Bitcoin: The Second Biggest Ponzi Scheme in History


What an exquisite ass. Absolutely stunning. I would tax that harder than Uncle Sam would BTC transactions if he could just figure out what the fuck it actually is.

My post in this thread was about philosophy not economics. It's latin.
Is it? Good for you. Didn't realize that. I thought it was of a different origin like Greek, or German or something. Thank you for clarifying. Now go expand your vocabulary.
Up to this point you still haven't specifically addressed my argument. It's all ad hominem thus far (that's also latin).
Guerilla, when people address your arguments, you tell them that they are simply too childish to understand your genius. And you are too childish to see where people do respond. I think that my bit about how you are merely stating that it is mania or that you have no idea whether it's speculation is a pretty adequate response to your point. The rest is not ad homonym, however. I never attacked you once. But I appreciate your inability to argue and insistence on deflecting so you don't have to respond to what other people say.

I don't remember claiming I knew Bitcoin's price.
So your just uninformed about the subject you insist on commenting on?

Also, "graph based on math" LOL. As opposed to a graph based on ???
Ever taken a macro- or micro-econ course? Lots of graphs are involved. Lots of math too. Economics is math. Sociology is math. The Austrian school of economics is mathematical. I've been to plenty of Mises events and read plenty of Mises in my own time to know precisely what he says.

The market price is the market price. If you've ever read my posts, I would never indicate a "market price" was inflated.
If you can't claim that the market price is inflated or deflated or anything but what it is, then what the hell are you saying? Stating that it is speculation is, in fact, injecting an opinion on market price as being inexact. Belief in an inexact price would indicate that you believe either that the price is too high or too low compared to where it ought to be. Or do you not have an opinion on that? I like how you refuse to be pinned down despite people using your words to discuss these things with you.

I think you're confusing econometrics with economics. Which is normal for someone who doesn't understand economics.
Hmm, I believe that econometrics is under the umbrella of economics, which is something that I would understand considering I've taken numerous classes in both. I guess I just didn't understand them. I should get my money back for my expensive education.

There is no such thing as an "actual value".
Isn't the "actual value" the market price? I mean, since the market price is the market price.

If you're buying BTC (as many people here are) to watch it appreciate in price, rather than using it as a medium of exchange, then you are speculating.
Right. And BTC can't be used as a medium of exchange because it's not specie right? And specie is not money. So... BTC is doomed as a currency... Am I wrong? Is that not what you've said numerous times before?

I'd guess that most of the upward price movement isn't due to people buying BTC to use as a medium of exchange, as people would lose purchasing power as the price rises.
Hmm, throwin' out some theories about deflationary currencies? Ok. Fine. So what say you about the fact that plenty of commerce is being done on btc? Are you just philosophizing here? Or are you talking about something you know nothing about? Since you accused me numerous times of not reading what I'm responding to, perhaps you should learn a little bit about what you like to tell people they are so foolish for getting aboard.

Thus, I'd think it's a speculation.
So logic: some people are speculating on BTC, just like people speculate on all sorts of things. Thus, purchasing BTC is speculation. Do I have it right?

I think you mean theories. I don't recall posting anything about Austrianism in awhile.
Nope, I meant theses. I know how to use English. And the way you talk about Austrian theories, I think you believe them to be less theoretical and more absolute. But no, I meant theses, just as I wrote it. If you'd like a definition: "a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved." Does that prove that I know how to use English better than you? And you're an English mongoloid because you just took a giant English lesson beat down? Because, I believe that calling me a mongoloid is very literally an ad hominum, something you'd be hard pressed to find in any of what I've written here.

Is this another one of your rant posts where you haven't actually read what you're responding to?
Another? Nope, my rants are very well thought-out rational responses to the vomit you spew all over this forum. I want considered people to realize that you are a shill who has read one book.

That's an appeal to authority, ironically you're appealing to the same people you claim do not have authority.
Interesting. Did I say I don't have respect for or that Austrians have no authority? I believe I said that you have no authority. But I have said numerous times that I very much like the Austrian school of economic thought. I just think it's the only one you know anything about.

I am wondering how you can criticize anything Mises wrote, when you haven't read any of it, let alone comprehend any of it.

I think that's lazy, and it's intellectually dishonest.
It would be had I not read much of what Mises wrote.

If you had read anything by Mises, you'd know that the idiotic "the internet didn't exist" argument doesn't apply.
I'm not responding to Mises by saying the internet didn't exist then. I'm responding to your understanding of Mises and application of modern economic thought to online crypto-currencies. Your inability to envisage an economic reality that includes a healthy dose of non-state backed currency is uncreative and unimpressive.

Nowhere in your post did you actually address anything substantive that I said. If you were intellectually honest, that would really bother you to write something like that.
You refuse to read substance. Everything someone writes that is substantive, you dismiss. Just as I'm sure you'll dismiss this post.

I've sort of burnt out on arguing with random mongoloids on the internet. So like,

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. - YouTube
Hmm. So ad hominum? There you go again.
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samgeneric vs guerilla reminds me of this...


ps the gif is Ibrahimovic scoring for Ajax...
The rest is not ad homonym, however. I never attacked you once.
You don't understand what ad hominem is. You're making an argument against me (mostly composed of strawmen and non-sequitur). You're not actually addressing what I posted. That's an ad hominem. Argument against the man.

Ever taken a macro- or micro-econ course? Lots of graphs are involved. Lots of math too. Economics is math. Sociology is math. The Austrian school of economics is mathematical.
Economics is a social science, it's a soft science. It's not explicitly mathematical like chemistry or physics.

Also, you're probably the only person in the world who thinks the Austrians are mathematical. I'd love to know one Austrian text you've read that is based more in math, than praxeology/epistemology. Can you name one?

I've been to plenty of Mises events and read plenty of Mises in my own time to know precisely what he says.
Which Mises events have you been to? And which Mises have you read on your own? Specific titles pls.

If you can't claim that the market price is inflated or deflated or anything but what it is, then what the hell are you saying?
It might be wise for you to read and think before posting.

I should get my money back for my expensive education.
I think the fact someone charged you a lot of money to learn economics was probably a crime against humanity.

Isn't the "actual value" the market price? I mean, since the market price is the market price.
You tell me Sam, you're the economics genius here remember? You spent a lot of money on that expensive education where you go to Mises events and read everything by Mises, amirite?

perhaps you should learn a little bit about what you like to tell people they are so foolish for getting aboard.
Did you read my post in this thread? Did your expensive education help you understand it?

Nope, I meant theses. I know how to use English
Of course you do because you got a really expensive education!

Right. And BTC can't be used as a medium of exchange because it's not specie right?
I'd like you to find me ONE quote of me mentioning specie on this forum. I'm curious if I have ever done it in 11,xxx posts.

And the way you talk about Austrian theories, I think you believe them to be less theoretical and more absolute.
I didn't mention a single Austrian matter in this thread. I don't think I've mentioned Austrian economics re: Bitcoin in a long while. What specifically are you referring to Sam?

Does that prove that I know how to use English better than you? And you're an English mongoloid because you just took a giant English lesson beat down? Because, I believe that calling me a mongoloid is very literally an ad hominum, something you'd be hard pressed to find in any of what I've written here.
As explained, you are in fact a mongoloid, and that is not ad hominem. Also, you should not start sentences with AND or BECAUSE when you are delivering English beat downs. I do it, but I don't have an expensive education like you do.

Interesting. Did I say I don't have respect for or that Austrians have no authority? I believe I said that you have no authority. But I have said numerous times that I very much like the Austrian school of economic thought. I just think it's the only one you know anything about.

It would be had I not read much of what Mises wrote.
Tell us exactly what by Mises you have read.

And while you're are at it explain exactly how Mises did not foresee the internet (as you claimed) and how this makes his work irrelevant.

Can you do that? Does your expensive education lend itself to that sort of intellectual rigor?

I'm not responding to Mises by saying the internet didn't exist then. I'm responding to your understanding of Mises and application of modern economic thought to online crypto-currencies.
Did you even read my post to this thread before going off on an incoherent mongoloid rant?

Your inability to envisage an economic reality that includes a healthy dose of non-state backed currency is uncreative and unimpressive.
But it sure as fuck gets you mad. I mean, this is the most tears I have harvested on Wickedfire in ages. And damn it feels good.

You refuse to read substance. Everything someone writes that is substantive, you dismiss. Just as I'm sure you'll dismiss this post.
I have no idea how you know what I read. I did respond to a few of your points mostly out of respect for your REALLY EXPENSIVE EDUCATION that supposedly makes your knowledge better than everyone else.

So ad hominum? There you go again.
It should be a crime to use latin phrases you don't understand, while criticizing people who use latin phrases.

Please don't be so mad Sam. Life is short.
Two coins which intend to serve a real world purpose while being money:

Folding proteins

Finding prime numbers
See, this isn't too bad. It at the least accepts the idea that the coins should have a secondary (or primary) purpose other than being a coin.

The issue is going to be, these can be easily substituted for, is there enough demand for prime numbers to create a secondary market for these coins.
But you haven't raised any reasonable concerns about it ever save for un-updated, antiquated Austrian theses.

The concept of speculative bubbles and such are pretty well accepted by all schools of economics.

Modern mainstream economists are also pointing out those type of things in regards to Bitcoin.

The Antisocial Network by Paul Krugman

Adam Smith Hates Bitcoin by Paul Krugman

Bitcoin is ludicrous, but it tells us something important about the nature of money

Speculators push Bitcoin above $1,000 -
I'd quite like to hear LukeP's opinion on what happened to the lots of loot that was stolen.

The 96,000BTC
The concept of speculative bubbles and such are pretty well accepted by all schools of economics.

Modern mainstream economists are also pointing out those type of things in regards to Bitcoin.

The Antisocial Network by Paul Krugman

Adam Smith Hates Bitcoin by Paul Krugman

Bitcoin is ludicrous, but it tells us something important about the nature of money

Speculators push Bitcoin above $1,000 -

Krugman seems to have an IQ around 100. I'm pretty good at judging that, the guy is an idiot.
Krugman seems to have an IQ around 100. I'm pretty good at judging that, the guy is an idiot.

Hey, that guy has a really expensive education in Economics!

Woah woah woah guys, Krugman suggested we mint a trillion dollar coin to solve the governments budgetary woes. He can't be all that dumb. Just look at this insight:

Krugmeister said:
And by minting a $1 trillion coin, then depositing it at the Fed, the Treasury could acquire enough cash to sidestep the debt ceiling — while doing no economic harm at all.