Battlefield: Bad Company 2


Click, Whirr.
Oct 27, 2008
Canada... eh!
Destructible geometry, all kinds of guns, helicopters, tanks!, squad play, huge maps etc.. pre-ordered on PC(steam)..with all the fat loss threads on WF, gotta be some gamers?




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I got it too. Between this, promod, global agenda, and my ipad (or other android tablet), it's going to be a busy couple of months.
after the fails of modern warfare 2, gamers have high expectations and hopes for Bad comapny 2. Looks pretty slick!
Shooting people in the face with tracer darts in the first one was a blast. If I end up getting a 360 again I might play it.
Really looking forward to this. I hope it makes up for the multiplayer failure that Modern Warfare 2 was.
With Global Agenda, Bioshock 2 and this all coming out I'm really gonna have to stock up on cofee or I'm gonna fall behind on work in the coming months!
I just played the 360 demo for a short time.

Seems like it will be a good game, but I'm not really into these games that much. I played for maybe half an hour and when I first started playing it was a little overwhelming because there is so many things to do. Seems like after playing it for a few hours it should be easier to understand.

This game should be on par with MW2, maybe slightly worse. The thing I liked about MW2 was how precise the weapons were. The weapons in BC2 seem more sloppy, but the vehicles in BC2 are very cool.
I played the beta on the ps3 it is really bad ass. Its pretty much what MW2 should have been if they didn't fuck it over so much. I will be buying it for PC when it comes out.