Barack Obama Will Require You To Work?

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A border fence isn't going to solve the issue people. You have to destroy the incentives for illegals to take the risk to travel here.

As for deporting the ones already here...There are 12 million illegals. Not only do you have to find them. You have to round them up, sometimes by force. I can't even begin to imagine what a logistical and political nightmare that will be. I'm going to say impossible.

The best we can do is increase border patrol, destroy the incentives for future illegals to come here, and transform the current illegals into productive tax paying citizens.

That's the sane, not so expensive way to do it.

Yep, MaCain did “flip” on the wall. He got the message. The wall will be “job 1”.

I didn’t say NOT to build a wall along our Canadian boarder. I believe that is “job 2.”
"fear and negativity" the same fuckin shit I heard before we were attacked in 2001. This is a different world we live in today. If it were one of your family members that jumped to their death from the WTC..then I believe you would feel different.

Speak for yourself. My cousin died in the WTC.

"They want us to question the policies of the current admin..."

That's your job as an American citizen... and you are the one talking about robots.

Oh... and show me your source for "The majority of Americans want the wall."
A border fence isn't going to solve the issue people. You have to destroy the incentives for illegals to take the risk to travel here.

As for deporting the ones already here...There are 12 million illegals. Not only do you have to find them. You have to round them up, sometimes by force. I can't even begin to imagine what a logistical and political nightmare that will be. I'm going to say impossible.

The best we can do is increase border patrol, destroy the incentives for future illegals to come here, and transform the current illegals into productive tax paying citizens.

That's the sane, not so expensive way to do it.

Illegal aliens are part of the problem. Drug runners, violent criminals, mexican gangs and terrorist are the main reason we need a wall and more border security.

You do know that our national gaurd stationed on the border have been fired upon by mexican military...inside the united states?.

You do know that violent attacks toward our border patrol has risen 30% just this year alone.

You do know that there has been several middle eastern illegals captured while crossing the border to the US?

You do know that members of the mexican army that went AWOL who now work for the drug lords have been captured while crossing the border?

You do know that numerous US citizens this year have been kidnapped and taken back over the border to mexico?

Isn't this enough to shut the border down and protect our own. This isnt Mexico. Build a wall stock it with US military and let the mexicans stand in line and apply for citizenship like every other immigrant.

I don't understand it's simple logic

The “issue” isn’t one of a few million Mexicans coming across the boarder to earn money; it is the one terrorist that might come across that worries me. Our government and our citizens must do EVERYTHING in our power to stop that one terrorist. Now, we have no idea if he is already here.
Speak for yourself. My cousin died in the WTC.

"They want us to question the policies of the current admin..."

That's your job as an American citizen... and you are the one talking about robots.

Oh... and show me your source for "The majority of Americans want the wall."

Why do you think the last bill concerning border security didnt pass. Why do you think alot of Repulicans are turning on G.Bush.

The senate recieved so many phone calls and shut their system down for a time. These were calls AGAINST amnesty.
I think a Ron Paul fan calling anyone else a "bot" is a touch ironic.

Sorry, I supported Romney. However, I do appreciate the fact that Ron Paul was a candidate that put his policy on his sleeve. He didn't hide it behind well written speeches (even if they were someone else's speech) stating "WE NEED CHANGE" five hundred times.

It did seem to me that most of the RP supporters were very intelligent and knew his policy and the policy's of the other candidates.

I am sorry to say but I do not see that same characteristic in Obama supporters.
Why are we bickering over building a wall? That's one of the least important issues we have to handle, and I don't think it's something we can realistically combat until we get our other affairs in order.
What someone who is trying to sway your opinion about them says and what they are all about are 2 very different things. I think the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior (as quoted by Dr. Phil :repuke: )

Project Vote Smart - Senator Barack H. Obama Jr. - Voting Record

I haven't made up my mind about who I'm supporting regardless of their party affiliation yet, although I do have a favorite or two. But I am making sure I don't take their speeches and debates so damned seriously. It's a game where everyone who is running is trying to convince you to LIKE them by promising you what they think you want to hear.
As an independent I've been struggling to decide who I will vote for this upcoming November.


Why are we bickering over building a wall? That's one of the least important issues we have to handle, and I don't think it's something we can realistically combat until we get our other affairs in order.

Stopping drug dealers, criminals, terrorist and illegal immigrants is the most important issue that faces us today. All it would take is ONE terrorist to get across the border.
What someone who is trying to sway your opinion about them says and what they are all about are 2 very different things. I think the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior (as quoted by Dr. Phil :repuke: )

Project Vote Smart - Senator Barack H. Obama Jr. - Voting Record

I haven't made up my mind about who I'm supporting regardless of their party affiliation yet, although I do have a favorite or two. But I am making sure I don't take their speeches and debates so damned seriously. It's a game where everyone who is running is trying to convince you to LIKE them by promising you what they think you want to hear.

Damn his voting record is hard to determine due to the fact he didn't vote in 75% of the votes. Most people would be fired for missing that much work.
Stopping drug dealers, criminals, terrorist and illegal immigrants is the most important issue that faces us today. All it would take is ONE terrorist to get across the border.

I say we empty out the prisons, give the immigrants an open invite by way of Iraq and Conair all those motherfuckers over there. Turn it into one big Mad Max movie - "welcome to Thunderdome bitch!"

You are correct! Unfortunately, to politicians it is a game; however, no citizen should vote for anyone who speaks out of both sides of their mouth. Thanks for the nice link. It looks very interesting.
Of the 417 votes tracked by Project Vote Smart for Senator Obama, it shows him “not voting” in 129 (30.90%) of them. On the flip side, of the 794 votes tracked for Senator McCain, it shows him not voting in 183 (23.30%) of them. I suppose there were more votes tracked for McCain because he has been there longer than Obama. So, it appears that Obama skipped almost a third of the votes while McCain only skipped a quarter of them. Not a stellar record for either. Oh, and I didn’t major in math either.
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