Be afraid - Facebook will launch it's Mail service soon

I hate how the only instant messenger some people use is Facebook chat. Really drives me nuts.

Wonder why nobody says this about G. Not crossing what you said but some people do have all the luck they need.

Because at least I feel that Google actually tries to create new things, and stay fresh and relevant. They fail a lot of the time too but I give them credit for at least trying to innovate. Also for at least the moment they have a very solid control on the search marketing game, and soon a dominant phone OS. They constantly make better and more innovative moves than say Microsoft.

I remember when MySpace was all the shit, and everyone I knew was on there. It had basically all of the social networking features on it that Facebook has, but Facebook just ended up executing it better. Facebook made it easy to communicate with everyone. By time MySpace had copied what made Twitter and Facebook successful it was far too late.

A few years ago you would have never thought MySpace would have gotten overthrown. They got bought out by News Corps and you had to think with that much money behind them they could not fail. However, here we are with talk of MySpace closing by years end:

MySpace quivers under News Corp axe ? The Register

Never say never, someone will come out with something to challenge you and it's natural that the larger you get the less nimble you are. You start thinking that just because you are top dog you don't have to compete and your consumer base will back you, but the consumers just go where they get what they want or what they perceive to be better.

Microsoft could easily be out of business within 10 years because they only make most of their money on a couple of products:

CHART OF THE DAY: In Case You Had Any Doubts About Where Microsoft's Profit Comes From

Linux will continue to chew away at market share and probably isn't anymore than a few years away from being a premium OS (it's actually pretty solid right now). Vendors are already starting to put Linux on more and more systems. Office, well WTF do you morons pay for Office for? Ever hear of OpenOffice? Server and tools, you can get all that from Linux for nothing.

Anyways I'm just ranting at this point, but you get the idea.
I can't comment on facebook mail but that rockmelt is not going to be a game changer. Not once has something that was referred to as a game changer pre-launch actually changed the game. Just think Cuil.
I wonder what this is going to mean for mailers.. FB is Nazi about "spam" so I'm not sure a lot of the current mailer's messages are going inbox.
I'm a little older than most of WF so I was a little farther removed from my old classmates when FB got big in 06-07 (I graduated from college in 03).

After testing it out for a few weeks I realized that all the people I really cared about I already was in contact with. All Facebook did was connect the dots in my previous lives to 1. half-assedly resurrect friendships that were already long dead and 2. give away WAY too much information to the few creeps I'd rather thought I had, in fact, dropped off the face of the earth.

When they revised their ToS in late 08 or early 09 (You know, the whole... 'we keep anything you publish here forever, even if you delete your profile' revision?) that was the last straw and I deleted it.

Facebook mail? Meh. I think the young demographic may buy in if it is well integrated with mobile platforms and IM, so that it becomes the de facto text/ chat tool. The older people who have been the biggest growing demographic on Facebook for the last several years just figured out how to use AOL 2 years ago and aren't about to hop on some new bandwagon.

Everyone else?

We in the middle ground are already mastering multiple email accounts: work, personal, maybe an old personal with an embarassing name we had in high school, multiple web sites, multiple companies, etc. The working-people demographic doesn't want to add another layer of complexity to their lives. Facebook is facebook, email is email. They'd have to come up with a *really* compelling reason to have us enmesh the two.
I hate how the only instant messenger some people use is Facebook chat. Really drives me nuts.

I smell the shit you're steppin in PJ, there are a bounty of protocols you can choose from and I know at least 2 different programs that can now access them all in one.

The only thing that makes me angrier than the retardedness of the browser is the use of the Apple-esque background music and narration.

lmao. good point

turtle races look lame anyway.

go wildcats!

yea if it integrated into the mailbox you have already for fb it would be cool i guess except i hate that mailbox i have like 250 messages about club events. lameo.
The one thing Facebook has over all other websites is user commitment.

People uploaded their lives on there. Dozens of photo albums, personal information, made friends with long lost contacts, etc.

Google search can disappear tomorrow and there really would be little loss. Google is like a toaster... just buy another toaster and they're good to go.

Losing Facebook to many would be like losing personal items in a house fire. This gives FB a huge advantage over any other site. Users are committed to it, and even tolerate many of its annoyances.

In a way its almost how PC's come defaulted to MSN search and most people won't bother to change it. If FB launches a new service, people will likely use it out of convenience even if it lacks some of the features the other guys have.

Nice way of putting it props!
The bigger they are the harder they fall.

True, but this applies to Google more than Facebook at this point.

That's what MySpace thought, Facebook took them down. Why? Because they got aggravated with the service, just like people are aggravated with Facebook now.

All it takes is something to rock the boat and Facebook will tip over.

The only reason people aren't now is because everyone's friends are already on it. You give them a reason to all jump ship with little to no cost of leaving (i.e. using Facebook's API to port all their data over) and they will.

People forget that MySpace never appealed to a large portion of the population. It primarily appealed to teenage users because most adults couldn't stand the gaudy backgrounds, stupid ass interface, glittery fucking everything's, auto-load music that nobody wants to fucking hear, etc. Facebook dwarfs MySpace (at their height) in their market penetration - there is no comparison between the two, despite the convenient association.

The one thing Facebook has over all other websites is user commitment.

People uploaded their lives on there. Dozens of photo albums, personal information, made friends with long lost contacts, etc.

Google search can disappear tomorrow and there really would be little loss. Google is like a toaster... just buy another toaster and they're good to go.

Losing Facebook to many would be like losing personal items in a house fire. This gives FB a huge advantage over any other site. Users are committed to it, and even tolerate many of its annoyances.

In a way its almost how PC's come defaulted to MSN search and most people won't bother to change it. If FB launches a new service, people will likely use it out of convenience even if it lacks some of the features the other guys have.

That's exactly why Facebook is here to say.
Now I will have a use for my Million facebook profiles that I downloaded for fun. :D

FB users will be buying a lot of Viagra, ROlex and UGG boots now
The one thing Facebook has over all other websites is user commitment.

People uploaded their lives on there. Dozens of photo albums, personal information, made friends with long lost contacts, etc.

Google search can disappear tomorrow and there really would be little loss. Google is like a toaster... just buy another toaster and they're good to go.

Losing Facebook to many would be like losing personal items in a house fire. This gives FB a huge advantage over any other site. Users are committed to it, and even tolerate many of its annoyances.

In a way its almost how PC's come defaulted to MSN search and most people won't bother to change it. If FB launches a new service, people will likely use it out of convenience even if it lacks some of the features the other guys
This pretty much sums up the reason why Facebook has a huge advantage over google in terms of dominance and expansion viability. Googles attempts to become more social have failed miserably over and over.