Be afraid - Facebook will launch it's Mail service soon

I have to admit that I lacked the foresight in 05, thinking that Myspace would be unbeatable for quite some time to come.

Still, I think that's now the case with Fb. Maybe I'm seriously lacking foresight again, but I don't see them getting dethrowned anytime soon. And I think it's easier for Google to lose its nr 1 spot as a searchengine.

Of course, the inet is still in its babyshoes. Who knows how this all here will look like 20 years from now.

Still, I think that's now the case with Fb. Maybe I'm seriously lacking foresight again, but I don't see them getting dethrowned anytime soon. And I think it's easier for Google to lose its nr 1 spot as a searchengine.

Actually, Facebook is not as scalable as people think. Their database implementation is horrific. That's why they will have spouts of random crashing. Think about last year.

Unless they start using something like Google's Bigtable, then they won't be able to handle their database much longer.

Facebook uses a dataset, not entirely a relational database structure. I remember back a couple years ago them saying that a good part of their strucuture was stored in flat files. I don't think it's still that way, but updating something like that in a live environment with 300 million+ users to be a lot different is not an easy feat and most companies usually just do a little bit at a time.

In short: Facebook is a massive beast and isn't as nimble as less-used sites. So, it's really not out of possibility for someone to come in and be a game-changer. All it takes is the right catalyst. Let Facebook keep growing, their database, if not totally redesigned to scale, will be their downfall. If they keep adding more features, it will happen much sooner than later.
God I remember when only my cool friends were there sharing crap, and now I have to think twice before I post anything 'cause my mom might read it, how do you block your mom??? hehehe
God I remember when only my cool friends were there sharing crap, and now I have to think twice before I post anything 'cause my mom might read it, how do you block your mom??? hehehe

hehehehehhee omglollol!!!

anyone who uses it will give facebook even more private information, and unlike google which is also a company who collects a lot of personal data, but they don't sell it to third parties
Comparing Facebook to MySpace imho shows that people have no fucking idea of what is going on.

Wait until Facebook opens a display network with those 20 million websites that have integrated with fb connect. Some of us will get rich, the rest of you will continue to be retarded.
Comparing Facebook to MySpace imho shows that people have no fucking idea of what is going on.

Wait until Facebook opens a display network with those 20 million websites that have integrated with fb connect. Some of us will get rich, the rest of you will continue to be retarded.

This pretty much sums it up. Facebook has a level of detail on users that Google could only dream of, just wait till they expand their display advertising beyond Facebook - they already serve more display ads than Yahoo, Google, MSN and AOL combined. Keep sleeping on them if you want to, but the fact is they are a lot more than "another myspace". They are building identity into the Internet, where anonymity used to exist, and everyone with a Facebook profile is doing the work for them.
I am sure that whatever portal or service that facebook is going to offer is going to be ahead of its game! Lets face it they are a monster of a website because everyone likes how they do things!
Comparing Facebook to MySpace imho shows that people have no fucking idea of what is going on.

Wait until Facebook opens a display network with those 20 million websites that have integrated with fb connect. Some of us will get rich, the rest of you will continue to be retarded.

I agree 100%.

I don’t see this move by Facebook as about killing gmail. It’s about Facebook positioning itself for the real project.

People are going to start using FB for everything. 550 million active users are already on it a ton, but it’s going to change in significance now with this functionality. Why have tabs open for email and an AIM client window when you can have it all through the FB interface. Not to mention the mobile integration, so they have the 4th screen covered too. Streamline and it’s all Facebook, all the time. The writing is on the wall.​

Yea, sure, there will be an adjustment period, some crap is going to be crappy during the Beta. But it’ll happen. Imagine 6 months from now what it’s going to look like.​

So one lacking component on FB is still search. That’s the position I think FB is after. Once most people are setting their default homepage to FB and using it for most of their online activities, wham-bam add search function with sponsored links.​

I think that’s what FB Questions is all about…R&D. Wouldn’t user-generated questions provide for some great data and market research for developing relevant ad-serving search functionality? Maybe FB will give premiums to all those advertisers people answer questions with that have Fan pages and a lot of likes. Zuckerberg said himself that their ad serving is based on information the user inputs. FB questions just gives more data. It’s not “content” based, its provider based.

FB isn’t ahead of the game because people like how they do things, FB does things people like because they have the best UI developers and Engineers in the world. (Staying with my theory) Facebook's recent big hire is one of the long-time, key engineers from Google Adwords. The guy left despite the $350M bonus offer Google made to have him stay

Forget about a Gmail killer, FB can put themselves in a position to take a serious chomp out Google’s search market share. Zuckerberg stated in the release yesteday the product is not out to kill gmail, maybe his sights are set a bit higher. :evil_laughter:

...that’s what I think anyway.​