Calling All Ron Paul Supporters

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I started an adwords campaign for this site probably be able to drive x,xxx visits between now and then.
I wonder what the media's reaction would be if we reached that goal.

The left wing media wound't even mention it. Problem is I have to give my cash to someone other than Clinton that has a chance. Sorry to say spending time and money on Paul is a waste and could possibly take away votes that will keep Billory out of office. He will not get the nomination.

If he had a chance in hell of getting the nomination I would go balls out for him but he is not center enough to win.
Does anyone not living on the internet actually support him? I've seen loads online - here, blogs, etc, but the mainstream press just list him as an 'also running'.

I'd love to see him win - he's the only candidate that has said he'll hold Bush & Co accountable from what I've seen - but without mainstream support is that gonna happen?

Or is it really just all about the money? Raise enough, buy enough TV ads.. win enough votes.

Hold Bush accountable for what? Best ecomony ever? Low unemployment? Huge Stock Market? Cutting Taxes..yet pulling in MORE tax income than ever in the history of the US? Spending more on social programs than any other president in the history of the US? I mean what the fuck can you hold him accountable on. IRAQ??? Yea things went bad for awhile but with the recent accounts of violece down almost 70% things are looking up with the troop surge.

Sorry Lazy for the rant..but liberals just don't live by the facts. They make shit up and throw it against the wall and hope it sticks.
you could hold him accountable for that $35,000+ you personally now owe.

Sorry..not sure WTF your talkin about. All I know is I make more under G. Bush than I have ever made. I have less taxes comming out of my checks than ever before. My stocks are soaring. I have 20 more employees than I did 10 years ago. My employees that are on welfare are recieving more benifits..All is good. What the fuck is wrong with that????

EDIT: I understand most of you young guys. I was a rabid democrat. I voted democrat in 2000. That was untill I had children and started my own business. Once I "grew up" I became a Rebublican. I became a Republican when my 3rd grader came home with homo material from school. I also like my money and want to keep it. I don't want to give it away to those that don't want to work.

like my hero Stan Lee says..nuff said!
I think was Iraq Ron Paul was referring to, or the so-called 'war on terror'.

Best economy ever? I think a lot of economists would disagree.
Best economy ever? I think a lot of economists would disagree.

you're right. Some pompus economy professer at some over-rated ivy league University somewhere probably has something negative to say about our soaring economy, filled with all sorts of great acedemic citations and philosphies.

But for those of us actually driving the economy; those of us that don't just complain, those of us that actually stand up and take control of our lives, the economy isn't so bad.

For those of you who want to complain about anything, the current administration, your job, your life, your health, I challenge you to write down give things that you've done to better the situation YOURSELVES. What are you not happy about? What have you done to remedy the situation?

Chances are you haven't done sh1t, because if you were ever going to take control or do something with yourself, this is the time to do it. Stop whining, get up and make the change for yourself.
The left wing media wound't even mention it. Problem is I have to give my cash to someone other than Clinton that has a chance. Sorry to say spending time and money on Paul is a waste and could possibly take away votes that will keep Billory out of office. He will not get the nomination.

If he had a chance in hell of getting the nomination I would go balls out for him but he is not center enough to win.

Women hate other women and men hate women in power- Hilary won't get elected. Hard core left-wing political people are usually fucking weirdos and they don't make up anywhere near the majority. Even most normal people who like her views say they aren't ready to vote for a woman.

Also, No American in their right mind is going to vote for a black son of a radical muslim father/ atheist mother. Not because there is anything wrong with that- but because we're not ready for that big of a change either.

This is probably the one election where any decent democratic candidate would run away with it because Bush shit all over the republican's chances... and the popular dem. candidates are a joke.

I'm guessing that Edwards will be most people's default vote in the end, but as viral as the internet is- maybe Ron Paul will surprise us all....
Does anyone not living on the internet actually support him? I've seen loads online - here, blogs, etc, but the mainstream press just list him as an 'also running'.

I'd love to see him win - he's the only candidate that has said he'll hold Bush & Co accountable from what I've seen - but without mainstream support is that gonna happen?

Or is it really just all about the money? Raise enough, buy enough TV ads.. win enough votes.

Yep - he's got offline supporters, the grassroots folks behind him have got a little "stuck" with being the best on the internet\digg etc but many of us promote him offline as well.
Events so far!
Stats from Map of Ron Paul 2008 Meetups, events, clubs and groups worldwide
I'm a proud member of that 59K+ group of folks, just went to my first offline event a couple days back to hold signs on a busy street corner near the UofA here in Tucson. Giving money is great - getting out and telling folks about him is what will make a huge difference. I take a bunch of business cards with info about him with me places now and give them out whenver I get a chance.
Let alone Offline supporters, he's got international supporters as well. I am from India, and I am one of them. :)

This man leaves me speechless.
The economy in the USA really isnt that great. Yes popeye you are doing good and so are the stockholders lucky enough to own stocks in Bush and friends companies... Halliburton, Lockheed, Boeing.... Popeye you have employees on welfare? And this doesnt concern you? Why are workers on welfare? This is supposedly the strongest country economically in the world and about 20% don't have health coverage, the dollar is weak as shit, and mortgage companies are closing... The Dow is equal to the dow before the interest rate decrease. The dow rebounded then went back down. Doesn't inspire confidence in me.
The economy in the USA really isnt that great. Yes popeye you are doing good and so are the stockholders lucky enough to own stocks in Bush and friends companies... Halliburton, Lockheed, Boeing.... Popeye you have employees on welfare? And this doesnt concern you? Why are workers on welfare? This is supposedly the strongest country economically in the world and about 20% don't have health coverage, the dollar is weak as shit, and mortgage companies are closing... The Dow is equal to the dow before the interest rate decrease. The dow rebounded then went back down. Doesn't inspire confidence in me.

My employees that are on welfare (part-time data entry) do concern me. It concerns me that my state affords benefits to people that don't really need them. If you have a car and a big screen don't deserve social benefits.
W00t! Ron Paul is coming to a debate at a local college. It's 5 min from my house, I'm definitely going.
The left wing media wound't even mention it. Problem is I have to give my cash to someone other than Clinton that has a chance. Sorry to say spending time and money on Paul is a waste and could possibly take away votes that will keep Billory out of office. He will not get the nomination.

If he had a chance in hell of getting the nomination I would go balls out for him but he is not center enough to win.

Kinda sad to hear. It's that kind of mentality that will forever force Americans to vote for the lesser of two evils. We have an opportunity with Ron Paul. We will probably never get another one. He currently has everything he needs to win, he just needs to win over the people stuck in that exact mentality and he's got the white house.
It's that kind of mentality that will forever force Americans to vote for the lesser of two evils.
Yeah, I am tired of only being able to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich in the elections. :angryfire:


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