Best PR7/PR6/PR5/PR4 links EVER offered on WF-BALLERS ONLY

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Popped up momentarily at #5 yesterday for my anchor term, two week old site in an established niche with 18-20k exact searches/month. Solely on the strength of this link plus a small web2.0 tier project I built out.

Didn't stick around but I'm sure it will at some point.

Popped up momentarily at #5 yesterday for my anchor term, two week old site in an established niche with 18-20k exact searches/month. Solely on the strength of this link plus a small web2.0 tier project I built out.

Didn't stick around but I'm sure it will at some point.

I am seeing similar results, will report back with the keyword stabilizes.. This is a good sign :)
Popped up momentarily at #5 yesterday for my anchor term, two week old site in an established niche with 18-20k exact searches/month. Solely on the strength of this link plus a small web2.0 tier project I built out.

Didn't stick around but I'm sure it will at some point.

I am seeing similar results, will report back with the keyword stabilizes.. This is a good sign :)

Thank you both for your feedback and thank you to everyone on WF. Over 50 links sold in just five days! I appreciate everyone's business.
Thank you everyone for a fantastic sales day today. Resellers ARE welcome, so please PM me if you want to resell our inventory (yes, that means you Mr. Agency Owner) :D

Good morning everyone. Thank you for the many additions and sales over the last 24 hours. I have answered everyone's PMs and Skype requests and will be on Skype all day to answer any questions.

Another huge update for everyone! Get freebies! For every single PR7 and RP6 link purchased, you get two more high PR links (between PR2 and PR4) absolutely free of charge! All of the clients who have purchased links already have already been taken care of!!
I would also like to see your inventory.

and can you send me an example of how/where the link would look like

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