is being hacked

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New member
Feb 17, 2008
looks like it's happening right now, just check it if you are interested

was wonder though what's the security of this place, wouldn't like to loose this huge knowledgebase:|

knowledge base of what? how to take advantage of your mod status to push $500 scam e-books on newbs
knowledge base of what? how to take advantage of your mod status to push $500 scam e-books on newbs

not sure if i was clear enough or you get ie right, forgive me, english is not my first language, anyway i was talking about this place,knowledge base and info from here actually:)
Thanx guys for the support, we pissed somebody else off it seems, part of BHW though.
We are trying to get rid of the scammers.
We want to run a clean shop.
The worst mistake you made is allowing mods to "preview" and "vouch" for ebooks being sold by members.

I don't give a fuck how great the ebook is. You are gona piss some buyer off that it doesnt work for (especially with a $500 price tag).

Then the shit comes back on the mod and the forum for "vouching" for it.
The worst mistake you made is allowing mods to "preview" and "vouch" for ebooks being sold by members.

I don't give a fuck how great the ebook is. You are gona piss some buyer off that it doesnt work for (especially with a $500 price tag).

Then the shit comes back on the mod and the forum for "vouching" for it.

The issue described above is about ebooks being endorsed by BHW and its representatives. While the actual "endorsement" may have been unintentional, it exists now, de facto.

The issue described above is about ebooks being endorsed by BHW and its representatives. While the actual "endorsement" may have been unintentional, it exists now, de facto.


Sniff* Sniff*, I smell Sniff*, Sniff*, betrayal? Stop throwing those subliminals my darling, Aren’t you one of its representatives? Irregardless of the past, I would be happy to help in any way to the administrators of BHW. Hacking shows impatience really though, its low to the lowest form, even I wouldn’t condone that.
Sniff* Sniff*, I smell Sniff*, Sniff*, betrayal? Stop throwing those subliminals my darling, Aren’t you one of its representatives?

Betrayal? Hardly, it's a discussion. Am I a representative? Not of which I'm aware. I consider Admin's, Mod's and the like to be sanctioned representatives. I'm merely a forum member.

Otherwise, the remainder of your post is as incomprehensible as your sig file ... "... the Law of my side"?


Edit: just noticed that you've revised your sig with proper usage of prepositions.
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Betrayal? Hardly, it's a discussion. Am I a representative? Not of which I'm aware. I consider Admin's, Mod's and the like to be sanctioned representatives. I'm merely a forum member.

Otherwise, the remainder of your post is as incomprehensible as your sig file ... "... the Law of my side"?


Edit: just noticed that you've revised your sig with proper usage of prepositions.
Could you perhaps cut the BS and not talk like you've got something stuck up your arse?
Could you perhaps cut the BS and not talk like you've got something stuck up your arse?

What BS? I posted only a few sentences including what i felt to be reasoned discussion.

Is coherent discussion that difficult for you? Would you be happier if i posted a link to "thisisseriousbusiness" or "lemonparty"? Does that float your boat higher than discussion?

Don't get me wrong, expletives are a very important part of communication ... when required, IMO.

In any case, I'll just prepare to be banned. You want posts of lemonparty and its ilk? Knock yourself out. I'll pass.

The issue described above is about ebooks being endorsed by BHW and its representatives. While the actual "endorsement" may have been unintentional, it exists now, de facto.


If you are gona have mods "approving" what can be sold then so be it. If after the "approval" process they post about how great the technique is and how you can make a thousands a day from it, than in my eyes thats an endorsement.

We don't sell ebooks on this forum, so I could give a fuck less about some other forum. I just wanted to throw some creative criticism Luthers way.
just like to go off topic here and say that people who put pics in their sigs that take up an entire fucking page should be raped anally and then banned. kthx
I don't want to see that huge ugly pic across my screen every time I see somebodies post.
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