Best brick and mortar businesnes to open?


So these two muffins were in the oven being baked and one muffin turns to the other and says,

"Man, it's getting hot in here."

And the other muffin turns and says,

Muffins aside, I think a small laundromat in any college town near the apartment complexes that students live in are interesting.

There was one in my school's town that didn't have any employees (no drop-off service), they just had cameras installed.

They had a waiting room with a couple chairs, bathrooms, about 8 washers and 8 dryers and they charged a premium over what you pay in an urban area. They had it setup so you could pay with your credit card with just a swipe.

Oh, and free detergent on Wednesday.

Not out of control profitable, but I'm sure it's steady, fairly low overhead, and passive as fuck.
You can make it doing anything you put your heart and sole into.

I put my sole into my muffin recipe, the customers complained about the taste and I got shut down soon after. Pretty bad advice there bro.
Considering how many people love yogurt nowadays, you might want to consider a frozen yogurt shop.

Or maybe not...
I know a couple who run a muffin shop, a fucking muffin shop, and they live in the wealthiest part of town.

Sounds like you've never been to 'Dirty Dan's Debauchery Den' that masquerades as a muffin shop.
No one's mentioned self-storage units? Or ATMs?

Both heavily rely on location though, and trying to get a good location is much easier said than done.