Are Designers & Photographers "Greedy Pigs"?


New member
May 4, 2012
OK this is gonna be harsh if you're a designer or photographer, but sorry I gotta get it off my chest.. why the fuck do you have to charge ridiculous prices for your designs and photos?

I dont know.. why does it seem like web designers are so money-hungry compared to programmers for instance? I always see programmers developing shit for free, but good luck finding a designer willing to give anything for free.

Listen, I'm more than willing to pay for every image I use on my websites, but when I look at websites like istockphoto, shutterstock and the such, it's like minimum $5 for a shitty tiny image of a pen! Why do they rape people like that? and if I wanted a designer to design it from scratch it'll cost me way more.

How come the "open source" concept never caught up with designers? Have you ever seen designers providing quality images for free to the community?

I don't know, it seems way harder to code a blogging script than to take a picture of a mountain. Yet I have more chances of a finding that script for free. I'd probably have to pay minimum $50 for the mountain pic.

Since SOPA and all these rules came out, I honestly made an effort to buy more images and hire more designers, but fuck I realize now that it's costing me hundreds of dollars a month, with zero added value (since I used to simply download them for free prior to SOPA)

Thoughts? What do you guys do? Are you buying all your images or still downloading off Google images?

Cause all of the designers and photographers are hipsters and they need money to buy the newest CD's of bands you've probably never heard of before.
+1 for Occupy Designers & Photographers.

Just tell me where and when bro.
Because you can make millions a year being an open-source software company, whereas it's pretty tough to do with design work.

Or did you think people develop and offer open-source software to be nice?
Umm google "FREE PSD" Will blow your mind. Images are another story though. But there are a few free stock images places.
As a programmer I apologize for my designer friends.

Can I offer you a free program to ease your pain?

It will block your computer from accessing wickedfire so you can't make shitty threads like this one anymore.
Time is money....people charge what the market will bear.

I do however think that istock is getting crazy...its the same picture being sold over and over again.
Protip: Go to China or Thailand and by dvds full of stockphotos for $2 a piece. You can load up on enough stockphotos for a lifetime for $50.

image search
inurl:istock 'your keyword'

Why pay for it again when someone already has?

image search
inurl:istock 'your keyword'

Why pay for it again when someone already has?
Wouldn't it be cool if Google Images weren't already stocked with watermark-free images from webmasters who've already paid for the image you want to use and all it took was a little creativity to find them?

Yeah. That'd be cool.
To be fair, a script can be made from bed. A bad ass picture of a mountain requires a bad ass camera, travel, and a mountain.
Personal favor from me to you...

Check the Facebook IPO thread if you want to uselessly argue about value.
Buy the ones you need large and pretty.

For all the other images —

Google Image Search -> Page 11 -> Save, Mirror, Crop -> Your own hard-earned and created photo.