Boost Your PR by Combining Approved Articles with Profile Sites & SB: 5 Reviews

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I assume you will have go2articles approved first as I have never heard of go2articles not accepting an article.

1) Can I request only ezinearticles?

2) Also, you are creating tiered backlinks to the 25-Anglea/Paul profiles and/or to the ezinearticle?

"6. Providing Huge No. of backlinks." 3) What is a "huge" number?

Thanks. Am interested.

Anybody experience good serps to report? Tia
Got my report on the 6th day for Package B. Overall very good work done but I wish seomerelin would ensure approval to ezinearticles first before submitting to the others.

The profile building and social bookmarking afterwards was top notch tho.
I want to know if you already see success to sites after you do what listed in the packages above?
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