Auto Approve list for Scrapebox - 5000+ Unique Domains

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is there a premium list available? I wouldn't mind paying more....

I don't have any other auto approve lists for sale at the moment. However the next one will be what you might call a premium list. It will include all urls from each domain that are auto approve as well as a list that can be posted to that are moderated.

Please put me on your contact list as well! THANKS!

I added you mate. :)

The new list is still coming along, but my server was having issues and I had to have it re imaged. So I got set back a few days, but its back up and running today and I am plugging away.
Is this list burnt yet (aka spammed)? If not, count me in. Sending PM now.
I have gotten a lot of PMs and questions about it. So just to clear up any confusion.

This list is

In order to keep the list from becoming spammed out I limit the number of copies sold. It works out good and the lists stay good for a long time to come. However it means I just have to keep making new lists. :)
If you would like to be notified when the next list is out please let me know and I will put you on the list. I am working on the next list, but still have a bit to go on it. I just got my other sever back up and running after a set back though so it is going faster now.


loopline, please add me to your contact list. I am very interested in your next list as I missed this one...

Can you please add me to your next update as i will be looking to purchase as soon as you have something available.

I will send out notifications to all of you and all who have Pmd me. :) Thanks for your interest. I am plowing away on the list today.
Well the core of the list is done already. I have the domains, right now I am just going thru the domains to extract all the urls on each domain. So this list will have not only the actual domains, but the urls extracted from those domains as well.

I hope that the list will be done this week. I have encountered a few set backs that have slowed me down. Ideally it would be done by Wednesday this week, but I don't know if that is going to happen or not. :)
Hi I've just joined this forum and I just came across your offer. As I do not appear to be able to send a PM to you yet, can you please add me to your list for the next release.

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