Are Designers & Photographers "Greedy Pigs"?

Buy the ones you need large and pretty.

For all the other images —

Google Image Search -> Page 11 -> Save, Mirror, Crop -> Your own hard-earned and created photo.

Flickr is also great for this, and many people leave the full-sized versions of their photos up.

As a designer, I find that stuff is worth precisely what people will pay for it.

Are you angry because it's a good business model that's making a lot of money?

Whenever you find yourself mad that something is very successful, start your own version of it instead of complaining.

I paid $249 for one month of downloads from, good for every single photo on the site at any size available. I then paid $1.45 an hour to have someone download every image in the category I told them for that day. You can download up to 25 pictures a day.

My library overfloweth.
Some designer are worth it. Not all but some. Photographers on the other hand are not.

I'm one of those crazy people that pays $XXX-X,XXX for a logo. Why ? Because it's more then a Half ass design it's mark for my company. Something well thought out and designed. Not a I stock vector. Also look on design forums,dribble for talent that undercharges. Seriously I have found some good designers who Just don't know how much their designs are worth are not confident about charging alot for their work.
It takes a second to hit the shutter. Takes hours to code a script.

Cry me a freaking river you whiny man child. It's a business expense, do you now make money using these?

I don't sell them, but I have photos of the Tetons, ones that 99% of the people out there are going to get. My investment in these photos is several thousand dollars worth of camera gear, 1,500 miles of driving and 35 miles of backpacking. Not to mention the computer, monitor, and colorimeter, back-up, etc. I'm not interested in giving these away to peasants for nothing in return.

All I need to write PHP is skill, a case of mountain dew and a computer off craigslist for two hundred bucks and a crappy comcast connection.

Of course there are public domain images if you so choose.
It takes a second to hit the shutter. Takes hours to code a script.

My dad is a photographer - does wildlife photographs. He's spent over $50k on photographic kit (lenses for that sort of work come in at between $8-10K a pop). For every photograph he publishes, he takes probably 200, and spends dozens of hours on processing time to make them look great. Plus, he's spent more than 30 years learning how to take nature photographs.

It's piss easy to take average photographs, but very hard to take amazing ones. Although granted, a lot of the stuff on stock sites is average.
As adhustler said should charge what the market is willing to pay. If you give things away for too cheap people won't value your time and they'll expect you to start working for free.

OP is a fucking idiot. The value is in the experience, the effort, and the knowledge it takes to be a awesome designer/photographer/etc.
I've written free tutorials which to date have had over a million+ readers.. I've done freebies like orba free icon set too.

It can certainly help with exposure and bringing in new clients. My few free tutorials have generated me well over $xxx,xxx in client work the last 4/5 years.

I always see programmers developing shit for free, but good luck finding a designer willing to give anything for free.

But you're definitely wrong on that end.. Just look at Icon Search Engine | Iconfinder - sort by free. Tons of free icons. Go to Google and type "free wordpress themes", you'll find thousands. Go to Dribbble - Show and tell for designers and type in "free" (Dribbble - Show and tell for designers), tons of free shit.

Now if you approach a designer and ask them to design something for you custom and demand it free, they'd be a moron unless you're going to give them something in return like a blog post or barter of some sort.
In general no, I do not consider them to be "greedy pigs". I work with some really talented designers and usually pay a reasonable static amount for what might generate twice the ROI of a sub-standard design.

It takes a second to hit the shutter. Takes hours to code a script.

There are some photographers who have to wait 12 hours in spots to get the right lighting or wait for an animal to appear or whatever else they are waiting for.

It took a lot of experience and hard work for Matt Mullenweg to develop WordPress.

No shit but it's already been covered in this thread that wordpress is a multi million dollar business.

Why should you be entitled to someone else's labor for free, especially if you intend to profit from it?
Why should you be entitled to someone else's labor for free, especially if you intend to profit from it?

This is a problem for musicians as well. For example, a lot of shop owners don't feel like they should have to pay a fee to the PROs for a license to broadcast music in their stores, even though the music is helping drive sales.
Can you handle the truth? Do not read further if you cannot.

The truth is there is no such thing as designers or photographers. There use to be, back in the 90's and early turn of the century. Today though, long gone buddy.

Us programmers, we took a lot of crap from people in high school. The rise of the internet, we decided was our time. Everything was going great until the designers and photographers started signing on.

We we're lazy they said. Our work wasn't as hard as theirs they said. They were the ones with the real creativity they said.

They're not talking anymore.

All of us programmers got together, and constructed very elaborate Artificial Intelligence that could design any design, and replicate any scene as any type of photography.

Why else do you think you always hear your friends whining about how they can "never make their pictures look like these ones on the internet". Because it's not physically possible. That's why.

To be even more devious, we decided to start releasing our software free of charge. Some of us had already started charging for software, and it was too late to change things after our plan went into action. That's why mIRC and WinRAR trials never expire.

After we changed our public image from sinister and monopolistic to benevolent and generous, our artificial designers and photographers began to charge higher and higher prices. The more we made our artificial designers and photographers charge, the more "open source" software we released.

This is how we can provide you with free software. We simply hike up the cost of designs and stock images.

And there is nothing you can do about it. Even as I post this, giving away every single detail of a vast conspiracy, nobody would believe you if you repeated it.

So I end my post with an evil laugh. Muahahahahahaha.

Cry me a freaking river you whiny man child. It's a business expense, do you now make money using these?

I don't sell them, but I have photos of the Tetons, ones that 99% of the people out there are going to get. My investment in these photos is several thousand dollars worth of camera gear, 1,500 miles of driving and 35 miles of backpacking. Not to mention the computer, monitor, and colorimeter, back-up, etc. I'm not interested in giving these away to peasants for nothing in return.

All I need to write PHP is skill, a case of mountain dew and a computer off craigslist for two hundred bucks and a crappy comcast connection.

Of course there are public domain images if you so choose.

To get that skill it'll cost more than $50k worth of time. That's like saying oh to take a picture you just have to drive somewhere and get a camera. You can get shit code just like you can get a shit picture. The time it takes to develop good skill in either programming or photography is directly related to the amount of time spent perfecting what it is you do and time is money.
Posting in a peasant thread. Seriously, "greedy pigs"? How is this guy not banned at WF yet?
My pricing structure as a designer is based on the amount of hours to complete any given project. I also offer unlimited changes until the project is perfect for the client. That also has an effect on my cost. You would be surprised how many people give you specific instructions but once they see it want to move and change things around. I do try and work with everyone’s budget when I can though. Sometimes the client just needs to remove items until they can afford to add them.