is being hacked

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I don't know why the hell you guys are arguing about another forum on here, but I'm done approving newb's posts on this topic.

With all due respect, the description for this particular forum reads:
This is where the action is for all webmasters alike. Anything goes, seriously. Come meet and network with your peers, it's a fun way to take a break out of your busy day of posting at other boring forums.

Do I have something "stuck up my arse" as was suggested previously? To that I would say "No. Literacy is not a disability."

Can’t find the real culprit, so you want to fuck with me?

Please refrain from using my name as some form of enclosure; I said what I had to say, believe it or not.

It's a Perl script that targets vBulletin 3.6.7. It's so easy, a caveman.. no, a f*cking MONKEY could do it. All you have to do is type in the forum's address and press Enter... It even comes with a video tutorial on how to use it... I doubt whoever hacked the server was the one who wrote it. It's probably just some dumb little script kiddy asshole, namely

Just thought you guys would like to know.
Apparently Not... dumbass.

Whomever you are, you spoken too soon.
I’m sure you’ll keep your mouth shut next time.
Probably loves to flaunt at people because he isn’t smart enough to do some real investigation, I’m not from Iran asshole.

Probably should STFU and stop underestimate of people’s intelligence?

There are many culprits of a bunch, stop blaming people and do some real labor checkups for Pete’s sake.

I’ll not go deep into arrogant discussions with this topic; we’ll just have to see smart attics.

(Whoever you are)

Whiles you are fool and keep pointing fingers, they’ll probably be planning another attack.

Try working with logics instead of random suggestions.

Like, considered the foreign guy you presented racists remarks against last week? Grow brains please.
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