Barack Obama Will Require You To Work?

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New member
Jun 12, 2007
Yea another political thread. I finished work a little early and was looking for some substantial policy from Obama or his wife. Well needless to say I didn't find any policy outside of the normal crap that all democrats spew, but I did find this quote from his militant wife:

Quote from Michelle Obama

"Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed."

NO THANKS!!!! Stay the fuck out of my life COMRADE!

You know the more you rant about Obama, the more I like him. He must be doing somethig right to get you all huffy and puffy.
You know the more you rant about Obama, the more I like him. He must be doing somethig right to get you all huffy and puffy.

So if I start pushing Obama, are you going to vote for Mccain?:)

Also I did find another interesting fact about some policy of Obama. Anyone making over 100k a year will see a tax increase of over 15% according to his plans. That policy alone makes me a supporter of whoever is running against him.
It seems to me like you're taking that out of context. I'm assuming she means his methodologies will require us to work at the ridding of ineffective systems and ideals.

I support him tenfold over Hillary.
It seems to me like you're taking that out of context. I'm assuming she means his methodologies will require us to work at the ridding of ineffective systems and ideals.

I support him tenfold over Hillary.

huh! so single handedly he is going to fly in and sweep all prejudices and bi-partisonships from not only Washington but from the country?

For any politician to beleive they can acomoplish that is simple minded and naive.

As far as I am concerned stating that "he will require" and "he will demand" is very straight forward.
Also I did find another interesting fact about some policy of Obama. Anyone making over 100k a year will see a tax increase of over 15% according to his plans. That policy alone makes me a supporter of whoever is running against him.

How about a non-partisan link to verify that?

His tax platform targets $80 billion of tax relief at the middle class and fixed-income senior citizens, I don't see what's so wrong about that.

I'm not sure exactly what Obama is proposing on letting the Bush tax cuts expire (as McCain has proposed in the past too!), but I think you are completely misunderstanding what marginal tax rates mean. I'll take your example whether it's true or not: what that probably means is that all income over $100k will be taxed at 40% instead of 35%, or a 15% increase.
Not nearly as dire as you make it out to be and no different from how it was in 2000. So someone making $150k/yr would nominally pay $2500 more in taxes but not really b/c that's what accountants are for. Anyone making over $100k knows a good accountant is well worth the money.

Obama has also proposed letting capital gains tax rates go back in line with income tax rates. Do you honestly believe that massively wealthy investors like Stephen Schwartzman or T. Boone Pickens should be paying tax rates that are less than half what their secretaries pay?
the percentage might be half of what the secretaries pay but people like warren buffet still contibute vastly more taxes than the average joe in real terms.

anyone who votes democrat or left at all and is under 30 years is a fucking moron
Warren Buffett is a terrible example, as he is one of the biggest proponents of raising taxes on the rich.

Who's the moron?
Warren Buffett is a terrible example, as he is one of the biggest proponents of raising taxes on the rich.

Who's the moron?

ouch...this is true

I really don't care how someone spins the percentages. Raising my taxes any more than they are is going to far. I have a good accountant and I still had to pay a huge amount in taxes this year.

That is money that I could either hire an employee or spend in our economy. Tax CUTS are what will save our economy not hand outs.
The reason Obama has large and fervent support is his positive platform of hope and change. Politicians are only known for offering the public protection from negative things and nightmares (terrorism, global warming, illegal drug use, etc) the usual boogie man shit.

Hillary Clinton's campaign is based on negativity, and McCain's is based on scare tactics. People notice the sharp contrast when Obama comes into play.

I think his policies and accomplishments have little to do with his popularity.
That is money that I could either hire an employee or spend in our economy. Tax CUTS are what will save our economy not hand outs.

So in the example I gave, where the increased tax burden = 1.6% of income, is that really what will sway your ability to hire someone? Let's be real here, nothing that is being proposed will fundamentally alter anyone's behavior or consumption patterns EXCEPT maybe the poor and lower-middle class, which is the point. The marginal impact for people like you and me (assuming you truly make 6-figures) is puny. So cut the bluster already.

Our economy was in far better shape in the mid to late 90s before the Bush tax cuts. And those tax cuts plus the Iraq war are a HUGE reason the dollar is totally fucked and will be for years now.

The fiscal policies you are supporting are what put our economy in this hole in the first place.

And let's see some non-partisan links about Obama's TERRIBLE COMMIE COMING TO GET YOU policies. Where are they? Oh that's right, you don't have any.

If you paid attention in history class, you would remember that it is actually the Dems who saved you from the Commies when they were truly an internal threat - i.e. FDR, Eugene Debs, when the Communist Party USA and Social Party were powerful movements here.

The Cold War commies only threatened mutually assured destruction, not the overthrow of the U.S. government and economy.
The reason Obama has large and fervent support is his positive platform of hope and change. Politicians are only known for offering the public protection from negative things and nightmares (terrorism, global warming, illegal drug use, etc) the usual boogie man shit.

Hillary Clinton's campaign is based on negativity, and McCain's is based on scare tactics. People notice the sharp contrast when Obama comes into play.

I think his policies and accomplishments have little to do with his popularity.

You hit the nail on the head, Dru.
The reason Obama has large and fervent support is his positive platform of hope and change. Politicians are only known for offering the public protection from negative things and nightmares (terrorism, global warming, illegal drug use, etc) the usual boogie man shit.

Hillary Clinton's campaign is based on negativity, and McCain's is based on scare tactics. People notice the sharp contrast when Obama comes into play.

I think his policies and accomplishments have little to do with his popularity.

I so much agree with you. At least the supporters of Ron Paul belived in him for his policy. Obamabots follow him for the nice smile and the little tickle they get inside when they hear him speak.
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