Arizona New Law

Agreed. This is simply racial profiling.

Surprised this wasn't used after 9/11 to identify the "terrorists" which are the actual threat to the US!

Funny how those in this thread for this bill didn't care to mention the ban of ethnic studies in Arizona as well?
Is that kool too?

Funny how this isn't true either, they didn't ban ethnic studies AT ALL, they said these ethnic studies classes COULD NOT BAN students of a different ethnicity, i.e. Hispanic Studies classes could not exclude blacks, whites, etc who wanted to take the class too. So to ask you, is excluding people from a class because they aren't your same ethnicity "kool too" ?

Oh and lets address you as a capitalistic fucker shall we. If those same companies lose the "illegals" you hate so much. Who do you think will end up paying for it. I will give you a hint. Starts with Y middle letter is O and the last one is U.

These companies, will just pass the cost on to you. So either way you are getting fucked. I suppose which way is an order of preference.

Just saying, if illegals get no jobs then americans will which means americans will get paid more, which then equals to americans spending more on products = higher living standard which then means more money for places like best buy or walmart which then if there are no illegals will create more jobs to fill in for places because more orders will be coming through.

Basically it means we can afford to pay out more because we will get paid more.
My dotcom's office was in 16th and Mission in 2000.

The way we white dudes would get chicks was to tell them how horrible we white, straight dudes are, and how greedy and racist. And that being a minority means you are a victim. And that America is the greatest evil in the world. And if you disagree, you're a redneck.

The panties would drop to the floor.

After a few generations of that, voila - you have modern San Francisco. Where that storyline gives the whole city a reason to wake up in the morning.

lol this is hilarious if true
If I have 10 people in a room and 8 of them are brown. There's an 80% chance I randomly pick a brown one.
Got this email fwd today, did not fact check...

From the L. A. Times
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes.
This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7... The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.. (There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County .)

(All 10 of the above facts were published in the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but
29% are on welfare. Over 70% of the United States ' annual population growth(and over 90% of California , Florida , and New York ) results from immigration. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens .

We are fools for letting this continue
My dotcom's office was in 16th and Mission in 2000.

The way we white dudes would get chicks was to tell them how horrible we white, straight dudes are, and how greedy and racist. And that being a minority means you are a victim. And that America is the greatest evil in the world. And if you disagree, you're a redneck.

The panties would drop to the floor.

Your "office" was at 16th & Mission?

Those were crack ho's, man. Saying anything and having a $20 bill to your name will get their panties to drop. ;)
If I have 10 people in a room and 8 of them are brown. There's an 80% chance I randomly pick a brown one.

If I have 10 people in a room and all of them are dead, there's an 80% chance I'll randomly pick pockets before calling 911.
I just think this is a step closer to the real id act.

Its been known that they would use terroism and the threat of illegals to scare americans into giving up there rights.

I dont understand how you enforce this without taking away the rights of foreign looking americans.

I really wish people would stop bitching about the slackers and titty sucking welfare fucks and focus on making there own money.

Service workers are going to be menial workers in a global economy - your never going to be able to live the american dream working for the man anymore.

the countrys set up for the people who are willing to take advantage of some people.

grow some balls and stop bitching about a bunch of illegals.

If I have 10 people in a room and 8 of them are brown. There's an 80% chance I randomly pick a brown one.

lol nice

This is why you are a bunch of RACIST REPUBLICANS.

Thanks to your damn laws my sweet Maximo has to go back to Guatemala to renew his visa. For two months, I'll have to bend it back and probe my own ass instead of his. Do you even care how sore that makes you? No, you BUSHIES only care about yourselves.

The other day he was working the street corner in an elegant green velvet body stocking and the cops stopped him. Just because of his race.

I say close all the businesses in the US and put the owners in jail. Then nobody will be able to hire and exploit illegals. Bunch of capitalist pigs anyway. Businesses are just in it for the money.


Wow, I can see why you're heartbroken
You failed to even get the point of my post.

The immigration BS they are doing is racial profiling so it IS RACIST>

How can you compare morality and this situation to something like prohibition. All this new crap law does is give racist asshole a reason to be even BIGGER RACIST ASSHOLES.

There will never be any decent reform because both sides of the political isle bicker like big fucking babies and just cannot learn how to meet in the middle of anything.

This whole country was and is built on immigrants, legal and illegal. We used to make it fairly easy for people to immgrate here but now have made it damn near impossible.

All I am saying is make the borders more open. Stop prosecuting the "illegals" and go after the companies. They are the ones adding fuel to the fire. The companies and rich people, you hire an illegal immigrant and pay them under the table YOU GO TO FUCKING JAIL. As simple as that.

Take away the enabler instead of the people just here to actually work.


I completely get the point of your post and I myself mentioned that the racial profiling angle is not a good thing. Some people will always be racist and unfortunately you just can't fix stupid.

Others may not agree, but I do believe racism is a moral issue and that is where I was going with the prohibition angle. I like a cold beer as much as the next guy, but if it was against the law I wouldn't be drinking(as much as it pains me to say that)!

Making the borders more open is definitely not the answer. For every honest and hard working person that is trying to make a better life for their family, and I have no problem with that, you get many times more drug runners and other criminal elements that simply make a mockery of our laws.

We see this every day down here and I won't even get into the issues you will find in the border towns.

As far as prosecuting the businesses that hire illegals, I am on the same page with you. In saying that, taking away the ability for illegals to make money by working does not automatically send all of them back across the border. Many of them will stay because it is easier to live off of the welfare of American tax payer than it is to go back home.

As I said before, I am not against immigration. This country was founded by immigrants and immigration is one of the key things that made us a great nation. In many cases immigrants are better Americans than a lot of people that were born and bred in this country because they truly understand what the American dream is.

I don't think that anyone that lives here in Arizona(redneck idiots excluded) believes that this law is perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than continuing with the status quo.
I don't understand how it is so fucking hard to check if someone is legal before giving them welfare? I mean they already walked their ass into a government agency and volunteered.
I have one client who randomly forwards me political chain letters. I received this one today and thought it was pretty relevant to this thread.

We, in Arizona , know you're boycotting us -- but you really should come out here and see our Beautiful Sonoran Desert .

It's just gorgeous right now! We know you'd love it and maybe you can share what you saw with the rest of the country so they can love it too!


This is on an 'illegal super - highway' from Mexico to the USA ( Tucson ) used by human smugglers.

This area is located in a wash, approximately 1.5 miles long, just south of Tucson , Arizona . If a flood came, all this would be washed to the river and then onto the sea!


It is estimated over 5,000 discarded backpacks are in this wash. Countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing, feces, including thousands of soiled baby diapers. And as you can see in this picture, fresh footprints leading right into it .


As we kept walking down the wash, we thought for sure it was going to end, but around every corner was more and more trash !


And of course the trail leading out of the wash in our city, heads directly NORTH to Tucson , then leads to your town tomorrow.


They've already come through here. Isn't Arizona just beautiful, America ? Why would you boycott us? Our desert has basically been turned into a landfill.


The trash left behind by people illegally crossing our border is another Environmental Disaster to hit the USA .

If these actions had been done in one of our Northwest Forests or Seashore National Parks areas, there would be an uprising of the American people.....but this is the Arizona-Mexican border.

You won't see these pictures on CNN, ABC, NBC or the Arizona Republic Repugnant newspaper. Nor will they mention the disease that comes from the uncovered human waste that was left in our desert.

However, with respect to CNN, ABC & NBC, they do offer us "Special Reports" on cheating celebrity spouses.... This information needs to be seen by the rest of the country.
When I skimmed through that I was wondering why all that crap wasn't picked up. It's like having a trail for the people to find their way back or hide in lol.
There is so much irony in the shit you say.

People complain about the jobs issue. Now, what is IRONIC about that. The same REPUBLICAN DOUCHEBAGS pushing for these laws are the same ones that employ the "illegals". Nanny's, Yard workers, Gardeners, Picking in the fields.

Really? So the republicans who own these companies you speak of account for ALL republicans?. They probably make up .005% of ALL republicans. And i'm sure no Democrat ever employed an illegal alien. God Forbid.

Oh and lets address you as a capitalistic fucker shall we. If those same companies lose the "illegals" you hate so much. Who do you think will end up paying for it. I will give you a hint. Starts with Y middle letter is O and the last one is U.

These companies, will just pass the cost on to you. So either way you are getting fucked. I suppose which way is an order of preference.

The cost is currently being passed to all of us. They don't pay income taxes into the system (and employers don't pay for payroll or insurance), yet they use the resources. Where does the revenue come from to pay for those resources? Answer: Everyone else who pays taxes.

And i bet the amount of taxes that would be made up by employers paying payroll taxes would probably be greater than the increase in the cost of goods

On draining the economy. They help the economy as they keep the cost of shit down. They pay local tax everytime they go to the store and buy something. Not all illegals pay no taxes. Some own homes and pay property tax on them. Live with someone who does and helps them pay it.

Again, they don't pay income taxes, but more importantly, their employers don't pay payroll taxes, which means the lost revenue has to be made up somewhere: everyone elses taxes.

Also they don't pay emergency room bills and they surely don't pay rent to be in jail. All of those costs have to be made up by everyone else. The increase in an Illegal's wage to meet minimum wage if the employer had to go legal would likely not have as great of an increase on the cost of goods as the benefit from the Govt. being able to get payroll/income taxes as well as communities not paying for hospital bills and penitentiary occupancy.

The problem with the law in AZ isn't that it is trying to get "illegals" out of the state/country. It is basically racial profiling, who do you think are going to be targets of this thing. People that "look" like "illegals" to me that would be trampling on my liberties as an American.

Do you even know what the law is. It isn't going up to everyone on the street that looks mexican and asking for ID. The person in question first has to be a suspect of some sort (i.e. pulled over, intoxicated in public, domestic abuse etc. Called "Lawful Contact". See the bill...) One the cop is there, he can ask to see papers. This is already a federal requirement anyway, AZ is just going to start enforcing it.

Now, as far as the "illegals" and immigration reform. We need a better system in place to allow them to come here. Like someone stated having to wait 10+ years is just insane.

Whatever wait there is, it corresponds to the # of applicants in line. The only way to shorten the wait time would be to increase the number of immigrants we let in, but allowing too many immigrants, especially unskilled workers, could be pretty bad for both our economy and culture

The reform needs to address more things then hunting them down and shipping them out. Though this will never happen here is what I think needs to be done.

1. Easier and more open borders. I better process to allow immigrants to come to our country.

2. A special working visa, That allows an employer to pay them like $1 less in minimum wage.

3. With this special visa - There would be an incentive and certain tax breaks for employers to hire them. Now I know OMG Affirmative Action but...

So all in all it sounds like you want to make it easier for immigrants to find work over existing citizens? Why should immigrants get dibs over citizens?

These lower wage people will help the economy grow. Put certain restrictions on the percentage a company is allowed. Say 5-10% of the employees are allowed at this special Visa.

Remember a lot of employers just simply go over the borders to do things anyway. Doing something like this would help keep the jobs we lose here. Would you rather lose all the jobs to a different country or some of the jobs to immigration reform.

Why not just lower the minimum wage by $1 nationwide? If you think that minimum wage exists because wages lower than it are immoral, then why should immigrants have to take wages below minimum wage? That sounds....racists?

4. Build programs and assistance to help them actually come here and offer them jobs. These employers can hire them from a pool of some sort. They would have to offer certain things to make sure the immigrant has a decent transition. Maybe some housing provided by larger employers.
Perhaps requiring immigrants to speak a basic level of english will make their transition easier and help them contribute more to our society?

5. Stricter and stiffer penalties on companies who are caught hiring "illegals" This is one thing that people never seem to think about. Is it easier to get to the companies or the illegal aliens. There are penalties but they are not stiff enough. I have seen bus loads of "illegal immigrants" shipped out from a company. Only for that same company to have another 50 back with in a week.

Right on here

You need to stop blaming the people that come here and look at the enablers ie companies offering the jobs and such.

That's like saying you can't blame the thief, but you should blame the wealthy man who left his door open. Stealing is still stealing. And you are right that employers are at fault too, but you can't say they are more at fault then the people sneaking across the borders.