Calling All Ron Paul Supporters

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Another point - you need to think of this as an investment, rather than expense. $100.00 is nothing compared to what a President like Ron Paul can do to our bottom line. Come to think of it, we shouldn't be donating to Ron Paul in the $hundreds, but in the $thousands.

Anyway, post it on your blog, company cafeteria, wherever. Let's get the word out.
Already setup and ready to do this - even if a LOT of people flake out on this we still should have a record setting fundraising day on the 5th - pitch in guys!
I wonder what the media's reaction would be if we reached that goal.
O wow. Ahhh shit I was working on something else in this area. Maybe I will combine them. I am in for at least $100 again.
This is at 7,200 subscribers to this RSS and hopefully donating. There is some cool code there for you to show the time until the "day".

Also it has an Alexa graph showing this page more popular than most other candidates main sites.
Does anyone not living on the internet actually support him? I've seen loads online - here, blogs, etc, but the mainstream press just list him as an 'also running'.

I'd love to see him win - he's the only candidate that has said he'll hold Bush & Co accountable from what I've seen - but without mainstream support is that gonna happen?

Or is it really just all about the money? Raise enough, buy enough TV ads.. win enough votes.
Does anyone not living on the internet actually support him? I've seen loads online - here, blogs, etc, but the mainstream press just list him as an 'also running'.

Every Friday driving home from work on I45 (that's Interstate 45 for the folks across the way) There are always people holding a "Support Ron Paul" sign on the overpass so that the rush hour traffic see it as they drive under it.

Course they could be bloggers since obviously they don't have a 9-5 if they are out there every friday.:D
Anybody know his stance on "the war on drugs"?

I'd love to know that too. I vote Lib Dem here for most elections mostly because of their view that the current system isn't working. (Before the Iraqi fiasco that was their biggest selling point to me.)

It's strange in the US with marijuana really (if I understand correctly).. Some states have legalised it for medical use (to varying degrees), yet it is still 100% illegal nationally.... have I got that right?! What happens when state law contradicts national law? Can't carry on like that can ya?

I was trying to explain this to my mum the other day - she's just got on a cannabis trial for MS - and couldn't really understand it!
I'd love to know that too. I vote Lib Dem here for most elections mostly because of their view that the current system isn't working. (Before the Iraqi fiasco that was their biggest selling point to me.)

It's strange in the US with marijuana really (if I understand correctly).. Some states have legalised it for medical use (to varying degrees), yet it is still 100% illegal nationally.... have I got that right?! What happens when state law contradicts national law? Can't carry on like that can ya?

I was trying to explain this to my mum the other day - she's just got on a cannabis trial for MS - and couldn't really understand it!

To answer your questions: ...Yes.

There was an awesome/awful video clip on CNN where Mitt Romney ignored a guy in a wheelchair who asked if Romney would arrest him and his doctors for giving him the only drug that can ease his tremors and pain. Other people even asked him why he was walking away from the man. -.-

You can go to jail for smoking it for medical purposes, and there were crackdowns a year or two ago on Californian suppliers. It makes me sick.
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It's strange in the US with marijuana really (if I understand correctly).. Some states have legalised it for medical use (to varying degrees), yet it is still 100% illegal nationally.... have I got that right?! What happens when state law contradicts national law? Can't carry on like that can ya?
basically with a dr verification you can legally smoke marijuana(in some states) as long as you eather do it privatley or more than 1000 ft from a gov building and/or school. The thing is say i get busted with a pipe and some weed, if the cop is a dick they can bust me for having the pipe. Thats right, i can smoke weed but cant have peraphanalia. As far as state vs federal law, state lawenforcement wont bust you but federal(dea) will.

there were crackdowns a year or two ago on Californian suppliers.

ugh still going on, a bunch of the shops here had to close cause the dea sent letters to all the landlords letters threatening them if they dont boot out the canni clubs, so gay.

and back on topic
....Go Ron Paul
Does anyone not living on the internet actually support him? I've seen loads online - here, blogs, etc, but the mainstream press just list him as an 'also running'.

He was allowed to participate in the first Republican debate. Had some great answers.

Just shows the state of the oppression the social elite have given us.

Truth is shot down. Only their personal agendas mean anything.

I can't believe how blatantly obvious it all can be if someone were to just look at whats going on.

If you try to argue anything thats not popular opinion most just lash out, deny it or shut down.
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