Arizona New Law


Not 4 Sale
Apr 20, 2010
Just want to hear what WF has to say about it, I for pretty much think that its stupid that LA had to get involved with it by boycotting Arizona. - Napolitano Admits She Hasn't Read Arizona Immigration Law in 'Detail'

Just saying, if the law passes and gets the illegal citizens out whats the big idea, you broke the law by coming here and took the chance at that.

Can there really be a good argument against why ILLEGAL citizens should be allowed in the Us?

Just curious what other people think of this

Justin virtually 80% of the country strongly supports the law. All my Mexican friends do. And actually it's *not* a new law; it's just enforcement of the existing ones.

The older you get (I'm 40) over the years you eventually see that the best way to cash in is to tell someone what a victim they are, and that you'll come to their rescue.

This applies especially to the mainstream media - in case you were wondering why we are told all day that the world is coming to an end from global warming, BP, SUV's, and now racist white people. The best businesses solve problems, and the news business needs to manufacture/exaggerate problems to sell.
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the only people that are against the bill are either (a) die hard liberals or (b) the immigrants.
IM glad people see it my way also, just sorta confused me when i was looking the paper why people were so outraged about this and protesting, and with LA city council boycotting AZ
At the end of the day anyone whos against this either has a political agenda, is an illegal immigrant, or has friends/family that are illegal immigrants. The fact that people want to defend someone that has broken the law and is an illegal immigrant is absolutely retarded and both makes me laugh and makes me want to go play in traffic.
Can there really be a good argument against why ILLEGAL citizens should be allowed in the Us?

• Cheap labor for business owners (in the South they tend to work in chicken houses and processing plants, carpet factories, etc.).
• Democrats like to use them for getting reelected (PETA and other organizations give them IDs to use).
• They take jobs that most Americans won't do.

I just like their food.

But yes, they do need to come over legally. It'd save a lot of money in fraud.

The last bullet point above is usually what you hear to rationalize why they are being hired. What they won't say is that those jobs were being done by someone else first, just for more money to do that job.
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I think this is absolutely absurd that a lot of people feel this enforcement of the law is ridiculous. Arizona is doing something the US has not had the balls to do, and probably never will. They are legitimately attempting to protect their borders from illegal Mexicans.

Does Arizona hate Mexicans? Fuck no. They naturalized over 700,000 Mexicans last year. They merely want legal tax paying citizens in their state.

I personally don't care if you black, blue, brown, white, green, or purple. I just want you to be tax paying citizen who has to follow the same laws as everyone else.

My two cents. :)
I think this is absolutely absurd that a lot of people feel this enforcement of the law is ridiculous. Arizona is doing something the US has not had the balls to do, and probably never will. They are legitimately attempting to protect their borders from illegal Mexicans.

Does Arizona hate Mexicans? Fuck no. They naturalized over 700,000 Mexicans last year. They merely want legal tax paying citizens in their state.

I personally don't care if you black, blue, brown, white, green, or purple. I just want you to be tax paying citizen who has to follow the same laws as everyone else.

My two cents. :)

enough said /thread
illegals are illegal = mindfuck

fuck those turd heads - they come over here and rape our Country, healthcare system, school systems, take jobs away from US citizens.

God Bless Arizona for having some fucking balls. Wish the rest of the border states would drop a set.
agree with you that they are taking advantage of our healthcare system and school systems, but taking away jobs from US citizens is a stretch. They do all the crap jobs that Americans won't.

illegals are illegal = mindfuck

fuck those turd heads - they come over here and rape our Country, healthcare system, school systems, take jobs away from US citizens.

God Bless Arizona for having some fucking balls. Wish the rest of the border states would drop a set.

I'm not entirely against this new law, just the way it might get applied. I think immigrants need to go through the legal processes of coming here, and they need to pay their fair share of taxes. I do see an opportunity for a lot of discrimination and hate, which really won't help this for either side.
agree with you that they are taking advantage of our healthcare system and school systems, but taking away jobs from US citizens is a stretch. They do all the crap jobs that Americans won't.

I would say "They do all the crap jobs that Americans won't" is a stretch. Americans have done those jobs and will do those jobs.
I'm not entirely against this new law, just the way it might get applied. I think immigrants need to go through the legal processes of coming here, and they need to pay their fair share of taxes. I do see an opportunity for a lot of discrimination and hate, which really won't help this for either side.

If you are Mexican, want to immigrate to the United States legally, and do not have family already here, you are fucked. There is a 10 year + waiting list. Until our gov speeds up approvals, might as well hop the border.

Similar problem with patents btw.
I would say "They do all the crap jobs that Americans won't" is a stretch. Americans have done those jobs and will do those jobs.

Yeah, that's a bullshit talking point the Left uses. Americans will do a job if the pay is worth it. The only reason they won't do it is because businesses hire illegals for peanuts - well, yeah NO SHIT they don't want to do crap jobs for CRAP wages! Penalize businesses, drive away the illegals, those wages will go up, and the unemployment rate goes down. It's not fucking rocket science.
Yeah, that's a bullshit talking point the Left uses. Americans will do a job if the pay is worth it. The only reason they won't do it is because businesses hire illegals for peanuts - well, yeah NO SHIT they don't want to do crap jobs for CRAP wages! Penalize businesses, drive away the illegals, those wages will go up, and the unemployment rate goes down. It's not fucking rocket science.
There is so much irony in the shit you say.

People complain about the jobs issue. Now, what is IRONIC about that. The same REPUBLICAN DOUCHEBAGS pushing for these laws are the same ones that employ the "illegals". Nanny's, Yard workers, Gardeners, Picking in the fields.

Oh and lets address you as a capitalistic fucker shall we. If those same companies lose the "illegals" you hate so much. Who do you think will end up paying for it. I will give you a hint. Starts with Y middle letter is O and the last one is U.

These companies, will just pass the cost on to you. So either way you are getting fucked. I suppose which way is an order of preference.

On draining the economy. They help the economy as they keep the cost of shit down. They pay local tax everytime they go to the store and buy something. Not all illegals pay no taxes. Some own homes and pay property tax on them. Live with someone who does and helps them pay it.

The problem with the law in AZ isn't that it is trying to get "illegals" out of the state/country. It is basically racial profiling, who do you think are going to be targets of this thing. People that "look" like "illegals" to me that would be trampling on my liberties as an American.

Now, as far as the "illegals" and immigration reform. We need a better system in place to allow them to come here. Like someone stated having to wait 10+ years is just insane.

The reform needs to address more things then hunting them down and shipping them out. Though this will never happen here is what I think needs to be done.

1. Easier and more open borders. I better process to allow immigrants to come to our country.

2. A special working visa, That allows an employer to pay them like $1 less in minimum wage.

3. With this special visa - There would be an incentive and certain tax breaks for employers to hire them. Now I know OMG Affirmative Action but...

These lower wage people will help the economy grow. Put certain restrictions on the percentage a company is allowed. Say 5-10% of the employees are allowed at this special Visa.

Remember a lot of employers just simply go over the borders to do things anyway. Doing something like this would help keep the jobs we lose here. Would you rather lose all the jobs to a different country or some of the jobs to immigration reform.

4. Build programs and assistance to help them actually come here and offer them jobs. These employers can hire them from a pool of some sort. They would have to offer certain things to make sure the immigrant has a decent transition. Maybe some housing provided by larger employers.

5. Stricter and stiffer penalties on companies who are caught hiring "illegals" This is one thing that people never seem to think about. Is it easier to get to the companies or the illegal aliens. There are penalties but they are not stiff enough. I have seen bus loads of "illegal immigrants" shipped out from a company. Only for that same company to have another 50 back with in a week.

You need to stop blaming the people that come here and look at the enablers ie companies offering the jobs and such.
Oh and lets address you as a capitalistic fucker shall we. If those same companies lose the "illegals" you hate so much. Who do you think will end up paying for it. I will give you a hint. Starts with Y middle letter is O and the last one is U.

Im not even gonna read past this part, did you fail high school economics or something? The same reason we should get businesses to hire u.s. citizens at decent rates over illegals is the same reason we love going to war.

If the business owner passes on the extra cost of paying higher wages to the consumer as you say, this is a good thing because in turn the consumer who is getting paid by the business owner double what the illegal was making can now buy more goods with the money he made, get it?

Every extra dollar passing through people's hands in payment = good for economy and good for sales tax. The added benefit you get is also you have 1 less person on unemployment if we could get people employed in the jobs that mexicans are currently doing.

P.S. dont you owe people some money? You're hardly one to defend illegal immigration when you scammed multiple people at this forum.
Im not even gonna read past this part, did you fail high school economics or something? The same reason we should get businesses to hire u.s. citizens at decent rates over illegals is the same reason we love going to war.

If the business owner passes on the extra cost of paying higher wages to the consumer as you say, this is a good thing because in turn the consumer who is getting paid by the business owner double what the illegal was making can now buy more goods with the money he made, get it?

Every extra dollar passing through people's hands in payment = good for economy and good for sales tax. The added benefit you get is also you have 1 less person on unemployment if we could get people employed in the jobs that mexicans are currently doing.

P.S. dont you owe people some money? You're hardly one to defend illegal immigration when you scammed multiple people at this forum.

Why comment when you only read part of it. READ THE WHOLE THING or STFU.

P.S. If I did and it was in fact "scamming" I am sure they would ban me.