bgbl i love you, let's marry

Baby, you care to explain this BULLSHIT to me?

dont worry señor

Ah but he's a hell of a man. A real man. He's ambitious and driven, he takes care of business. A self made man, the boss. He runs his businesses with an iron fist, people respect him. He keeps his word. He treats me like a princess and I make sure he feels like the king in his castle.

Romantic? In his own way... once a week he sends my truck to be washed and filled with gas. He keeps cash in the house for day to day household expenses and he pays all the damn bills even though I think it's kind of silly because I make good money too. I NEVER SEE THE BILLS. Ah and he punched a guy in the face once at the bank, he had gone to the bathroom, came back to see I was struggling with this creep. Guy grabbed my ass and it was all over, my old man laid him out. Feels really good to be protected, safe.

In exchange for all that he gets fried chicken, high heels and lingerie sex, back rubs and his own personal cheerleader. Yay for good men!
Fine I'll spill the beans on this whole thing.

She PM'd me and said she wanted me to email her a pic of my junk. I was so offended that I had to ask a mod to have her banned.

There. That's the end of it. Carry on.
Damn, she's banned? I didn't know her...

I'm sorry if I was giving that "I give a fuck" vibe off because truly I don't.

How could I possibly insult a man that fights with girls on the internet? Seems to me you don't need any help looking like a beta fag so please continue to "rage against vagina" because nobody is going to think less of you anyways.

...But I really wanted to post this video.

[ame=]Don Says: "I Don't Think About You At All" - YouTube[/ame]

Oh well.