BAM!!!! Andrew Myers coverage on ABC News!

Anyone share this one yet? FOX covered it as well.

WRGT-TV FOX 45 News :: News - Top Stories - Why Cyberbullying Site Creaters Avoid Criminal Charges

NVM just saw it in the original thread

haha...this was fun to watch, i was there on day one, suggesting he shut the site the thread a day later and my jaw dropped.
What an idiot, what he wanted to do what go on DP, but he accidently came on WF, not realizing he just posted a thread in the wrong forum. Good lordy.
And that boys, is how you get a white hat link! Are you watching Matt?

INT. Airport. Day.

[Man sits with laptop near charging kiosk during layover. Movember growth intact.]

WickedFire, you magnificent bastards ... you read my blog!​
sup Drew?

So you shat your pants and decided to lie yourself out of this mess. Wise decision...
What Drew Myers Will Say: I decided I didn't want to sell to Bullyville, that's why they're saying it's false that they own it, because I decided against it.
They are running it a 2nd time! Woah... Now doing an entire story on Cyber Bulling and how to protect yourself!

In depth coverage going on.. Law professor saying victims can sue Civil cases, may be hard to win, but distress, etc.. Hmmm.

"Moral of the story, don't take pictures and e-mail, could come back to bite you" - Girl + Law professor.

There's a far bigger barrier to a civil case. He's obviously a penniless peasant, so good luck trying to collect your damages. First rule of litigation - don't sue broke people unless you're just trying to 'prove a point' :D