Blogroll Links For Sale - PR7 - PR6 - PR5 - PR4 - PR3 -

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Right. Casino links were allowed on that blog. Never said they were not allowed on that blog.

Blogroll links are still there. Not sure what you're talking about. I thought we got hacked seriously.

Home page was always missing images but it's being worked on b/c of new template.

From what I can see loads of the single post pages only have casino links and so it looks like the site is only there to promote casinos. There are no blogroll links on these pages - just the Casino crap. So has the PR dropped to 5 now?
Your "PR8" site (now a PR5) was redirecting to a bonafide and high quality PR8 site for some time last year and maybe in 2010 as well. ( -shows that in Feb 2011). In fact, your domain was registered with an almost identical name to that high PR site about 1 year after the bona fide high PR domain was registered.

It looks to me that when your "PR8" domain was redirecting to that high quality PR8 site - your site owner managed to con some VERY high PR sites to link to your site thinking it was the bona fide original PR8 site (due to the redirect).

These high PR sites then presumably discovered what had happened some time after your site stopped the redirect - and became the "Education Blog" and then as a result removed the high PR links to your site.

Maybe they even complained to Google about it - as they must have been quite influential websites to have passed on such a high PR to your site. Maybe that's why your site has been downgraded now to a PR5 - outside of the normal PR update cycle. I don't know.

You have sold several permanent blog roll slots to Wickedfire members on the basis that this was a valid PR8 education blog - and within 7 days of purchase the site has been demoted to PR5 and the blogroll links are probably worthless.

Maybe there's some valid alternative explanation for what's happened and we've not been conned. I really hope that is the case.
Blogroll links are still there. Not sure what you're talking about. I thought we got hacked seriously.

Every single post I looked at had the blogroll links (and the right hand sidebar) removed - however the crap casino links at the bottom of the page were still there. (The sidebar and the blogroll links are on the home page and the categories pages.)

BTW - if you have contacted Google directly about the problems with the "BAD casino" link ... and they actually investigate your site, then they will presumably find the link for "google finance" in your blogroll pointing to some crappy casino site. SPAM and presumably misrepresentation of their trademark.

And just about every one of the 18 or so casino related outbound links on this site has an education or other totally unrelated link title. Spam of the lowest degree if you ask me!
I've messaged you all responses needed. I've violated nothing I originally guaranteed.

We're selling blogrolls from various sites as a service, as stated in all posts and have needed access to prove our authority of blogs. No links were 'barred' from this site as shown in every post as this one.

It was announced publicly the site was redirected priorly for about 2 or 3 months and has held a PR8 rank before and after that.

Your expectations & what we offered are two different things.

When certain links are barred I state that clearly and it's CLEAR I did not state that for this blogroll.

However, dont fret too badly. This will hopefully be fixed after a response as I've done research on the issue. The pagerank definitely dropped after casino links added. It's a sure thing now.

I've messaged you all responses needed. I've violated nothing I originally guaranteed.

Nice to see your after sales service here.

We're selling blogrolls from various sites as a service, as stated in all posts and have needed access to prove our authority of blogs. No links were 'barred' from this site as shown in every post as this one.
Strange service - that offers a PR8 blogroll and 7 days after purchasing - its a PR5 - without a Google page rank update actually happening. The site stinks.

It was announced publicly the site was redirected priorly for about 2 or 3 months and has held a PR8 rank before and after that.

It was redirecting to the valid PR8 site in Feb last year. It was a crap site before then and I am certain it was NOT PR8 then - otherwise you'd have been selling PR8 links on it then. The best reason for the redirect that I can see is to con other sites to link to you thinking its a reputable site - as I stated above. Then switching off the redirect and benefiting from the enhance PR you got from the conned links - until they realise that they are linking to a fake site and drop the links.

Your expectations & what we offered are two different things.
You are probably correct. I was expecting a PR8 blogroll from a reputable service provider.

If I was selling links like this on Wickedfire and made a few sales to Wickedfire members and 7 days after the sale links turn sour then I'd seriously think about my reputation on Wickedfire and make some offer to those members who bought the links from me in good faith. But that's me.

However, dont fret too badly. This will hopefully be fixed after a response as I've done research on the issue. The pagerank definitely dropped after casino links added. It's a sure thing now.


Why is it a sure thing?? Are you trying to tell us that darling Google is going to fix your site's PR - even although at least one of the 18 casino links on it is actually scamming google finance - which could potentially be a Google trademark infringement?

Do you seriously think that anyone is going to believe you that it will be OK in a few days time?

If you are happy to scam people with a bogus PR8 blogroll link then that's up to you. But you'll find less and less buyers for your service on this forum.

I'm still hoping however that you have no desire to sell us a service which fails after 7 days and that you'll do something positive about it. If that's the case, then both myself and other Wickedfire members will respect you for that and probably buy some more links from you in the future.

Not going to argue with you. I've had experience in what i'm speaking on. No real need to argue to prove a point.

If Forbes can get caught selling links.. and penalized.. .why can't i?
Forbes Caught Selling Links by Google | WebProNews

Good day. I will be aiding the situation to be clear reguardless. That's what good business is about. If something happens, you investigate and fix. Not dissappear... Not ot trying to say 'this and that' happened, to make up some sort of bogus story.

obviously , something some here are good at.
I'am interest, can I get the detail please. This my email

I only have a $365 deal going currently.

Site's involved are HIGH QUALITY. Personal Blogs; Updated randomly in the week with real / active content.

PR4, PR3, and PR2 sites.
1 Yr blogroll links on all 3 for $365 ( $1 per day ).

Only 10 links being allowed.

Domain Authority & more below:

PR4 -
-over 1400 unique HTML pages // Hundreds of PR1-PR5 pages
- GOogle News site
Domain Authority : 40
Page Authority (root): 47

PR3 -
-over 1200 unique HTML pages // hundreds of PR1-PR3 pages
Domain Authority : 36
Page Authority (root): 46

PR2 -
-over 200 unique HTML pages // several PR1-Pr2 pages
Domain Authority : 20
Page Authority (root): 33
Not going to argue with you. I've had experience in what i'm speaking on. No real need to argue to prove a point.

If Forbes can get caught selling links.. and penalized.. .why can't i?
Forbes Caught Selling Links by Google | WebProNews

Good day. I will be aiding the situation to be clear reguardless. That's what good business is about. If something happens, you investigate and fix. Not dissappear... Not ot trying to say 'this and that' happened, to make up some sort of bogus story.

obviously , something some here are good at.

Yesterday your excuse was that Google penalized your PR8 site because of the bad casino links on it. And that you had been in contact with Google to fix it. Today you imply that the site is penalized for selling links.

Your PR8 site was singled out by Google and penalized. Why - I'm not sure. But what is sure is that what was touted as a PR8 blogroll link by you has bombed within 7 days of purchase.

Your service sucks. Your after sales service sucks. You had an opportunity to "put things right" and build up your credibility again but you just "wash your hands" of it and effectively tell us "tough shit".
........... that's the same thing .......... Link Selling is identified through types of links added to sites typically. If you care to research it, Google search it.

You're 'reaching' .

Again, feel free to PM me with more questions and help. i"m not avoiding you & trying to hlep you but you're just spewing a lot of false and irrelevant information instead of getting things fixed/resolved.
Glad I didn't order.

honestly. i dont even mind you saying that.

It's all a risk business wise. However, i HID NOTHING. And I never said anything about not selling 'casino/gambling/adult' etc links

If you notice, blogroll links posts usually state what they will / wont allow. Check my posts, notice I dont have this because OBVIOUS REASONS.

PSK10 is pleading a bogus case.

be sure to read entire thread, op is full of shit and taking advantage of noobs.

anyone that knows how to check link profiles and look for fake pr can easily see this former pr8 is bullshit
i now see why PSK10 already has negative feedback. I'll be adding another.

I've been a Wickedfire member since 2009 and have purchased lots of services from many Wickedfire members for my own websites during this time. The vast majority of the suppliers I have worked with have provided a great service. During this time I have been very disappointed with the service provided on only 2 occasions and have reflected that with -ve iTraders. This is one of them!

The other service provider (and also the only other member to give me a -ve iTrader) disappeared from the site about 2 years ago!
Lets be direct here. Stop beating the bush. stop talking about irrelevant matter.

What did I mention in the post that I did not deliver?

What did I say that was not as promised?

You even said yourself after purchase, it was everything I posted. The blogger allowed all types of links and it stayed a PR8 for 2 weeks before it got penalized.

Uploaded with
Lets be direct here. Stop beating the bush. stop talking about irrelevant matter.

What did I mention in the post that I did not deliver?

What did I say that was not as promised?

You even said yourself after purchase, it was everything I posted.

The partnered blogger allowed all types of links and it stayed a PR8 for 2 weeks after your purchase before it got penalized.


If you've been here 2 years, even more reason for me to ask, Why did you complain about all links being allowed when it's CLEAR ..> VERY CLEAR... we did not put restrictions on the links allowed?

That would be a great question for you to answer as well.

That's not me taking advantage of anyone. That's simply me posting the facts and conducting business based off the facts.

As a business. Is it not your responsibility to analzye such risks?

My assumption; just as others buying links, they account for themself.... they understand the risk of what they are buying and make a PERSONAL DECISION on whether or not that's the type of services needed.

Lets be direct here. Stop beating the bush. stop talking about irrelevant matter.

If you would like a resolve. Lets try to work something out instead of this buffoonery of you posting a lot of irrelevant matter.. screaming like a bitch how you are a victim because a blogroll you took a risk on, got penalized. You analzyed the site's background and chose to buy the link. It's had pagerak for years.... the redirect was a short period as stated in the original blogpost by various members and member Charto911 confirms it was only a temporary redirect as he previously bought blogposts over a year ago from the partnered blogger before turning the site into side biz.
I've already said:-
The other service provider (and also the only other member to give me a -ve iTrader) disappeared from the site about 2 years ago!

So why don't you just do likewise and go back to scamming others on other boards and leave us Wickedfire members alone.
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