Be afraid - Facebook will launch it's Mail service soon

The bigger they are the harder they fall.

That's what MySpace thought, Facebook took them down. Why? Because they got aggravated with the service, just like people are aggravated with Facebook now.

All it takes is something to rock the boat and Facebook will tip over.

The only reason people aren't now is because everyone's friends are already on it. You give them a reason to all jump ship with little to no cost of leaving (i.e. using Facebook's API to port all their data over) and they will.
The only reason people aren't now is because everyone's friends are already on it.

That's what makes me want to quit using Facebook. Having to ignore all the friend requests from people I met once at a party in 2003 or some shit.
A portal itself is a loss of focus.

yea no shit remember when getting on facebook was literally to check out hot freshman chicks on campus?
now everyone and their fuckin mom is on it...shitsweaaak
The one thing Facebook has over all other websites is user commitment.

People uploaded their lives on there. Dozens of photo albums, personal information, made friends with long lost contacts, etc.

Google search can disappear tomorrow and there really would be little loss. Google is like a toaster... just buy another toaster and they're good to go.

Losing Facebook to many would be like losing personal items in a house fire. This gives FB a huge advantage over any other site. Users are committed to it, and even tolerate many of its annoyances.

In a way its almost how PC's come defaulted to MSN search and most people won't bother to change it. If FB launches a new service, people will likely use it out of convenience even if it lacks some of the features the other guys have.
I don't think it's gonna be a portal. I think they'll work it in with the existing inbox. E.g. it will be (aka You'll be able to email people and it will show up in their Facebook inbox. That way outsider email addresses will probably be looked up to check if they have a Facebook account, and if they do, it will show their profile = increase social factor.

I have so many people use fb messaging nowdays, that it's kinda annoying. Friends, and even business people, write messages over Facebook rather than send emails. I'd like to have some sort of IMAP/POP3 access to the Facebook inbox.