Barack Obama Will Require You To Work?

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I think a Ron Paul fan calling anyone else a "bot" is a touch ironic.

I think we can agree that a "bot" is one who unequivocally believes they are right and everyone else is wrong.

I've said it before, there would be nothing wrong with many of Obama, Clinton, and McCain's policies if they could pay for them with any honesty.

Our presidential candidates refuse to be truthful about how much debt the American public has.

Try $400,000 per household.

That is some deep shit in my opinion.
Obamabots follow him for the nice smile and the little tickle they get inside when they hear him speak.

So when confronted with an actual counter-argument all you can come back with is ad hominem attacks? Classy.

You know, you can disagree with someone without smearing them as the anti-Christ, including candidates for whom you won't be voting. It's a little childish, don't you think?
I think we can agree that a "bot" is one who unequivocally believes they are right and everyone else is wrong.

I've said it before, there would be nothing wrong with many of Obama, Clinton, and McCain's policies if they could pay for them with any honesty.

Our presidential candidates refuse to be truthful about how much debt the American public has.

Try $400,000 per household.

That is some deep shit in my opinion.

I got some great debt consolidation solutions for this. :D
I don’t know if anyone watched the Democratic debate last night but I did. It was really a non-debate and I was hoping for blood. One thing I found interesting was Obama and Hillary agree on immigration. They are NOT going to build the fence instead, they want to “re-examine” this issue. PLEASE . . . politicians NEVER learn. BOTH Democrats and Republicans want the wall built. We proved that months ago but they think that enough time has lapsed to do what they want. Typical politicians, both of them.
I don’t know if anyone watched the Democratic debate last night but I did. It was really a non-debate and I was hoping for blood. One thing I found interesting was Obama and Hillary agree on immigration. They are NOT going to build the fence instead, they want to “re-examine” this issue. PLEASE . . . politicians NEVER learn. BOTH Democrats and Republicans want the wall built. We proved that months ago but they think that enough time has lapsed to do what they want. Typical politicians, both of them.

Walls can be cut and blown up, as seen by that influx of palestinians into egypt a few weeks ago.

You need to get rid of the social and economic incentives for illegals to attempt to make it over. And more border patrol would help.

But yeah, Obama and Clinton will ignore that entire issue.
So when confronted with an actual counter-argument all you can come back with is ad hominem attacks? Classy.

You know, you can disagree with someone without smearing them as the anti-Christ, including candidates for whom you won't be voting. It's a little childish, don't you think?

not really I have watched his speeches. The 18 year old girls crying and people fainting and shit. Looks to me like he is more of a rock star rather than a suitable President.
I don’t know if anyone watched the Democratic debate last night but I did. It was really a non-debate and I was hoping for blood. One thing I found interesting was Obama and Hillary agree on immigration. They are NOT going to build the fence instead, they want to “re-examine” this issue. PLEASE . . . politicians NEVER learn. BOTH Democrats and Republicans want the wall built. We proved that months ago but they think that enough time has lapsed to do what they want. Typical politicians, both of them.

Mcain doesn't want a wall either. I'm actually surprised that all 3 are going against the grain. Good for them. And You should respect them for having some balls/ovaries (and common sense)to stand up against something that RETARDED. But, of course, you don't. And yet wasn't the previous rant where popeye was talking about the obamabot, just telling the masses what they want to hear?? Make up your mind people.

So I'm starting to glaze over with these "debates" as it will only go with what ever suits the Right's eternal need to spread fear and negativity.
Let's be real here, nothing that is being proposed will fundamentally alter anyone's behavior or consumption patterns EXCEPT maybe the poor and lower-middle class, which is the point. The marginal impact for people like you and me (assuming you truly make 6-figures) is puny. So cut the bluster already.

Ridiculous statement. Tolerating disagreeable policy because it's tolerable? You're not looking at the big picture.
Mcain doesn't want a wall either. I'm actually surprised that all 3 are going against the grain. Good for them. And You should respect them for having some balls/ovaries (and common sense)to stand up against something that RETARDED. But, of course, you don't. And yet wasn't the previous rant where popeye was talking about the obamabot, just telling the masses what they want to hear?? Make up your mind people.

So I'm starting to glaze over with these "debates" as it will only go with what ever suits the Right's eternal need to spread fear and negativity.

"fear and negativity" the same fuckin shit I heard before we were attacked in 2001. This is a different world we live in today. If it were one of your family members that jumped to their death from the WTC..then I believe you would feel different.

We have to protect ourselves. The enemy wants to catch us with our guard down. They want us to negotiate. They want us to question the policies of the current admin.

The current polices have kept us from attack since 9/11. Once we are all holding hands singing songs they will strike again.

The majority of Americans want the wall. They want security. They want drug runners, gang members, terrorist as well as illegal immigrants out of this country.

I do not understand at all why someone would want to have an unsecure border. Let the legal immigrants in....keep the bad guys and illegals out. Its simple, its the law and its common sense.
Ridiculous statement. Tolerating disagreeable policy because it's tolerable? You're not looking at the big picture.

Like you have exclusive claim to the "big picture", whatever that is.

I didn't say you have to "tolerate" it or go along if you do fundamentally disagree. What I instead was suggesting was intellectual honesty. It's the hyperbole, gross exaggeration, and misrepresentation that is ridiculous and embarrassing.

It is inaccurate to say that McCain “doesn’t” want a wall. To be correct, one would have to say he “didn’t” want a wall. He claims now to have learned his lesson that a wall will have to be built first. Obviously, you need to check your facts a little closer or lie a little better.

What I consider “RETARDED” is leaving our boarders open so that anyone can cross them anywhere and at anytime. Of course, liberals like you will never be convinced that this is a threat until something happens to you and then, you will just whine that nobody protected you from it.

It is inaccurate to say that McCain “doesn’t” want a wall. To be correct, one would have to say he “didn’t” want a wall. He claims now to have learned his lesson that a wall will have to be built first. Obviously, you need to check your facts a little closer or lie a little better.

What I consider “RETARDED” is leaving our boarders open so that anyone can cross them anywhere and at anytime. Of course, liberals like you will never be convinced that this is a threat until something happens to you and then, you will just whine that nobody protected you from it.

Ooooh Did he flip? I guess that's keeping with the pattern. He also flipped on abortion. That's too bad, I'm starting to lose respect for him now. I would have never voted for him but at least I respected him for standing up for what he believed in even when it went against his party and or the majority.

And if you think the RETARDED fence idea is so smart and is most important to prevent terrorism then why isn't anyone purposing a fence on the canadian border, huh? I'll tell you why, because you put up a front and pretend that you're only concerned about terriosts but what you're really concerned with this is those damn mexicans sneaking in.
Popeye is right on!

Popeye is right on. We need to protect our borders, build the wall, kick out the illegals, after all illegal means they broke the law, if you break the law, you should be punished. Send them back to where ever they came from. If I was a legal immigrant it would really piss me off that illegals may get amnesty and I had waited for up to 5 years to get here.

I am not happy with any of the choices for our next Commander in Chief but at least McCain is strong on defense whereas the others are questionable to say the least.

My basic feeling about government is "He who is governed least, is governed best." That works for taxes also.

I am one of the "angry white men" who are tired of being taken advantage of, taxed at too high of rates, told how to live my life, discipline my kids, told what I am permitted to say about others because of their color or religion, tired of criminals having more rights than their victims, needing a permit to carry a firearm, and all the other stuff that others think they know better than me what is best for me.
I am one of the "angry white men" who are tired of being taken advantage of, taxed at too high of rates, told how to live my life, discipline my kids, told what I am permitted to say about others because of their color or religion, tired of criminals having more rights than their victims, needing a permit to carry a firearm, and all the other stuff that others think they know better than me what is best for me.

Then you must be really sick of the Republicans, as they have held the Presidency for 20 of the last 28 years. Man, those liberals are really keeping you down. Yeah white dudes have it so rough. Kill blackey.

sorry, snowed in and drinking. can't help but talk shit.
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