~*~ Blog commenting to over 8000 auto-approved blogs~*~ LIMITED SPOTS

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I will not promise to give a review, but I will pay after the service.
PM me if you are fine with that.

And yes, I will pay even if it is a Shitty service. Only I will review it as well if it is Shitty :D

Do you have separate db for Wordpress and BE.. I have another site banned on WP-Akismet so I only need a BE blast for that :).. oh did you say auto approve ..

I want my name in the queue, payment pending the reviews (clearing up the issues on those questions asked above)
I'm talking with Excursion on AIM at the moment, this guy is legit. Been trying to buy this list without any sales to the rest of you but the price is too rich for my blood. Maybe on the next one. ;)

Detailed review coming up.

Oh, and eliquid, Onkel was too busy to take review, he recommended me and I never pass up a chance to check out quality links. tl;dr version: snooze, you lose. ;)
Well I didn't get laid this past weekend so I'm in a foul mood. And as far as not checking my PMs, I DID check my PMs just obviously 30 minutes too late.

Ouch, Man now I feel for you, I am married so I know all about that...lol

^^ i thought it was odd he gave the review to onkelmicha and then later in reply to my post said he gave it to grindstone too even though I posted before onkelmicha... so im i getting a free review too?


I believe Grindstone cleared this up for you.

I will not promise to give a review, but I will pay after the service.
PM me if you are fine with that.

And yes, I will pay even if it is a Shitty service. Only I will review it as well if it is Shitty :D

Do you have separate db for Wordpress and BE.. I have another site banned on WP-Akismet so I only need a BE blast for that :).. oh did you say auto approve ..

Yes, they are all auto approved so you dont have to worry about the Askimet getting you.

I want my name in the queue, payment pending the reviews (clearing up the issues on those questions asked above)

Got you in queue for an order.

how many keywords and urls can i target?

You can use 1 domain and I will use multiple keywords if needed.

And for some reason I did not receive the email that there were replies to the thread, so sorry for the late response.

Once the review is posted by Grindstone, you can decide if you would like the service and we will all go from there. Still looking at about 20 minutes for it to get finished and the report sent, then how ever long it takes Grind to look through it and post his review.

Thanks all.
Got my report back, going to run it thru a 3 stage checking process so bear with me. First step is links found, running at about 90% found so far, which is exceptional. Then I'll run PR and OBL checks on them so this will take awhile. OP has guaranteed me that the PR's advertised in this thread and while I can't confirm it yet, he's definitely been on the up and up regarding all our other discussions. Wish I could afford to keep this one off the market. ;)
I appreciate the start of your details review Grindstone.

With that being said, if anyone is ready to order you can contact me for the paypal link and I will get you started.

I will say that I have to leave in a few for my daughters x-mas thing at her chool, so I will be gone for a few.

I am not getting my emails that a response has been giving to the thread, so I will recheck this thread often.

Also, I would like to say that I am only going to do this for 25 members so the links dont get over saturated.

It seems you may get a passing from The Grindstone Report. So if your going to pass send me your details and I'll do a buy.


The Good: 7660 out of 8943 links found, checking from my server with no proxy. There might have been more, some of of them timed out. That % of links found is abnormally high for these types of lists, from my experience. PR checked them with 800 scraped proxies, a lot of which came back not available. Sorry, but I'm not burning thru all the bandwidth on my paid proxies to come up with an accurate total. That being said, I found 8 PR5, 41 PR4, more PR3's than I cared to count and even more PR2/PR1's. OP checked PR with 30 paid proxies and I believe what he's claiming. I might check 1000 of them randomly with my good proxies, after I get it back online.

The Bad: Checking OBL on these crashed my server. Not the OP's fault but I don't have complete data to analyze. Of the first 2k or so I checked OBL's on, some were awesome (like PR5 with less than 20 OBL), a lot were good (PR3+ with under 50) and some were really, really bad. Like 1000+ OBL.

My Recommendation: The OP should sell the list and not the service, allowing the buyers to go thru it and pick out the plums to hit their money sites with, and push the rest to tiered properties to keep the bad neighborhood blogs away from their money sites while pushing anchor juice thru their supporting properties.

Summary: Would I buy this list for $40 knowing what I know about it, if only 25 copies are going to be sold? Absolutely. I'd buy it, scrape it laterally and find pages that have less OBL with PR and hit those. Would I push this package as is to a money site? Well, I did, but this thing is bulletproof so i don't care about the crap links. But if you don't have a site that can take a pounding, probably not.

The OP expressed concern that people will think he's a scammer because it didn't come across as he first portrayed it but to be honest, while he's got some good scraping skills, he really had no idea about what level of OBL was good or bad from a SEO standpoint. After talking to him on AIM for the last couple hours, he's not out to scam anybody and the end product is well worth the money. I'm sure his next list/service will be even better.
Ok, First let me say, with Grindstones review, I am going to offer 2 different things here.

I am going to offer just the list for $40

Or if you do not have Scrapebox, I am going to offer the blast and report for $50.

So you have the option to pick which one you want.


JamesHenry, Your list has been sent, Musiclover, did you want to purchase the list alone, or the posting services as well?
Just purchased the service. I've sent you a PM along with the site details. Looking forward to the report.
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