is being hacked

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You know what's funny? Every time they catch this one guy going back to BHW under a new alias (he was banned, 2x) and call him out for it, the server gets hacked within a half an hour. I won't mention names in here...

Anyway, I don't see what the big deal is. Most of the ebooks sold at BHW seem to go over pretty well. The mods post a review based on typical Q&As and whether the seller's claims hold water. That's more than you'll get from a typical sales letter anywhere else.

And I agree, all that pic needs is some faggot-looking unicorn in it to seal the deal. It looks like the cover of one of those gay Trapper Keepers from 3rd grade.

Still off topic:

xXKingdom_SEOXx Change your fucking sig or else I will. It is annoying as fuck.

On topic:
I don't know why the hell you guys are arguing about another forum on here, but I'm done approving newb's posts on this topic.
I think its true though there is some shit that slips through the crack but overall thats a great forum with a great compilation of knowledge.... at least they provide us with decent pics to use :p
Yea your one to talk mr 38 fuckin posts. I'm no noob anyways, I know a shitload more then your shitty article writing self so shove it budster :)
re: xXKingshithead

Anyone that uses "irregardless" in a sentence should be fucking banned instantly.

Using that ugly-ass enormous sig is worthy of another ban.

Trying to write in a sophisticated manner and merely failing in an epic manner is another ban.

Ban this moron ASAP.
re: xXKingshithead

Anyone that uses "irregardless" in a sentence should be fucking banned instantly.

Using that ugly-ass enormous sig is worthy of another ban.

Trying to write in a sophisticated manner and merely failing in an epic manner is another ban.

Ban this moron ASAP.

better not ban me. I hold grudges and am a master of ips otherwise its all jah mayne.:rasta:

kingdom was banned like 2x from bhw for being annoying i belive lol.
I can't believe it this shit is still being hacked... damn luther do something about it and get protection.
If you are gona have mods "approving" what can be sold then so be it. If after the "approval" process they post about how great the technique is and how you can make a thousands a day from it, than in my eyes thats an endorsement.

We don't sell ebooks on this forum, so I could give a fuck less about some other forum. I just wanted to throw some creative criticism Luthers way.

Dude I appreciate all suggestions and we are going back to our business roots, this hack has shown we are trying to hard to please the members and can't please everyone.
Did I say the server got hacked two times? I meant three. And it would have to be an incredible coincidence that they got hacked three times immediately after kingdom got banned or called out for being under an alias. Karma is one thing, but three times in a row? Please. Besides, why would the forum have bad karma? For banning you?? Ha. You got banned dude, stay the fuck off the forum and don't come back. Stop creating new usernames using proxies to try to sneak back in. Can't you tell you're not wanted there?

And by the way, hacking someone else's forum to get revenge or to try to prove you're somehow superior is just childish. Grow the fuck up and get a life. On second thought, I doubt you're actually smart enough to even know how to hack. I bet you had to get someone else to do it for you. So I guess the question is, what did YOU do for THEM?? :love-smiley-083:
By the way, the two responsible for the hack, higher_sense & beckham, they apparently hang out here:

Couple of Iranians, it would appear. I can't read a word there. Can anyone here read Persian?
Translated version of

Not sure if they actually just coded the hack and used it on BHW, or if someone else just downloaded their shit and ran it like a bunch of noobs...
According to kingdumb, it was just "bad karma" that caused us to get hacked
... three times in a row, if you count the previous two incidences that involve SQL database "failures" (yeah right), all within half an hour to an hour after he got banned or found to be using another alias. And yet my username "just so happens" to get banned during the hacking process? Yeah right, whatever kingdumbass, or Mark Rain, or Anal Ivan, or whatever the f*ck your name is. No wonder no one likes you.

It's a Perl script that targets vBulletin 3.6.7. It's so easy, a caveman.. no, a f*cking MONKEY could do it. All you have to do is type in the forum's address and press Enter... It even comes with a video tutorial on how to use it... I doubt whoever hacked the server was the one who wrote it. It's probably just some dumb little script kiddy asshole, namely :repuke:kingdumb.:repuke:
Just thought you guys would like to know.
Anyways were all good now, and have removed the selling of ebooks, just to controversal and scamish.
We are growing and learning so any input is appreciated.
thanx Jon
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