BAM!!!! Andrew Myers coverage on ABC News!


For those of us who aren't American, what the fuck is ABC22 & FOX45? What type of syndication are we talking? Is this stuff just specific to Dayton or Ohio or what? Not that it really matters, as long as it hits where he lives.

It's more than just Dayton. They broadcast in Cincinatti too. Not sure where else.

CNN is also interested in the story.

Lol at this comment.

For those of us who aren't American, what the fuck is ABC22 & FOX45? What type of syndication are we talking? Is this stuff just specific to Dayton or Ohio or what? Not that it really matters, as long as it hits where he lives.

Those are TV networks and their corresponding channels, you you include the number it indicates you're talking about a local affiliate.

So ABC22 is the ABC network, on channel 22.
FOX45 would be the FOX network, on channel 45.

For example in this part of Wisconsin we have FOX11 and ABC2 are the respective affiliates.

NOTE: Not all channels are listed like this, just generally ones that broadcast local shit. You don't reference say, The Food Network as Food1256 or whatever.
Holy shit...

They are running TV ads for the story! It's going to be featured here in a sec on the 11pm news. Just watched the 15 sec ad clip pop up on my TV, lol.

In Cincinnati right now.
Watching now it's on!

"He say's he just the middle man, the messenger.." "Body pic with his tats". Victim talking about it, saying she's been seen by co-workers.. Says online warriors on mission to take it down. Showing facebook: Time to do bigger things. ... And that's it.. Sin Clair police are looking into an investigation. May send info to county prosc.

Nice little 2-3 min spot on TV. Good job WickedFire!
My appologies for the quality, however it was the best that I could do recording from the news's live streaming video channel. Hopefully it will suffice until the news channel is able to update the story with the video as promised.

[ame=]Drew Myers Dayton Ohio - ABC Fox 22 - YouTube[/ame]​
They are running it a 2nd time! Woah... Now doing an entire story on Cyber Bulling and how to protect yourself!

In depth coverage going on.. Law professor saying victims can sue Civil cases, may be hard to win, but distress, etc.. Hmmm.

"Moral of the story, don't take pictures and e-mail, could come back to bite you" - Girl + Law professor.
Here is the full interview with Mr. Drew Myers and one victim of his revenge porn site.

[ame=]Drew Myers Dayton Ohio- ABC News Interviews Revenge Porn-site Operator - YouTube[/ame]​
Guys, not sure if you know this or not but Justin put a lot of time and effort to get this news report together which means business and all work had been put on hold for the time being to try and get some kind of justice done here. Remarkable effort Justin, you get free services from me of any kind. I also think there was a big lesson learned here... Be aware and make aware the people around you, friends, family and all peers... The internet is serious business and we need to protect our children better. I know I will be sitting down with my kids to have a chat when they get to the right age. Once again, good work people.