many) men suffer from critically low testosterone thanks to genetic factors and their lifestyle, but the issue is that simply exercising and changing foods might not replace everything. Hormone replacement can put you into the top end of the proper physiological range without causing any of the adverse effects that one would experience taking anabolic steroids, so don't worry about that.

Age simply makes things worse, too: Low testosterone hits 40% of men over 45 - Health - CBC News

I can assure you, when your test levels are right you will be forced to be out there meeting women, burning off additional energy, and pounding your frustrations out on something. There's a reason they call it "roid rage", after all.