C&D from Facebook...

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Did you also make sure to stop doing whatever they wanted you to stop?

Well was slightly different. Was for websites I had up, and it was Fox sending me the C&D's, so I took them down. But yeah, you'll end up spending any money that you ever made from FB trying to fight them, so you're better off either just complying (though I wouldn't tell them how much you've earned -- and your lawyer will help you write a response). But tell me, do you think you have any options other than complying?
Please respond to me in writing no later than close of business on Friday, March 11, 2011 confirming that You:

- Have stopped and will refrain from accessing Facebook's site and/or services for any
reason; and

- Have stopped and will refrain from creating or displaying advertisements of any kind on
Facebook's website(s) or through Facebook's services;

There is your answer mGrunin. Just as I said in my above posts. They want you to:

a) get the fuck off facebook

b) let them know, sincerely, you will stay the fuck away

NOTE: From what you pasted above, they don't give a shit whether you send your affiliate info to them, that's probably just for intimidation.

Give facebook a rest for a few months, and cautiously return if you think you can do it without getting caught....new IP, different browser, register a new LLC, etc.

PS I had a C&D from eharmony and I dealt with it just like I'm advising you to. Just reply, and say nicely..."Yes, I will comply blah blah blah" and just don't mention anything about their affiliate earnings request. Take advice from somebody who's done it before. And my problem was WAAAY worse than your situation, since I was sitting on typo domains and redirecting to dating offers.
To everyone: Please don't give shit advice if you don't know what you are talking. This is not a C&D from from some food blogger for stealing her "Photography".
Yea no kidding... Id get the fuck off facebook and stay off.

by the way ill take those campaigns off you for 10% of the profits.

Got a C&D from fb last year as well as one of my sites domain contained the word facebook in it, not the same type of situation I know but I killed the site and never heard anything from them, if it can help in any ways.
Admit nothing and deny everything. As others have mentioned spend the $300 & let the lawyer respond and forget about it. More then likely nothing more will come of it once they have be assured your done with them.

This is a good reminder to distance yourself from your online marketing efforts. For about $1,000 you can create a lot of hoops using things like offshore hosting, LLC's owned by other LLC's owned by international corp's, proxy's, offshore banking. The grayer your business the more layers needed. Same with your affiliate relationships never setup under your own name or have the payments come to you, always go through your companies. Even with the whitest of hats your efforts are bound to cost someone money even if its a competitor. Let them chase a ghost.
That sucks really bad if that was your main traffic source. I can't give you any advice because I'm not a lawyer or been in the same situation, but did they also disable your regular facebook account?
1: "- Provide an accounting of all the commissions I've earned from my affiliate networks, referral commissions and the dates I was an affiliate." - LOL fuck you facebook.

2: Talk to a lawyer
You need to talk to a lawyer. You did not post porn, and you KNEW that they would approve or disapprove anything before it was posted to the public. You have a tiny bit of legal defense here (in my non lawyer opinion). At least enough to protect you from further action. MAYBE enough to get them to drop this with a slap on the wrist.

On another note - DON'T POST THAT BULLSHIT SALTYDROID SHIT HERE. Man fuck that faggot. Everything Kern said in that video is 100% right. That doesn't mean you should go nuts and post actual porn on a network.

Don't Fuck Around = Talk to a lawyer and/or reset up your business with a partner.

Fucking Around = Rollingover and letting FB fuck you in this situation

What's to stop your brother or trusted friend from setting up the same successful campaigns you were running with you as a silent partner?

If you were having any decent success on fb and you let it all go because of this bullshit c&D (never actually posted "porn" - yes it IS a bullshit c&d) you are "fucking around".
Send them an invoice for your time to read the C&D and while you are at it ask them how Sean Parker is going with his cocaine addiction.
Facebook employees are bound to be on the forums.

You've discussed this image on the forums in the past.

You've openly requested accounts to purchase.
People talk too much on this forum. I don't know if it is the Facebook generation or what, but there is zero discretion with some folks around here.

Martin, sorry to hear about your loss. Looks like you need a partner to work your campaigns through. Make sure it is someone who doesn't post much on WF.
Seems like they can't make up their minds since I just received an email from Facebook that they re-activated my last disabled account.
Facebook-sent-me-a-CD-then-kissed-my-feet-and-gave-it-back.jpg Martin Mgrunin
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