Bing Site Explorer

Bing data is likely to be way better than what you guys are pulling out of majestic/ahrefs
What's it matter? From what I can tell bing tools only allows you to see data on your own sites that you add + verify.
What's it matter? From what I can tell bing tools only allows you to see data on your own sites that you add + verify.

Yeah, from what I can tell, this is a movement to get them to show us YSE data in bing tools. If not, fuck me for wasting everybody's valuable STS browsing time.
What a douche, that's like the manager of a McDonalds pulling a twitter stunt where he tells people to hash up shamrockshake if they want it available year round, it's neither's business to be whipping up a mob for something in their wheelhouse. He should be fired for trying to do an end-run around his management, he'd have more time to concentrate on stupid books about mommyblogging.
What a douche, that's like the manager of a McDonalds pulling a twitter stunt where he tells people to hash up shamrockshake if they want it available year round, it's neither's business to be whipping up a mob for something in their wheelhouse. He should be fired for trying to do an end-run around his management, he'd have more time to concentrate on stupid books about mommyblogging.

Bing data is likely to be way better than what you guys are pulling out of majestic/ahrefs

Bing data is likely to be way better than what you guys are pulling out of majestic/ahrefs

Agreed, i can find more links on google by doing a "url" search than these services.
When YSE died, the low-budget competitors quit trying to copy my link profiles.

I like the "no free link data" environment better.
When YSE died, the low-budget competitors quit trying to copy my link profiles.

I like the "no free link data" environment better.

And rish I totally see what you're saying but just the other day I was like, I need to build some different backlinks... So I went down to my SEO detective lab and within a few minutes I found some new untapped sources to land backlinks on, I was pretty surprised how easily it is to find these new sources. It's the same thing with all of the ad scrapers/harvesters out there... Affiliates are sick and tired of them, I don't blame them, but sometimes It helps to have a little bit of an edge... Especially in SEO. Obviously if you abuse this, that's not a good thing.
hey Grindstone,

how can i get a hold of dullspace? CrackpOt says to contact you to get a hold of him

chris totally lost in this wickedfire so im trying to figure out how to PM, etc on this site.
Let me get this straight, so,

1. Buy 10k "legit" Twitter accounts from NetBiz.
2. Retweet hashtag.
3. YSE is back?

Seriously, this'd be really cool if they bring it back. Ahrefs/Majestic SEO have been really arrogant this past few months.