Best brick and mortar businesnes to open?


New member
Jun 18, 2009
United States
People with businesses around town gotta be doing well, otherwise they wouldn't be there. I know a couple who run a muffin shop, a fucking muffin shop, and they live in the wealthiest part of town. They don't live in the biggest house, but still. It probably takes a shit ton of startup capital, but I just moved to the Northeast... the Audi/Subaru dealerships must be ballin outa control. Where I lived before this, both those cars were a rarity but they are all over the place here.

The biggest question here is who doesn't enjoy a good muffin with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning?
How about you open a muffin shop that serves just the tops of the muffins?
How about you open a muffin shop that serves just the tops of the muffins?

Better yet, in addition to that one, open up another muffin shop across the street from that one that just serves the bottoms of the muffins.
They run a fucking muffin shop? A fucking muffin shop!!!!!

Thats cool I guess.

For a few years I was pulling in multiple xxx,xxx in affiliate revenues and still did wild animal control on the side. Just for the enjoyment of it more than anything and to keep me busy.
mart where the price is below wholesale and you are subsidized by the govt tax money to turn a profit. people would be happy to shop there
I've always wanted to open a restaurant where you can go and kill something before eating it.

Have you seen the lobster "candy claw" type machines? I think I saw one on Fremont Street in Las Vegas.
the thing is, a lot of this country doesn't even know about internet businesses. while you are saying "a fucking muffin shop" the majority of the people are saying "an ecommerce shop WTF"

brick and mortar is an entirely different ball game (i own one). sure, you can develop great systems and ultimately be able to "walk away" but that is a very fine art. it takes a lot of smarts and solid planning to be able to come up with a system where you do not have to be involved in (with failsafes).

also if you keep baling hard enough in your online business eventually some aspects of it will turn brick and mortar.

A guy down the street from me has a sign that says "Virus removal $89" and he lives in a quaint little Massachusetts town.


You can make it doing anything you put your heart and sole into.
Internet monies are about 1000 times easier to come by than brick and mortar monies. At least the amount you keep in your pocket after expenses.